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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ?·>8 0 WESfTi MAC ARTHUR BLrVD., OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94611 ?╟≤ PHONE 653-6121 Mr. A1 Freeman % Sands Hotel Public Relations Department Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, Nevada April 29, 1968 Dear Al: With the excitement mounting I am trying to confirm all plans, and realized I hadn?╟╓t made room reservations for some of the San Francisco people. Would it be possible to do this through you if I just list the names and the number of singles and doubles I need? I really appreciate all you are doing for me. This long distance planning is difficult and you make me feel so secure knowing you are there and interested. As it looks now I?╟╓ll need four singles for - 1) Aileen Atwood - 2) Dr. Ralph Kelly - 3) Fred Fox - 4) Mrs. S. Fox (Fred?╟╓s mother),' and nine doubles for - 1) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Green (my parents) - 2) Mr. & Mrs. Ed Smith (my sister & husband) 3) Nichole, John and Jeff Smith (nephews) all from Connecticut 4) Creta Burgess and Pat Bayliss - 5) Betty Hauser and Jan Tracy 6) Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wyatt (the administrator at Kaiser Hospital) 7) Mr. & Mrs. John Clark (owners of LaMar Chemical Co., and frequent visitors to T.B.C.O.T.A.) - 8) Lt. Commander and Mrs. Joseph Ostrom, and by gosh don?╟╓t forget me! I?╟╓ll need a double for Terry and myself. Al, a number of the Kaiser executives have already made their reservation and have confirmation, so I won?╟╓t go into that. Our II traffic control must have a good in with the Sands because they all got what they wanted with good service. Let me know if this? presents a problem in any way for you, as I understand from Tom Gdbin it is a busy time of the month for the Sands. Again, thank you. [^^6huM njT KAISEF9 FOUNDATION