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APPEN DIX A e x ce e d T w en ty-F ou r M illion ($24, 000, 000.00) D o lla rs; and 5. W HEREAS, the State of Nevada, acting b y and through its C o lo ra d o R iv er C om m ission , and with the approval of G en eral S e rv ic e s A d m in istration , has b y agreem ent of sale dated M ay 23, 1952, a g reed to con v ey to BM I certa in p rop erty including said Water F a c ilitie s , the p u rch ase p r ic e th erefor being evidenced by B M I's p r o m is s o r y note, payable in q u a rterly installm ents until 1968 and secu red by a D eed of T ru st co v erin g said p rop erty ; and 6. WHEREAS, the te r r ito r y of the Water D is tr ict, excep t fo r the p o rtio n now serv ed by said Water F a c ilitie s , is w holly dependent upon underground w aters which are being and have been overdraw n , th ereb y creatin g a c r itic a l and im m ediate water shortage in said t e r r ito r y ; and 7. WHEREAS, said underground w aters are and w ill rem a in the p r im a r y so u rce of water supply in said te rrito ry , and m ust be augm ented fr o m other so u rce s by the m ost econ om ic m ethod until such tim e as the W ater D is tr ict m ay req u ire and be fin a n cia lly able to con stru ct its own w ater tra n sm issio n line to Lake M ead; and 8. WHEREAS, the m ost econ om ic m eth od 'for said W ater D is tr ic t to p re se n tly augment said p rim a ry sou rce is by obtaining d e liv e ry o f a p ortion of water transm itted b y said Water F a c ilitie s ; and 9. WHEREAS, Las V egas V alley W ater D is tr ict is an existin g and org a n ized p u blic corp ora tion of the State of N evada, crea ted under le g isla tio n s p e c ific a lly enacted fo r the p u rpose of acqu irin g and c o n stru ctin g a w aterw orks system , obtaining additional supplies of w ater, and distributing water fo r lawful p u rp oses of the W ater D is tr ict; and 10. WHEREAS, b y P e rm it No. 13424, dated January 31, 1951, the State E ngineer of the State of Nevada approved the app lication of the W ater D is tr ict to annually appropriate fo r m unicipal p u rp oses 43, 000 a cre feet of the public w aters of Lake M ead allotted to the State of N evada b y con tra ct, hereinafter m entioned, with the United States of A m e r ica ; and 11 WHEREAS, the State and the United States of A m e r ic a (h erein a fter r e fe r r e d to as the "U nited States") acting fo r the p u rp ose b y the S e cr e ta ry of the In terior (h erein after r e fe r r e d to as "S e c r e ta r y ) have en tered a certa in con tra ct dated M arch 30, 1942, and am ended A -2