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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (personal) Hr* l * a * Las Vegas - July 2$ 1951 Referring to your le t te r o f June 269 f il e M v i -lg , regarding uncollected water service accounts as of May 3 1 * I f m t T ' . Buring tbs f i r s t few months of the ye a r, a ll our e ffo rts were concentrated upon b rin gin g our records up to date and w ith our lim ite d forces we had no opportunity to devote any appreciable time to delinquent accounts* However, during May we commenced sending out delinquency notices to a ll aooounts w ith accrued charges p r io r to January 1 , 195* end followed up again in June* As a re s u lt we collected In excess of 120*000 during June Including approximately 11*500 upon these o ld accounts* we are continuing our e ffo rts to get these o ld accounts on a current basis and fu rth e r propose during J u ly to send notices to a l l accounts w ith accruals p rio r to A p ril 1 , 1951* Z believe our effo rts in th is respect w ill produce the desired re su lts and we propose to a c tiv e ly follow up the matter u n t il a ll accounts are t on a current basis* V. H* Johnson