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    cc: Mr. Harry E. Miller OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS T H O M A S A . C A M P B E L L PRESIDENT S P E N C E R L . B U T T E R F I E L D VICE-PRESIDENT W I L L I A M C O U L T H A R D SECY.-TREAS. H A R R Y E . M IL L E R J A M E S C A S H M A N J O H N B U N C H LAS V E G A S V A L L E Y W A T E R DISTRICT 9 0 0 S O U T H 5 t h S T R E E T L A S V E G A S , N E V A D A T e l e p h o n e 5 9 2 0 November 7 , 1953 Lr : ' | \ « w / M p »'? /??iiLtY Wa t er dis* M r. W m . Reinhardt V ice President Las Vegas Land & Water Company 422 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, California y Dear M r. Reinhardt; NOV 1 1 1303 TIM E........................ B Y .............. Additions and Betterments to the Las Vegas Land and Water Company System__________ Under the terms of our contract to purchase the facilities of the Las Vegas Land and Water N ow that the bond issue has been passed, it is the feeling of the Board of Directors of the District that these additions and betterments represent an actual expenditure of public funds. The Board also feels that the general rules of competitive bidding on public projects should be followed on future expenditures. In order to present any possible criticism which might be directed against either party to the contract we request that evidence be submitted for each future project that bids have been requested from at least three parties and that the rebate and cost to the Water District be based on the low bid. M r . Montgomery has discussed with M r. Maag means by which this procedure might be carried U //out and we believe that it can be done without materially increasing either your work or ours. m Very truly yours, LAS V E G A S V A LLEY WATER DISTRICT By ____________ Thomas A . Campbell President TACsnih