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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 2001



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    The R eform J ewish Congegation of L as Vegas ...A Special P lace to Belong March 2001 - Vol. XV No. 6 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Drew Leva' President Melissa Fogel Student Rabbi 6 Adar-7 Nisan 5761 Monty E. Willey Jacqueline Fleekop Lois Bergman Judy Murray Melanie Gorman Executive Director Education Director Preschool Director Program Director Bulletin Editor IRAC s RABBI URI REGEV TO SPEAK AT CNT On Wednesday, March 21st, at 7:00 pm, Rabbi Uri Regev, Executive Director and Chief Counsel of the Jerusalem-based Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC), will speak at CNT. IRAC?s mission is the advancement of religious freedom and plural?ism and civil liberties in Israel. In the view of many, Israel stands at a crossroad vis-a-vis its identity as both a Jewish state and a democracy. With much of its secular life and nearly all of its religious life in the grip of the Orthodox, Israel is in great danger of becoming a theocra?cy, a country whose total national culture is dictated by a small religious minority whose views do not at all coincide with |hose of the great majority of its citizens. Just last year, the Attorney General warned a brand new mall in Herzliya that it could not be open for business on Shabbat, despite the wishes of most local residents. Three years ago, an Orthodox com?mittee was formed to begin compiling a list of "proven" Jews so that one would not accidentally marry someone who is not a Jew in Orthodox eyes. And as recently as three months ago, when the new president of Israel met with representatives of the Reform and Conservative movements, Orthodox members of Knesset were scathingly critical, remarking that "these movements.. .drive a knife in the back of Judaism and cause indescribable damage in North America" and these move?ments are not entitled to "any sort of status or recognition as belonging to Judaism". As the Orthodox reach for more and more control over every aspect of life in Israel-marriage and death, religious obser?vance, education, entertainment, transportation, military, health care, even one?s identity as a Jew-most Israelis grumble and fume and, while continuing to label themselves "Jewish", turn further away from the actual practice of Judaism. Continued on page 16 CNT Celebrates Annual Jewish Music Season Sabbath Sponsored by the Stanley Canter Foundation On March 23 tens of thousands of Jews across America will come together to eat, enjoy and celebrate at the 5th annual Shab?bat Across America. Here at CNT we in?vite everyone to join us in a combined celebration of the Annual Music Season Shabbat and Shab?bat Across America. Everyone is, fam?ilies, couples, friends, co-workers even your neighbor! The Pot-luck dinner begins at 6:15. Please bring a dairy dish in a disposable container. If your last name begins with a letter A-L , bring a salad, M-Z, bring a main course. What a wonderful way to show off your culinary skills or an old family recipe! Besides where else could you eat and talk with wonderful old and new friends? Under the direction of CNT's Cantorial Soloist Bella Feld?man, our Adult and Jr. Choir and band CNT will resound with the music of Aminadav Aloni in his "Aleinu Leshabey- ach - A Jazz Service." This year Music Season Shabbat Continued on page 17 In This Issue.., Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 3 Message from our President 4 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 5 Religious School/Preschool 6-7 Auxiliaries 8-9 Shalom and Welcome 10 March B?nai Mitzvot 11 Birthdays & Anniversaries 18 Tributes 19-20 Yahrzeits & In Memorium 21 (the Bulletin is published monthly) Speciaf (Place To ?BefonflHcr?hin Serrice? Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrod & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman March 2 Rachel Toffel Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by The Toffel Family PreSchool Shabbat 7:00-7:45pm March 3 Shajna Corpodian Bat Mitzvah 10am Kiddush sponsored by The Corpodian Family Torah Study 10am March 9 Purim Family Services, with The Shabba-Tones, 7:30pm Onec sponsored by CNT Sisterhood March 10 Adam Bromberg Bar Mitzvah 10am Kiddush Sponsored by The Bromberg Family Torah Study 10am March 16 Molly Rosenberger Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by The Rosenberger Family March 17 Max Miera Mitzvah 10am Kiddush sponsored by The Miera F.amily Torah Study 10am March 23 Music Season Sabbath with The Adult Choir 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood March 24 Torah Study 10am March 30 Shabbat Services 7:30pm ONEG SPONSORED BY CNT SISTERHOOD March 31 Adam Del V,alley Mitzvah 10am Kiddush sponsored by The Goldberg Family Torah Study 10am A PLAY WITH CELEBRITY SURPRISE GUEST COME IN COSTUME?GIFTS FOR CHILDREN CELEBRATE THE TRUE "SURVIVORS, THE JEWS" ? PURIM CARNIVAL SUNDAY MARCH 11TH 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM FOOD GAMES FUN RAFFLES 1 STOP THE HATE The Social Action Committee has organized a fascinating program for Sunday, March 18, 2001. In conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and with generous contribution from the CNT Men?s Club, CNT?s Social Action Committee will sponsor a conference on Hate Groups / Hate Crimes. The event will run from 1pm 4pm. The program opens with two exciting presenters, Michelle Bramblett with the Intelli?gence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Alabama, and Morris S. Casuto the Director of the San Diego / Imperial County Office of the Anti- Defamation League. Break-out sessions will follow, covering such topics as; Hate on the Internet Starting Small, an early childhood educational program for teachers and parents How to recognize a hate group How hate crimes are investigated and prosecuted, with representatives from the Federal Prosecutor?s office and the FBI ? Diversity Education presented by a representative of the Clark County School District A panel discussion will wrap-up the program with plenty of time for questions and answers. There is no fee for the event, but you are asked to register in advance as seating is limited, and only those with reservations will be guaranteed a seat. We plan to accommodate up to 350 people. Please call the Temple office at 733-6292 with, any questions and to reserve your space. This community-wide event is open ttf adults and teens. ? ? ? ? C ongregation N e r Tam id March 2001 Temple Board Members "Drew Levy Stewart Blumenfeld Scott Stolberg Howard Layfer Ira Spector Judy Cornett Lynn Sasso Ruth Urban David Stahl Mindy Unger-Wadkins Mel Hallerman Jacky Rosen Leon Marco Marc Garber Dick Granich Beth Bromberg Cecilia Schafler Esther Saltzman Sharna Blumenfeld Sandy Stolberg Michael Milano Brenna Yahraus TBD Sid Garber Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins k Michael Cherry FDr. Bernard Farrow Eugene Kirshbaum* David Goldwater* Rabbi Sanford Akselrad ?Deceased President VP A dministration VP Ways & Means VP Membership VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities VP Social Action Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee-Membership Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee- Youth Trustee-Library Sisterhood Brotherhood NTTY TNT Golden Chai Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio March and SLprif Torah Study Dates Tuesdays zvith Bpbbi yUqefrad 12pm-lpm / ?Board Boom March 6th and 20th April 3rd and 17tfi Saturdays untf Student Bab6i Melissa Joyef or a fay feader 10am. / Library ?March 3rd, 10th 24th, and 31st April 14th and 21st Rabbi?s Message Germany Revisited Growing up there were certain Jew?ish truisms that were taught. Sometimes these messages were taught overtly, and other times more subtly. For example, we were told to go to a Jewish Doctor be?cause they were "better". Jews may not have been the greatest of athletes (but whenever they were found we touted them with pride. Think Mark Spitz) but we were excellent students. Jews went to college. But there was another message dealing with anti-semitism that was transmitted as well. I was told how my grandfather never bought a Ford. It went without say?ing that a Jew would never buy a Mercedes or Volkswagen. These large, visible items became associ?ated with the oppression against our people. Fora was anti Semitic so never again should we buy a Ford. Hitler intended the Volk?swagen to be the car for every Ger?man -don?t buy a Volkswagen. Years later I went to Israel for the first time. It was 1976. Every?where there were Mercedes! cars, taxis and buses. And of course the trend continues to this day. I couldn?t believe my eyes. It was incredulous. And then it was explained to me that when Israel became a state Germany was one of the few nations willing to trade with Israel. Japanese cars were absent because they participated in the Arab boycott. Russian man?ufactures likewise. But times are changing, and when you look at even our Temple park?ing lot you will see that the cars we own are oblivious to any state?ment of protest or heritage. Old feelings towards Germany still run deep, but those now being born 50 or 60 years after the Flolocaust have very different feelings towards Germany and what the Flolocaust really means. Who would have imagined for example, that today over 100,000 Jews now live in Berlin! Just 20 years ago fewer than 20,000 Jews lived in Berlin. Why the change of heart? Since the Former Soviet Union has al?lowed Jews to leave, many of them have traveled to Israel via Ger?many. And many of them stayed. Some 50,000 former Soviet Jews now reside in Berlin. Many ques?tions need to be asked. Why have these Jews decided to move to Germany of all places? What kind of Jewish community have they created? bias there been a re?surgence of anti-semitism? Flow safe do the Jews feel in Germa?ny? It is with great interest that I am traveling to Berlin as part of a special delegation of rabbis from March 11-15th. Representing re?form, conservative and orthodox Jewry, we are going by invitation to meet with His Excellency, Jo?hannes Rau, President of the Fed?eral Republic of Germany. We will also meet with various leaders from the non Jewish religious and business community in addition to leaders of the now burgeoning Jewish community. I have only been to Germany once. I was in college during summer break and I was backpacking my way through Europe. I stopped in Germany only for a few hours. Enough time to see Dachau; and that was all I wanted to see or do. Even that gave me the chills. I was taught Jews don?t go to Germany. But now it would seem, Jews go to Germany and they even go there to live. Please come listen to my special Shabbat Sermon on March 30th when I will report to the Congregation the details of this important visit. B?shalom, ?Rabbi Sanford SUfsebrad A S p e March 2001 c ia l P lace To Belong E$$AGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT With the coming of spring brings a very important time for our congregation. It is time for the Nominating Committee of the Board to prepare the next slate of nominees for the board. We have a number of positions to fill this year, as terms expire and current board members move into new positions. The main function of the Nominating Committee is to identify and select new leaders. Leaders who will be committed to giving of their time and energy to the synagogue, helping to guide the temple for the next few years. With the completion and acceptance of our ?Long Range Plan?, the temple is looking at some very exciting and important issues, which will affect all of us over the coming years. Are you interested in becoming involved in the temple to a higher degree? Do you have any experience serving on a temple board and would you like to help your new congregation? If you can answer ?yes? to any of these questions or feel you are ready to make a bigger commitment to your temple, please contact myself or the Rabbi or Jacky Rosen as soon as possible. Jacky Rosen is the chairperson of the nominating committee and will be compiling names and recommendations for her committee. The committee will then present it's slate to the board and our next president, Stewart Blumenfeld. I Our congregation will be the host for a wonderful event on Wednesday, March 21st. Rabbi Uri Regev, Esq., Executive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) and a leading figure in the fight for Religious Freedom in Israel will be the guest speaker. Rabbi Regev will be speaking about the Progressive Movement in Israel and the work of ARZA/World Union, North America and the IRAC. Not only will Rabbi Regev be here to give us an update, but to meet potential donors and enlist support for their cause. I think we all need to take the steps possible to be better informed on the activities in Israel. We need to be aware of how Jews in Israel and Europe are working hard every day for their religious freedom. Not just religious freedom but freedom of religious practice. Rabbi Regev will have the information and hopefully the answers for us. ARZA/ World Union, North America is also studying Jewish communities in Europe and the Former Soviet Union (FSU). They are hosting study missions to Berlin, Moscow, Kiev and surrounding villages. The first mission is from February 25th to March 4th and then again on Augu^ 23rd to September 2nd. Members of North Americ,^| congregations are invited to join the second mission. What a wonderful way to give back to the Jewish Community of North America. See you on March 21s1. 0j qfanKS J 1 would Cifcg to taJf this opportunity to thanJ^ ad the congregants of Congregation W(er ?TamicC who have sent me speciaf wishes these past months. Shalom, %oz (from ? ? n9 reg a tio n N e r Tam id Shabbat Shalom, tVrezv Le.vy The Temple NEEDS You! Its that time of year again when the nominating committee begins the task of selecting Board members and committee heads. Would you like to serve or do you know someone who would be just perfect for a job? We want to help promote your members into leaders of the Jewish community. If you have ideas, suggestions, Questions or comments, please e-mail them to lacky Rosen at Don't have email, please leave your sugges?tions in writing for lacky Rosen in the temple office. We look forward to your input. March 2001 m o te s fro m o u r (^ n u lo rin i S o io is t ? During the upcoming month we will be celebrating Purim and Jewish Music Season Sabbath. Our Jr. Choir will be leading us in song along with the Shabba-Tones for Purim this year. Rabbi, Jackie, our student Rabbi Melissa and I have collaborated on a fun, new Purim Schpeil and we are all looking forward to being silly at our Purim Family Services on March 9. On March 23rd we will have our annual music program entitled "Aleinu Leshabaych, A Jazz Service" by Ami Aloni. Some of you may remember Ami, as he was our guest composer/conductor two years ago. You may have not known that Ami was very ill when he came in for that service and, in fact, it was the last performance he would make. Shortly afterwards, Ami succumbed after a bng battle with Cancer. In Ami's last days he expressed his concern with immortality. As Rabbi Schulweis expressed it, Ami?s immortality of influence is inextricably bound up with his music, music that has already penetrated the life of many synagogues and which is destined to inspire future generations. It is with great admiration that we will be honoring Ami Aloni during this year?s service. In closing, I would like to share another writing from ?God Whispers?. LEARNING FROM DEATH The true worth of a life is the story it has left behind. Tell it well. Search for meaning and understanding. Search for truth : Did he teach you about love? Did she personify genius or sensitivity? Did his life warn you of the danger of bitterness and anger? As I stand and behold the eyes of those who mourn, I realize that the only difference between people in this world Is not their wealth, fame, or success. The only difference is those who had love in their life and those who did not Ami was a quiet, modest person, and I considered him a true friend and mentor. His life and accomplishments were truly remarkable and I invite you to be touched by his music. Please bring your family and friends. B?shabm, ?Be [[a MITZVAH DAY 2001 This day of Mitzvah reminds our students and our congregation that we are part of the Las Vegas Community. In our area as well as our congregation, there are many people in need. Sunday, March 4th, we will be helping with: Food for the Food Bank Clothing for area students in Clark County * Toys for children in need* Decorated bags with notes enclosed and Lunches for homeless people *AII toys and clothing must be clean and in nearly new condition Donations will be accepted until 10:00AM on Mitzvah Day March 2001 A S p e c ia l P lace To B elong ^ It takes a dream.......... It is a given in the Jewish world that if you want a project to come to fruition, if you want an initiative to have a follow up, you get a group of dedicated people with a dream together and it will happen. This month is Mitzvah month for our religious school. We know that there are some in need, some weak and some ill, and we know that we are supposed to help. The stu?dents at CNT band together and help others with real action to make a dream of reaching out to others happen. Unger-Wadkins have given many hours and a lot of research time to look to the stars, wish upon them, and create a plan for our congrega?tion's future. I have been evaluating our educational programs. A few years ago I was selected to be a member of a special leadership program. One of the things I have learned was that we should not do evaluations unless we plan to use them to make changes. Well, I have a dream and I will follow through to make my dream benefit your chil?dren and you. Rabbi Akselrad has a vision for our congregation and it is incumbent on us to be supportive of his dream because it will benefit us all. He inspires us all to do better and to be better by his exam?ple. Our board has always worked hard with the in?terest of our youth as a priority. They have supported educational and youth programs. They are making dreams happen. If we do not teach our children to dream, to study the dreamers and look with respect to those that make dreams come true we will have failed them. It takes a dream.........and it takes devotion, gen?erosity, volunteers as well as professionals and above all a warm Jewish heart to make a kalei doscope of action make a dream come true. A Shalom, We have had a long range planning committee Jadqe working hard to create new dreams. These ded?icated people under the leadership of Mindy Please be advised that religious school will be dismissed at 11am on Sunday, March 11th. _puhmj Purim Carnival, March 11th, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PMC NT Preschool and Kindergarten February was another fast paced month here at the Preschool and Kindergarten. We celebrated Tu B? Shevat (the Jewish Arbor Day) by the planting of seeds and having our own Tu B? Shevat Seder. A big thank you to Cecilia Friedman Schafler, for planning our great garden this year. It was a joy to watch our little ones get their hands in the soil and get back to nature. We all enjoyed looking for the Ground Hog?s shadow (which he really did see and so did the children). Of course we all learned about Presidents Lincoln and Washington. We even baked our own Challah to enhance our Sabbath experience. We had our Pennies for Pasta fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which was a huge success. Jennifer, our Library Lady, was here to read us a story and bring us books to read for the rest of the month. The month of March will also be an active one here at our schoolo n FriJayM aich 2nd our students will display their talents at the Friday evening service at 7:30 PM. On Friday March 9th we will be celebrating the joyous holiday of Purim. The youngsters are working very hard to learn about all of the Purim characters. (Vashti, Mordechi, The King, Haman and Esther). Our classes will be making ^Hamentashen and exchanging Shaloch Manot Baskets with ?eir friends and the Golden Chai as well. Next month, April will bring the holiday of Passover and our annual Preschool Kindergarten Seder, which will be the highlight of our month. The boys and girls will do some Passover cleaning and cooking and of course learn the traditional songs and prayers associated with this Spring Festival of Freedom We are continuing our preparations for next year's Kindergarten and Preschool programs. We are already in the enrollment phase. If you are considering a preschool or kindergarten for your child or grandchild don?t be left out because you waited too long. Look for exciting news in the next few weeks about our Camp Chaverium program. We are gearing up for our summer program for youngsters 2 !4- 9. It looks like this year will offer a fun filled summer for our youngsters here at Ner Tamid Lois Hergmon m May and Aden Levy as the Shabbat Girls Alexis Oviwer with her mom Our students enjoy a field trip to Smith's super market A bike-a-thon was held to raise money for sick children March 2001 A S p e c ia l P lace To Belong A Auxiliaries A4&n'$ 4 Shalom. Whew! Things have certainly been moving very fast. So fast in fact that we had to take a month off. The Presi?dent?s Weekend holiday certainly gave us an opportunity to recover from Professor John Marschall?s speech. The final numbers are in and we had over 60 people attend the break?fast. This definitely is a record for a mens club event. We also got 4 new members who just couldn?t resist a bargain (way to go pop). What can 1 say other than "thank you." So, we?re rested now. We?re working hard on the Golf Tournament. Please, if you haven?t sent in your $100 or put together your foursome, DO IT NOW. Time is running out. Remember it is Sunday, April 1, 2001 at Desert Willow at Sun City MacDonald Ranch in Green Valley. Tee time is 8:30am, registration begins at 7:30 A.M. Don?t forget to turn your clocks Saturday night. Help keep the energy alive by making this the biggest event so far this year. Then, let?s move on to what WILL BE the biggest event of the year. Come join us and the members of the National Federa?tion of Temple Brotherhoods, Southern California region, in a slam bam weekend of prayer and party. First, Friday evening June 8, 2001 come join us for Family Service with "The Shabba-Tones" who graciously agreed to extend their season for us. The Oneg will be sponsored by the Men?s Club. Satur?day, the Rabbi will be spending time with the group and everyone is welcome. His Agenda and time will be announced. Look for an early afternoon event after the Bar Mitzvah. Then, oh boy, Saturday Night come join us for a private dinner cruise aboard The Desert Princess at Lake Mead. For those of you who have cruised on The Desert Princess you surely know it is a wonderful evening filled with romance and fun. The Cruise will be for The Congregation and their guests and our brothers and their wives from California. There will be a recep?tion style dinner and entertainment will be provided. So look for that, Saturday evening June 9, 2001. The price will be $50 per person or $100 per couple. Remember this is not for the general public but only for us so put it on your calendars and be ready to send your deposits. Then on Sunday morning, the Men?s Club will sponsor an open breakfast for the Congrega?tion before our California brothers and their wives go home. We want this to be just a fun filled weekend for us all right here at home. Please join us. Then we?ll let you relax for a tew months over the summer. Thank you all for being so wonder?ful and supportive. The word is out, "Congregation Ner Ta- mid?s Men?s Club" is the place to be. Thank you all for making it so. Shalom, MidweC ?Milano Rabbi Akselrad will be speaking at the Men?s Club?s next breakfast on March 18th, which begins at 9:30am. The theme will be "Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask" It is free to Men?s Club members and their wives. The fee for non-members is $5.00 Name____________ Address_________ Telephone_______ Please match me Golf Tournament Sign Up _______ Email______ I will be playing with: Name Telephone Name Telephone Name Telephone A check for $100 must be received with each player's application. Please make checks payable to CNT Men's Club. Your check holds your spot and we will make sure you play with the foursome you've selected. If you would like to sponsor a hole please call Howard Layfer, 263-8715. To donate a raffle prize, please call David Nathan, 260-0553. CNT Men's Club a# Detach this form, and mail it with your check to M 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 C on gregation N e r T am 'd March 2001 Auxiliaries Continued Sisterhood 9{ezvs itiiiiiitii January?s sisterhood program was a lot of fun. We had an evening of ceramic painting and desserts. All the women had so much fun painting they would like to do it again next year. We still have many things planned for the New Year. Please mark these dates on your calendar. March 29th, Rabbi?s book review and luncheon ( The Red Tent). April 1st, author Lois Ruby to talk about her new book Swindletop. April 12th, All Women?s Seder. April 27th Sisterhood Shabbat. May 16th, Sisterhood elections. As always these events will be publicized in the Temple Bulletin and other mailings. Even though our calendar is full for this year, it is never too late to think about next year. So if there is a program you would like to see please feel free to contact me. Sisterhood would like to have something for everyone. In case you did not realize, it?s never too late to join Sisterhood! The dues are $30.00 per year or $50.00 for a Mitzvah membership or non-temple mitzvah membership. We need volunteers in the Gift Shop, and if you like to cook or work with food, our Party Shop could always use your talents. All are easy ways to earn donor credit. Speaking of donor credit, Sisterhood tributes are only $5.00 and you get $3.00 donor credit for making someone a little happier. Call Shirley Gellin at 457-6320. Shalom, Sandy Are You A Jewish Alcoholic Or ChEMicAlly DepencJent Person?! JACS, Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependents, and Significant Others, is a self help/support group. Meetings are held at Congregation NerTamid Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. Room 6 Tell someone you love Menorah Level Veesert If you?d like to find out how to become a Menorah Level Doner, and attend the Dessert Reception, on March 7th at 7pm, please contact Monty at the Temple Office, 733-6292 March 2001 --------------------------------------------- A S p e c ia l P lace To B elong y 9 WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS! OOPS!!!! Somehow we omitted three of our new mem?bers families who joined CNT late in the year 2000. Please forgive us Lillian, Arthur & Jayn, and Joseph & Ann! Here is some background information on each of these valued members of our congregation: Lillian Barron is retired and has lived in Clark County for 8 years. We hope that she will come to many Temple and Sisterhood activities as she makes CNT a part of her daily life. Arthur and Jayn Marshall have lived in Las Ve?gas for many years. Arthur is still active in his business, Marshall Enterprises, in the heart of Las Vegas. Let?s all welcome the Marshalls as we see them at services and CNT functions. ? Sally Schiff-Maguire has only been in Las Veg for a few months, coming from Columbus, Ohio. Sally is a convention and meeting planner who works as the manager of Baskow & Associates here in Las Vegas. Sally is the sister of Jan Fleck- ner, an active Temple member who will probably get her involved quite soon! Mildred Klein has lived in Las Vegas for two years and joined CNT in January. Since Mildred lives fairly close to the Temple, we hope to see her at many upcoming events and services. Dr. Bentley Bobrow and his fiancee, Mojdeh Karamooz, will be married in May of this year and have recently joined CNT. Ben is a physician at UMC and Mojdeh is an attorney working on the West side of Las Vegas. We hope they become involved at CNT to whatever degree possible with their busy schedules! Joseph and Ann Greenberg come to us from Massapequa, New York. They have only been in Las Vegas for a few months, but they are lucky to have great guides to get them involved in their new environment. Carol & Mike Milano are their daughter and son-in-law and will surely introduce them to many of us at CNT. (I would bet the Men?s Club has a new member, too!) EARLY 2001 NEW MEMBERS ARE: Mildred Stein has lived in Clark County for 7 years and joined CNT in late January 2001. We hope that she will find new friends at Golden Chai, Sis?terhood, and at the Temple. ^ A hearty CNT welcome to all of our new mem?bers! We encourage everyone to join our aux- ilaries, volunteer for committees, and attend as many services, educational opportunities, and so?cial functions as time permits. For information, call the CNT office, 733-6292. SHORT TAKES: NEWS FROM ARZA/WORLD UNION, NORTH AMERICA El Salvador?s Liberal Jewish Community Seeks Tzedakah For Country Following the massive earthquake that devastated El Salvador in January, the Progressive Jewish congregation there is help?ing reconstruct the hundreds of public schools that were destroyed. Members of the Communidad Israelita de El Salva?dor (located in the country?s capital city) are embarking on this massive effort because "we are following the teaching of our tradition which views learning as a fundamental human value, and we are convinced that the formation and progress of the individual in every society depends on education," said Rabbi Gustavo Kraselnik. Fortunately, no one in the 60-family congregation was hurt in the earthquake and the congrega?tion?s community center was not damaged. If you would like to help, please send your donation to: ARZA/WORLD UNION, North America (clearlv indicate that the donation is for El Salvador Relief), 633 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017. W g C on gregation N e r T am id Master?s Degree Program In Progressive Education Be?gins This September In Israel In September 2001, the Israel Movement for Progressive Juda?ism will launch a groundbreaking two-year master?s degree program at Bar Ilan University that will qualify educators to use pluralistic and progressive Jewish programs in public schools around Israel. The university, located near Tel Aviv, is named for a leading Orthodox rabbi. The Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund of San Francisco has agreed to provide a generous grant for the master?s program; the IMPJ is now March 2001 Shalom! My name is Rachel Toffel and I become a Bat Mitzvah on March 2, 2001. 1 am currently attending Greenspun Junior High School and have made many close friends there. In my free time I enjoy playing different sports including basketball and tennis, as well as shopping at the mall. I also play saxophone in my school band. During the summer I love going to the beach, and snowboarding. Please join my family and me as I take this next great step in my Jewish life. Hi, my name is Molly Rosenberger and I am a seventh graderat Thur?man White Middle School. I love to dance, sing in the Thurman White Marigal Choir, and play piano. I am also a member of the National Jun?ior Honor Society and Nathional Charity League. My hobbies include dancing, singing, talking on the phone, shopping, using AOL, being with my friends all the time, and listening to music. I hope that you will join my family and me on Friday, March 16th, when I become a Bat Mitzvah and reach this large milestone in my life. My name is Shaina Corpodian and 1 will become a Bat Mitzvah on March 3, 2001. I am on the girls? basketball team and I love shopping and talking to my friends on the phone. I am very excited to share my special day with all my family and friends. My name is Max Samuel Miera and 1 will become a Bar Mitzvah March 17, 2001 at Congregation Ner Tamid. I?m excited, but nervous, because it?s taken a lot of preparation and lots of my family and friends will be there. I?m a seventh grader at Sig Rogich Middle School and my favor?ite subjects are math and P.E. I skateboard, play piano, tennis and baseball. 1 Iook forward to being called to the Torah and hope you will share this special service with me. Hi, my name is Adam Bromberg and I am a 7th grade student at Greenspun Junior High School. My hobbies include Basketball, Soccer, Biking, Skati