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    ) # 3 ta s& n g ele € |BYRD BARR BACK] ON HER COURSE! ! Albatross Brings huch to Buffeted Mariners :} [S/iip Scuds With Heavy List for Sevefal Days I Explorers Injured as Seas Pound Over Sides'^J^ BY DE. FR A N CIS D. COM AN |<Copyrlght,1928, by the New York Times Company the; st, tbuis ...patch:All rights for piibll served throysfeout the world' Post" Bis* Nation re- W IT H B Y R D SO U T H PO LE E X ­P E D IT IO N A B O AR D TH E C IT Y |OF N E W YO R K , Nov. 20J-Yester-fay the bark City of New York was Inding on an even keel for: the first I time-in many days. Chief Officer iMcGuinness says he thanks the al- Ibatfoss. that came aboard Sunday I night, for our , change in'; luck. W e | are back on our course, so that bur charted track no longer takes the ! form o f a great question mark.; B low n . off our course and scud­ding along with a 30 to 40-degree j list to the starboard with all hands working day and night under short­ened sail lashing deck cargo, bat­tening up shifted cargo in the hold and at work in the coal bunkers, with the wind whistling like a soul in distress, we were hardly in ac­cord with the opinion of Capt. Mel­ville that we had only a moderate I gale. 3 B E LIE F G E N ER AL Not one person aboard but was relieved that the decks were no longer -wash nor the horizon rush-lin g up and down. In the galley a [merry time was had by all. Above the, din of sliding pots and pans I could he heard Reichart’s a n d Gfeagh's picturesque language as I another attempt at soup ran up the wall. When we finally did get the soup we enjoyed it thrice, “once | down, once up and once in our tap,” Every movable object had to be I securely lashed, for sudden starts would send gear leaping and fo u ­ling most disconcertingly. At the [wheel-the helmsman soon found he I had a man’s-sized job; Blackburn, I in an unguarded moment, was I thrown completely over the wheel, [landing on his head, although we [have all lwofotn tdered that feet such as