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    Mr. J. M. Anderson: Los Angeles, 7Ju3l3y4 of water pAacscsoirndgi ntgh rtoou gMhr .t hEe dw1a6r°d sC*l arrkep oSrttrse eotf memteetre,r rceoandsiunmgps­tion is, as follows* Date Meter Reading Consumption MMaayy 271,, 194"2 JJuunnee 1360,, July 16, ** 15236,.850004,.000000 117949..277839..000000 266.672.000 7428..720649..000000 2647..531863..000000 and the 1sWth iolfe Jwuely ,d ob yn otp rhoarvaet ina gr eMra,d iEndgw aars dso*f ftiheg ur1esst, ofc onJusnuem p­tion during the period May 1st to July 16th is approximately, as follows* Consumption Consumption Date Meter Reading During Period During Month MMaayy 16X,, 194§2 June 1, 91 June 16, ft July X, t! July 16, It 5935,,785000,,602000' 113748,.577713,.020000 126969..267829..000000 4412,,892500,,568200 36,201,800 24.516.000 67.383.000 84,771,200 00,717,800 fJurnoem wahpipcrhox yiomua tweidl l6 0n,o7t1e7 ,8t0h0at gatlhse. ,c onwhsuermepatsi ondu rdiunrgi ntgh em omnotnht hof oifn gM atyh ec ofnisrsutm pthailofn woafs Jauplpy roaxmiomuantteeldy to8 46,77,7318,32,0000 0ga lgsa.l,s . andIt diusr ­apparent there is something wrong with Mr, Edwards* meter read­ing as of July 1st. • , 6 am also showing consumption of water through the s meter at C a t e MMaayy 161,, 194”2 JJuunnee 161,, * JJuullyy 161,, Mn Stockyards* Meter Reading 55,,180677,,278000 76,,971998,,920000 98,,002352,,450000 ‘ CDounrsiungm ptPieornio d 795390,,598200 19,,100057,,5l0O0O CDounrisnugm pMtoinont h 1,690,500 2,227,200 Ytoo u Jwuinle l 3n0toht,e tthhea tc ownhsiulem pdtuiroinn go f thwea tefro urt hsreomuig-hm tohnitsh lmye tpeerri owdass approximately 1,000,000 gals, for each period, in the first half of July the consumption jumped to approximately 9,000, 000 gals. Will you please investigate these W.H.J. AlM£ 1 42 Frank Strong features and advisea