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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 109. consumption of ,000,000 gallon* • * saving ©t approximately 27% * Basod on th© present average dally consumption In Las Vegas this year, this would result In a saving of approxlnately 2,800,000 gallons per day. Xf such a result could he obtained in the City of Las Vegas, yon can readily see that our present supply would not only he sufficient to serve the City during the present emer­gency hut t© diminish the withdrawals from the Las Vegas Basin and possibly permit a sufficient replenishment thereof t© build up a reserve underground supply which would take care of the needs of the City until other supplies are available* ©f course, it will not be possible to secure the benefits which will flow from the use of meters without a substantial increase In Investment by the Company and a consequent Increase in water charges to the customers, I have had our engineers prepare estimate# showing what the increased costs and water charges will amount to. Although the amount of the investment Is substantial, I would not hesitate to recommend it to our Board of Directors because I am firmly convinced that the use of meters is the most feasible way in which the City of Las Vegas can properly conserve the underground water resources of the Las Vegas Water Basin. Ml, SSRWSfff Mr, Reinhardt, a former witness, Mr. Cragin, testified that at a meeting, which he stated I believe was last October, at which representatives of the Water Company were present, and City Commissioners, you made the statement that the