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I agree.10 V J 17 CONTINUED: PRINCESS (cont?╟╓d) (beat) That is why I like to come here the garden. Somehow I feel close to if he were here with me. How I used to tease him about the big mole on his nose. 18 SHOT ~ GARGOYLE The white stone face of the thing sets on a hunched over torso. CAMERA MOVES IN for even a TIGHTER SHOT and we see now there is a large mole on the nose. Now the eyes come to life and dart to and fro. They are sad eyes which scan down the nose now to peer at the large mole. 19 MED. SHOT - PRINCESS AND MARY ANN PRINCESS Go now, Mary Ann, allow me this time to think of my dear father. Mary Ann curtsies then exists. Princess crosses over and stands by the gate looking out, her hand resting on the pedestal that holds the gargoyle with the mole on its nose. In the b.g. the orchestra segues into a ballad introduction and she sings. 20 NEW ANGLE - PRINCESS No sooner has the song ended than she HEARS a heavy shuffling SOUND. She turns and searches for its source. 21 ANOTHER PART OF THE GARDEN A three foot section of the stone wall slides back and Lucybird steps quickly through. She presses a stone and the section slides back into place again. Just as she starts away: , 22 MED. SHOT - PRINCESS AND LUCYBIRD LUCYBIRD Your highness!! PRINCESS I didn?╟╓t see you come into the | garden, how did you get past me? LUCYBIRD (lieing) I was here all the while, your grace. (CONTINUED)