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uac000585. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-14 THURSDAY MARCH 17, 1988 MSU 201 4:00PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 18-13 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Approval of Bryan Logenson to Appropriations Board as a member. B. Approval of Amy Koffan to Entertainment and Programming as a member, pending verification. C. Approval of Amy Koffan to Publications Board as a member, pending verification. V/OiTW-D D. Approval of Amy Koffan to Appropriations Board as a member, pending verification. E. Approval of Mike Bosma to Entertainment and Programming member. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII.NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of the following refunds for the Executive Board Elections: Steve Evenson = $37.33 Tammy Fountain = $50.00 Jennifer McGinty = $39.33 Mike Mixer = $32.87 Mike Popp = $32.87 Toby Romer = $50.00 Jack Spicer $39.33 David Wade = $50.00 B. Introduction of Senate Bill #16. (CSUN President Hendrick). 1 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SENATE MEETING 18-14 THURSDAY MARCH 17, 1988 4:00PM MSU 201 VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS B. Approval of Amy Koffman to Entertainment and Programming as a member. F. Approval of Laura Hatcher to Judicial Council. VIII.NEW BUSINESS H. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. i 1 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 18-14 THRUSDAY, MARCH 17, 1988 4:00PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER Senate President Evenson called the Senate meeting to order at 4:04pm. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Senator Ax Senator Bailey Senator Bennett Senator Bosma Senator Carlson Senator Clay Senator Cozine Senator DaQuino Senator Donovan Senator Gottschalk Senator Hoffman Senator Johnson Senator Lowe Senator Mangual Senator McGinty Senator Richmond (late) Senator Sanchez Senator Sakahara Senator Smith Senator Spicer (late) Senator Varela III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 18-13 Motion to approve by Senator McGinty. Seconded by Senator Ax. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with corrections, unanimously. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 SENATE MINUTES 18-14 page 2 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS CSUN President Hendrick announced that there will probably be a meeting on Wednesday March 23rd for the Bylaws Committtee to meet and discussion Senate Bill #16. He also working on the $2,000 to be given to incoming freshman for a scholarship, and another scholarship for other students, except for people who receive stipends and fee waivers. He was thinking about having a faculty appreciation picnic with the senate and faculty. The date for this should be around April 30th. The executive board members will be going to the Board of Regents meeting in Reno during Springbreak. He also mentioned that there will probably be a raise in tuition of about $4 a credit. Two dollars will go to health services, and two for athletics. Senate President Pro Tempore Spicer apologized for being late. Senate President Evenson announced that at the Academic Standards meeting he had a couple of ideas to bring up at the meeting about the Bookstore Committee, but they never got to that item on the agenda. The library is running out of space. They have plans to put the periodicals of the 3rd floor, and move the mircofilm to the circular building. THey are also considering banning food, drink and smoking in the library, or possibly getting an area just to eat, drink and smoke. The library would like to eventually rebuild a new building. He also mentioned that he spoke with Dr. Cloud and others about separating the Yellin' Rebel from Student Government and the same with KUNV, but a decision still has not been made. CSUN President Hendrick announced that Student Government should never give the university control of the Student Newspaper. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS OPI - Mike Bosma, co-director mentioned that if any of the senators needed something in the OPI page to see him. Senator Bailey inquired about Mike Popp and Lori Booth. Senate President Evenson announced that Mike Popp and Lori Booth both resigned from their positions. He also mentioned that Mike Popp cleaned out his office and did not tell any one of his resignation. Jack Hardy is taking over the position as interim. Senate Bailey mentioned that he had spoken with Mike Popp the night before he resigned, and he mentioned that Mike didn't feel he had the support of the Executive Board and that he was having a lot of problems; for example the problems with getting fields for games. Yellin' Rebel, Kurt Hildebrand the editor announced that Quicksilver will be delayed for a little while longer, since the printers told them to redo the page numbering. SENATE MINUTES 18-14 Page 3 Publications Board, Christine Mangual chairman announced that her committee did not have quorum at the last meeting, and everyone that did not attend will receive an unexcused. The committee is going over applications for the next editor of the newspaper. Appropriations Board, August Corrales gave his report on the budget. SEE MINUTES FOR TOTALS. Senate President Pro Tempore Spicer retained the gavel. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was none. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of the following refunds for the Executive Board elections: Steve Evenson = $37-33 Tammy Fountain = $50.00 Jennifer McGinty =$39-33 Mike Mixer = $32.87 Mike Popp = $32.87 Toby Romer = $50.00 Jack Spicer = $39-33 David Wade = $50.00 Motion to approve by Senator Bosma. Seconded by Senator Cozine. There was no discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, with nineteen in favor, zero opposed, and one abstention (McGinty). Senate President Evenson retained the gavel. B. Introduction of Senate Bill #16. SEE MINUTES FOR A COPY. Motion to move out of the order of the day and except emergency Item I. of New Business, by Senator Hoffman. Seconded by Senator Varela. There were no objections to moving out of the order of the day and excepting the emergency item. A representative from the Student Media Institute addressed the Senate. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS BUSINESS OFFICE CSUN TELEPHONE CHARGES January 29 - March 2, 1988 GENERAL (900) Extension 2590 $ 7.19 3423 49.90 3477 35.15 3644 24.53 3881 10.50 $127.27 KUNV (901) Extension 3749 $ 2.75 3877 3.12 3978 .75 $ 6.62 YELLIN' REBEL (905) Extension 3478 $ 14.15 3479 37.75 3878 39.45 3889 17.75 $109.10 TOTAL CHARGES $242.99 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS BUSINESS OFFICE CSUN CASH BALANCES March 14, 1988 These balances include remaining salaries. General (900) $25,573.47 KUNV (901) ( 5,761.23) Organizations (902) 9,052.88 Entertainment & Programmins (903) 16,189.95 Student Services (904) 18,236.16 Yellin' Rebel (905) 12,289.03 Contingency (906) 56,982.05 Publications (907) 1,369.77 Intramurals (908) 4', 185.15 Capital Improvement KUNV (909) 8,444.38 Capital Improvement Yell (911) 2,701.46 Bar (910) 259.33 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 SENATE BILL NO. OF THE 18TH SESSION CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS INTRODUCED BY: PRESIDENT KIRK D. HENDRICK SUMMARY: A bill to create a CSUN Leadership Scholarship and annually earmark 1.5% of the CSUN fiscal budget to fund the scholarship. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRE-SENTED IN THE CSUN SEANTE AMEND THE BYLAWS TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: SENATE BYLAW CSUN LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP BYLAW I. At the time of formulating each CSUN fiscal budget, 1.5% of the total CSUN budget received from student fees shall be transfered to the UNLV Student Financial Services Department under the name of "CSUN Leadership Scholarships". II. The monies therein shall be awared to students displaying leadership abilities and potential, as determined by a committee of: A. 3 CSUN Officials nominated by E-Board and approved by the Senate. B. 3 members who are either faculty or professional staff, and C. the Dean of Student Services or his/her designee. 1. This committee shall meet during March of each year, with the CSUN President serving as the committee chair. 2. The committee through the assistance of the UNLV Student Financial Services Depatment shall requ/est , receive, and review all applications for scholarships. 3. The committee shall establish denominations of awards, the number of scholarships to be 1 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 awarded, and determine scholarship winners. 4. The UNLV Student Financial Services Department will distribute all CSUN Scholarships in accordance with University of Nevada System and UNLV Guidelines. III. The Leadership Scholarships shall be awarded on the following basis: A. 1% of the fiscal budger shall be awarded to continuing UNLV students. 1. These awards shall be granted strictly on the following basis (most important to least important): a. Leadership position and abilities displayed while at UNLV b. Cumulative UNLV G.P.A. c. Financial need 2. CSUN officials receiving a stipend and/or fee waiver are not eligible to compete for these scholarships. 3. If after receiving a scholarship a recipient receives a fee waiver and/or stipend from CSUN, he/she is not obligated to return the award. B. .5% of the fiscal budget shall be awarded to entering Freshman or transfer students from a Nevada Community College: 1. These scholarships shall be awarded strictly on the following basis (most important to the least important): a. leadership abilities and positions while in High School or a Nevada Community College. b. the strong potential for continued leadership while at UNLV c. cumulative High School or Nevada Community College G.P.A. d. financial need IV. To override or repeal this bylaw, the following votes are required: 2 A. A 2/3 of CSUN Executive Board B. a 3/4 vote of the CSUN Senate. DATE APPROVED AT CSUN SENATE MEETING APPROVED BY CSUN SENATE SIGNATURE OF CSUN SENATE PRESIDENT SIGNATURE OF CSUN PRESIDENT 3 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SENATE BILL 16? OF THE 18TH SESSION INTRODUCED BY: PRESIDENT KIRK D. HENDRICK SUMMARY: An act amending chapter 900 of the CSUNRS to include the establishment of a CSUN Leadership Scholarship, and earmarking of 1.5% of the CSUN fiscal budget to fund the scholarship. WE, THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, REPRESENTED IN THE CSUN SENATE, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: To amend chapter 900 of the CSUNRS to include: 960.00 CSUN Leadership Scholarships 960.02 At the time of formulating the CSUN fiscal budget, 1.5% of the budget shall be transferred to the UNLV Student Financial Services Department under the name of "CSUN Leadership Scholarships11. A. 1% of the fiscal budget shall be awarded to continuing UNLV students based on demonstrated leadership positions, and the potential for continued leadership. B. .5% of the fiscal budget shall be awarded to entering freshman and transfer students based on their demonstrated leadership abilities while in High School or in a Nevada Community College, and their potential for continued leadership at UNLV. 960.04 No CSUN official who receives a stipend and/or a fee waiver from CSUN is eligible to compete for the "CSUN Leadership Scholarships." 960.06 If after receiving a "CSUN Leadership Scholarship", the recipient receives a stipend and/or a fee waiver from CSUN, he/she is not obligated to return the scholarship award. 960.08 All "CSUN Leadership Scholarship" shall awarded by a campus committee as described in CSUN Bylaw . 1 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3881 960.10 To override or repeal this statute, the following votes are required: A. A 2/3 vote of the CSUN Executive Board, and B. A 2/3 vote of the CSUN Senate. 2 Services Contract of Ret. Col. Dean Barker for The St sdent Media Institute With The Consolidated Students Of U.N.L.V. I. WHERE AS: Ret. Col. Dean Barker agrees to the following: o Spend one day of his valuable time to discuss his views on the subject of the Strategic Defense Initiative, during a timely trip to Las Vegas, Nevada to accomplish this task on: the week of April 13-22,1988. II. WHERE AS: The Student Media Institute is managing all the event's requirements. The budgeted requirements are: o Arranging and securing Travel : $400.00 o Arranging and securing Rooming : $ 50.00 o Arranging and securing Local Itinerary : $ 50.00 o Producing and promoting the event to students, faculty and the public, especially targeting the defense industry. Costs: $250.00 in kind from S.M.I. o Developing and directing the radio and television recording of the event, complete with post-production time and labor to create a broadcast quality show for air at a later date. Costs: $2000,00 in kind from S.M.I. m.WHERE AS: The Consolidated Students are renumeraltng the cost of: o The Honorarium due Ret. Col. Dean Barker for his Seminar / Conference time. Paid as: $500.00 advance and $500.00 concluding the event. o Promotional Costs not to cxccde $100.00 for printing of flyers, tickets, radio & T.V. annoucements, and other types of advertisement. o The final fee of producing the event as budgeted above, in an amount not to excede: $500.00. o The Total Cost of the Event is: $1600.00 maximum; any other expenses shall be paid, in full, by S.M.I. Agreement binding signatures: Ret. COI. Dean Barker Student Media Institute Consolidated Students of U.N.L.V Page Two Revenue Projection of Ret. Col. Dean Barker for The Student Media Institute With The Consolidated Students Of U.N.L.V. I. Revenue from gate: (Judy Bailey ? 800) count value projected Students: 200 free -0- Faculty : 50 $1.00 50.00 Public : 400 $2.00 800.00 II. Revenue from possible second public event directly targeting the department of defense and department of energy leaders and workers has the potential to multiply greatly the value of the event(s). III. Outcome of teleproduction: 1) 30 minute program for direct broadcast. (PBS Show) 2) 60-120 minute video taped, educational lecture from a classroom environment, (to be US cd for academic purposes) IV. Projection of revenue from teleproduction: 1) Local Airing (30 Min. show) : $3000-5000 2) National Airing (30 Min. show) : (50 stations x 250.00) = 12500.00 3) National distribution (Educational Tape) : (4000 Colleges x 2.5 %) = 500 x 50,00 ea, = 5000.00 Projected Television revenues (rough): $20,500-22,500 V. Projection of revenue from radio production: 1) Local Airing (30 Min. show) : $750-2000 2) National Airing (30 Min. show) : (850 Collegiate stations x 5%) = 42 x 50.00 = 2100.00 3) National Distribution (Educational Tape) : (4000 colleges x 2.5 %) = 500 x 15.00 ea. = 7500.00 Projected Radio revenues (rough): $10,350-11,600 VI. Conclusion: The production of this event and others like it could develop into a national niche for the students of UNLV for the coming years. Projected earnings are: $31,700-34,950; earnings could be much more, or considerably less. All rovalty revenue will be shared 75% S.M.I, 25% CSUN as perscribed. S.M.I, will pay royalties to CSUN on all business booked until 31 December, 1988. Senate Minutes 18-14 page 4 m There was discussion. Senator Gottschalk motioned to approve $1600 for the Student Media Institute for speaker Ret. Col. Dean Baker. Seconded by Senator DaQuino. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried with nineteen in favor, zero opposed, and two abstentions (Sanchez, Spicer). Motion by Senator Spicer to approve items C., D., E., F. , with amending C. to being only budget authority. C. Approval of transfer of budget only from 8-2-457-4120-901-3000 (KUNV) to 8-2-457-4120-908-3000 (intramurals) of $4000. D. Approval of transfer of budget and cash authority only from 8-2-457-4120-902-3000 to 8-2-457-4120-906-3000 for $400. E. Approval of transfer of budget and cash authority only from 8-2-457-4120-904-3000 to 8-2-457-4120-906-3000 for $400 F. Approval of budget and cash authority only from 8-2-457-4120-906-3000 to 8-2-457-4120-908-3000 for $800. Seconded by Senator Bosma. There was discussion. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. G. Discussion on Health Sciences Advisory Committee. Motion to discuss for no more than 10 minutes by Senator McGinty. Seconded by Senator Hoffman. Senator McGinty withdrew her motion to move out of the order of the day and Into item H. H. Approval of Executive Board Nominations. Motion to approve items A., B., D., E., as a whole, by Senator Spicer. A. Approval of Bryan Logenson to Appropriations Board as a member. B. Approval of Amy Koffman to Entertainment and Programming as a member, (pending verification) Senate Minutes 18-14 Page 5 D. Approval of Amy Koffman to Appropriations Board as a member, pending verification. E. Approval of Mike Bosma to Entertainment and Programming as a member. Seconded by Senator McGinty. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. Motion by Senator Spicer to approve Executive Board nomination item F. P. Approval of Laura Hatcher to Judicial Council. Seconded by Senator Ax. Call for a vote. Motion carried, unanimously. G. Discussion on Health Sciences Advisory Committee. Motion by Senator McGinty to have discussion limited to 10 minutes. Seconded by Senator Hoffman. There was discussion. This item was excepted as an emergency item with no objections. J. Discussion of $2000 CSUN Leadership Scholarship. Motion to discuss by Senator Varela. Seconded by Senator DaQuino. There was discussion. IX. OPEN DISCUSSION CSUN Kirk Hendrick mentioned that if he had been at the meeting during the approval of the Executive Board General Election refund of filing fees, he would have amended the motion to include having the flyers from the campaign to be taken down before they receive their filing fee refund. He thanked everyone for the vote of confidence on the scholarship funding. Mike Bosma and David Donovan are doing a good job with OPI. He also mentioned that throughout this year's history of the Intramural department, Mike Popp, Lori Booth, Noel Thompson, and Jack Hardy have done a good job. Senator DaQuino thanked everyone that came to the Engineering class last week. Senate Minutes 18-14 Page & Senator DaQuino mentioned that it would be a good idea to give out a CSUN VIP award, and a certificate of appreciation. He also mentioned that there will probably be a speed trap along the Harmon roadway. He mentioned that just for an idea, the library should be open 24 hours a day Sunday thru Thrusday. At a certain time students would not be able to check out books but just have a place to study. This would not take much in money, if the officer that usually around all night monitors students who go in and out. Senator McGinty mentioned that students need a place that is open 24 hours on campus, especially when the campus housing increases. Appreication Day was a good idea also. Senator Bailey mentioned that Business Night went very good, there was about 100 in attendance. He felt that it was a very good business exchange. He also announced that there was not any animosity between himself and the Senate President, but he did feel that the Senate President expressed a lot of opinions while holding the gavel. He felt that in his position that this was wrong. He also mentioned that he felt that Mike Popp did a successful job with the Intramurals department. He also mentioned that they opened the gates for parking at the Thomas and Mack. Senator Bennett inquired if it was true that there is talk about breaking down the wall between intramurals and CSUN. Senate President Evenson informed Senator Bennett that this was just a rumor and that this would not happen. Senator Donovan asked if Carl Sagan was still coming so that if he was then it would published in the OPI page. CSUN President Hendrick announced that Carl Sagan may have over booked and might not come. Senator Bosma mentioned that there should be some sort of night registration for night students. He also mentioned that the computer labs should be open longer for night students. Senator Mangual mentioned that she spoke to classes and fulfilled her requirement. Senator Donovan asked if the Yellin' Rebel published in the summertime. Senate President Evenson announced that publication in the summer was at the discretion if the editor. Senator Spicer announced that everyone should buy a yearbook, and that maybe there should be an incentive for yearbook sales. Senator Donovan announced that anyone could sell ads for Video Yearbook for extra money. Senate Minutes 18-14 Page f X. Adj ournment Senate President Evenson adjourned the Senate Meeting 18-14 at 5:28pm. TEMPORE SENATE SECRETARY