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Las Vegas City Ordinances, March 31, 1933 to October 25, 1950, lvc000014-274


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    of this Ordinance, and provided further, that a license may be issued for the operation of a slot machine outside of said district to the owner of any other regularly established and duly licensed business and such slot machine shall be operated and maintained in and at said place of business and in accordance with all the requirements of this Ordinance. Section 6. All applications for licenses or renewals thereof, shall be made by peti­tion to the Board of City Commissioners by filing the same with the City Clerk, who shall immediately refer each such application to the Board of City Commissioners at or before the next meeting thereof after receipt of such petition by him. The same may be acted upon by said Board at any regular, or recessed regular meeting of such Board of City Com­missioners. A majority vote of the members present shall be necessary to authorize the issuance or renewal of any license at any such meeting. Section 7. All applications for licenses, as in this Ordinance provided, shall state the applicants business and the location thereof, a complete description of the particular room and premises in which the licensee desires to carry on, operate Or conduct such slot machine, device or game, together with the location of the building, its street number, if such there be, and any other information by which it may be definitely and readily located and recognized, the name in full of the applicant, and in case of a co-partnership or association shall state the name in full of each and all of the co-partners or associates, and in case of a corporation, the names of the officers and managers thereof. The person, firm, association or corporation so applying for a license shall state definitely the par­ticular type and class of slot machine, any one of which the licensee desires to operate and conduct in said room and premises, or other particular game or device which the lic­ensee desired to operate and conduct in said room and premises, and as so stated the same shall be specifically described and entered upon said license. Section 8. The Board of Commissioners, in the exercise of its discretion, may limit the number of licenses, and may refuse to grant or renew the license provided for in this Ordinance to any person, firm, association, or corporation, and may suspend or revoke, without notice, any license granted hereunder, if, in its judgment or discretion, it should appear to them that the applicant or licensee is not a proper person, firm, association or corporation to operate or conduct the slot machine, device or game for which the license is applied or has been granted, that the licensee has not properly and fairly conducted such slot machine, device or game, has violated any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or has engaged in such practices in connection with the conduct and operation of the slot machine, device or game and so maintained the premises wherein they are being operated as to be detrimental to the gaming business in the City of Las Vegas and prejudicial to the public welfare, and every such licensee accepts the license subject to the right of suspension and revocation without notice and subject to all the conditions and provisions of this Ordinance. Upon such revocation the City of Las Vegas shall be entitled to retain the license fee theretofore paid for such license. Section 9. Stud poker and draw poker, shall be licensed at the rate of $50.00 per quarter, payable quarterly in advance. Panguingue shall be licensed at the rate of $30.00 per quarter, payable quarterly in advance.