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Mr, Thomas A, Campbell Ghalrjsi&n, Board of Director# b m Veg&s Valley Water District 135 Soutfe tth street Lea Vegas, Rev&xta ©ear Hr, Campbell? Las Vegas « July 8. If 53 W 2>1~1 Zf | 26 In connection w ith addition s to the property o f the K&ter Oospsuy, the cost o f which w i l l be added t©“ the basic purchase p r ic e under the terms o f con tract f o r s a le o f the water system to the Las Vegas V alley Water D is t r ic t , I am sending you herew ith tw» ao-ples o f our * D e ta il o f Estimated SKpimdltures” coverin g con stru ction o f the fo llo w in g described p ro je c t which i t is proposed to construct su b ject to approval ©f execu tives o f the Water votap&ny, Q&mtrmt jp|§ LF # f 8® cast ir o n water stain rep la cin g 610 LF o f 8* water sa in lo ca ted on. property vacated by 01ty o f L&s Veg&g on the south sid e o f Charleston B ird, between 13th and 15th Street® , Las Vega#* I #s sending you herewith two copies o f our Drawing A-1101 dated June 30# 1953 showing lo c a tio n o f new lin e to be constructed and e x is tin g lin e to be replaced* in explanation o f the n ecessity f o r the shove described p r o je c t , the C ity o f Las Vegas has vacated a p ortion o f Chain**tan H v d , between 13%h and 15th S treets in which the Las Vegas Land and w®t®r Company has an 8* p ip e l i n e and has served n o tic e m th is company to r e lo c a te th is pip# lin e to a p o s itio n w ith in the lim it s o f the remaining dedicated area. In ' th e ir n o tice to tssf they have r e fe r r e d to p rovision s contained in Paragraph 2 o f Perm it granted the La# Vsga# Land and Water Company which are to oted below? •The municipal a u th o ritie s s h a ll a lt© have the r ig h t to d ir e c t the change in lo c a tio n at any time o f such pip# lin e s , water main#, la t e r a ls and appliances and to e s ta b lis h and change the p M # o f said s tr e e ts