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    OHIO NEWS BUREAU CO. Cleveland 15, Ohio OM?╜rt Pr?╜* Clipping Bnrean u Oh,* =1BELEXIRE, O. FRIDAY,-JUNE 26, 1953 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS^gtJJ?^^'BUREAU \ 165 Chtw^^Stfeet - New York j NEW YORK, Nv it : World-Telegrani & The Sun Circ. Di^SiO!7 -'. -New York?╟÷Day by Day- ?· Ppp Freezes IJp ?╟÷ ?╟÷?·ty Frank farrell Dumb? BIotto^^ Mink Coats Than Film Stars 23-Year-Old Las Vegas Chorus Girl Given Garment By Lucky Gamblers United Press HJUywood Writer LAS VEGAS, pev. (UP) ?╟÷ A beautiful, blonde, 23-year-old chorus girl who dances at this swanky gambling mecca says she's dumb, but has more mink coats than a movie star. Joyce Niven says she has nine minks and sables which were given to her because "I bring luck to rfTiYnSfnf1pr"pn escorts at the gam bling tables." "As a way of saying thanks they give me a mink," she said. "One ?ffg!!"WQH: ?Z2,00d"when he was with I tary. However, the customers ln- Joyce was reared in a convent at South Bend, Ind., arid started out to be a history teacher, but switched to making history, in a mink sort of way, instead. Every night Joyce steals the show at the phishjjjn-^Qnds Hotel. although she doesnTknoW,,Tf7^r does she? She is required, along with nine other beauties, to turn around a few times on the stage and prance off again. This maneuver sounds elemen- variably watch Joyce silently counting, moving her lips, 1-2-3, as she swings around the stage. After the show, Joyce settled down at our table and toyed with a double ginger ale. "I'm dumb," she beamed. "But I have nine minks and a sable. "You can't count three of them, though, they're just stoles," s h e said. "They're worth $32,800. Oh, I had them appraised. I have a royal pastel mink coat, a dark ranch mink coat, a silver blue mink coat, a breath-of-spring mink coat, a sable coat, a black mink coat, a ranch mink stole, a '.silver'tSjfitt.e, mink stole and a whi|e rpink stdjfl^'!' she recited. As 1 have never been offered even one lousy mink skin I inquired in fascination who gave Joyce these little momentos, "Oh, friends," she.said with a baby-like shrug. "Five pf the nine furs have*tbeen given to me since I came to Las Vegas last fall. I'd just as soon like poor men, but I seem to have an affinity for wealthy men/' I- Ja^e*tc?5unts out her routines in the Jjoor show because, she said, "?√ßfhatfs t)%Tonly way she can do xhertjp-'.m "There aren't any dancers in our chorus lirie, just beauties," she said proudly. "To get this job you only have to know how to count to three." Jack Seabrook, the frozen foods heir, has been told by his father) to go find'some coyn of his own to shuck. Apparently pop's thought' of a Gabor (Evfi) in the family was the last-straw. .As of *this morn- gjjfJg Jack has no fortune to inherit?╟÷and Eva's, up on Cape God. ..;. Loyalty in the Gabor family is a" passing thing in many respects. While Eva was opening in "Sailor's Delight" Monday night on the Cape, sister Magda was scrutinizing another leading lady,' in another show that Magda will star ih during summer tour elsewhere. Magda ?╟≤ returned tp NYC next day. Never bothered to see how Eva was doing. ... Ah, well, one Gabor -never the other, is doing,'or they'd all be in a tizzy all the time. .. .Or. are they? .. . Frapchot Tone and Bets^ von Fiirstenberg are ?╟÷m?╟÷mmism wM??^?ot de^d- T^W w^re ^w ???uch 3aliye in Cafe de | Fra^e.the other night. Adding to the confusion of their surrepti- I tious appearance was something that completely threw hostess Mine, \ Douzeri. Betsy's more"; recent Lothari, Peter Howard, was in same | room at the same time at a glaring table for one. Jack (57) Heinz scooted through town en route to Pittsburgh from Europe this week after beaucoup parties v and private plane charters in Paris with' redhead-Drue Mallory. Hotel Sands proprietor Jack Entratter, gurgling from the bottom w&tisiB^fafPfegtfs'' swimming pool yesterday,"phoned''td^'advisse" | that it was 110 degrees in the sh^de out there, pardner. So the ! dealers were in 'bathing, -suits, serving up roulette, dic?· and | blackjack in the tank. . . . Shirley Booth has corralled so j many I awards, now everybody thinks ev-r ery things'fits her. But - Shirley is ] loafing up on Cape Codi taking j plenty of time to decide what v; she'll play next, when and where. &*---Wt?? They are now farming out j Harvard Business School under- | grads at chefs, stewards ahd baby^i?╜|a?╜:?a.A???╜i.:.^^fl|By;,- Allen sitters abbard yachts during sum- Jnier hionths. Of course, this gives Harvard profs the cheapest crews they've had in years. Rope's end, anyone? *m. Goodman Ace, Uncle jMiltie's top writer, is hospitalized in. St. Clue's. . . . Tommy Good- jwin, the golfer and electronic snooper afterSiirates' gold in the Bahamas, was telling Dorothy Di Frasso al| about it in El Morocco last night. . . . Godfrey for Lewis again on July 27.. . . Paramount's in- j ventory of flat films to be released before any other medium is saturating jto'the point of hold-everythiag. , .?√ß'...'. Theaterwill always be informal in the?√ß Village... During int0pnissidn between first and ] second acts of last evening's- Theater 4}e. Lys premiere-?╟÷the show's j star Terese Hayderi sat on a curbstone||||ading,mail and scribbling I in autograph books;- while dram^s?╜ritics^Pd cash customers waited for the show to continue. i^&m_i Fred Allen's Cape Cod Calculations for Summer: ... Old maids at summer hotels, will, only learn about love if they happen to take tennis lessons. . $ . Lifeguards will have vulcanizing equipment \ to rescue bathers floating on,inner tubes.which have blowouts. . . . The Belmont Hotel will rent individual clouds to guests who demand shade on sunny days. '_. . . Enough mustard will be wasted at roadside stands to cover Frankfort, Ky. T . . More cries of "Help!" will be heard at drive-in theaters than will be heard at __J BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU I65*^jjrch Street - New York LOS ANGELES, CAUF. fliXAMINER Circ. D. 349,320 - S. 758,341 Wil 131953 OHIO NEWS BUREAU CO. Cleveland 15, Ohio Oldest Press Clipping Bnrean in Ohio '"AKRON BEA^Sn|0URNAL ill WALTER ~~THE LAIT WATCK^l gjture by Johnny Ray. Bl aurally handicapped himself funnels all his TV earnings * buying hearing aids for hi of-hearing kids who can't lord them. . J . Larry Finj popular KFWB disc spinner, be in Las Vegas all next w< and we'll War the first thi ihours of his nightly broada direct from the Sands. I Big Movie sho\ving the development of motion pictures from 1903 to the present, will be hitting our screens shortly. The series, produced by Grand International in N. Y., includes footage of all the fabulous old-time stars. .. .^Peggy Lee opens to- j night at Ciro's. . . . And speaking of songbirds, Lawrence Welk still auditioning girls to re- ace Roberta Linn. On his tele- jkw tonight, KTLA (5) at 8, Epves a look-listen to Bunny iXlop. ... A sizable group of /ians and disabled vets will | guests at Television Stars I idayo^^^iatest pairing.of [ ??1 poppmger and a male hill- j * warbler has Helen O'Con- nd Skeets McDonald team- j p for Capitol Records. .. . j A-TV lost a lot of friends letting another good kid; lr go by the boards. We're [ring, of course, to the dailyl 'atrol series. The Satttrf f-hour doesn't begin to! Commander Cory's foil pwers . . . Margaret Truman as been resigned for a third- ' by NpC, the pact calling nine TV^nd radio appear] ices, fpd there's a chance ell b^- given her own show J less that'll silence the wise lys who thought she was onljj TJ|?║|g|tting by on her pappy'sj q?·TW ' seriPPine, including me. ies In The ?╟?.-~~^, WANGER ANU Joan Bennett are traveling around Europe as Mr. and Mrs., but they still won't admit to newsmen that their reconciliation is complete or official, Ingrid Bergman will take husband Rossellini along on her first visit to Sweden since she |pNE WYMAN became a success in the U. S. Talk is they will come to New York this Fall. Bandleader Lawrence Duchow, : "Beer Barrel Polka" composer, has started four years' probation on charges of passing bogus checks totaling $1,200. He paid back all the money before his trial. Aiy Khan, Rita Hayworth's ex, is making available for film ] locations shots his lavish Riviera estate in France. The better to be near movie beauties. Ex-heavyweight champ Joe Louis will team up with vocalist Ruth Brown for a 41-city concert tour of the country starting July 17. Louis didn't say what his part in the show will be. Actress Coleen Gray has announced her engagement to Lt. Com. William C. Black, efficiency expert for Lockheed Aircraft. It'll be second marriage for both. Jane Wyman is the latest st$r to succumb to Las Vegas I offers. She'll play two weeks at the Safl^SJi0^61 some time inl August. Salary wasn't announced, but it's believed to be morel than $20,000 for the stint...__,?╜ BArclay 7-5371 presHHjpping bureau 165 Chky$$treet - New York LOS ANGELES, CALIF. NEWS | Circ|fe69,l65 - S. 191,159 JUN 24 1953 Erskine Johnson Jniiiui:!iii::i-i:i ?√ß::i!".::i!.;-:i;!iN'i:i-i;ii:ii':iM!-ii:i !i!:iii!:!:- i!::i: ii:?·:i;:.i.i:.:=-:i-.i:;:ii :ii:iii:::i::i:i-i-ii:i:;i:::i:u-!;i..:ii.i ::ii-inu ' Glenn Ford, Ann Sheridan battle is really a pip j EXCLUSIVELY YOURS: Glenn Ford and Ann Sheridan may battle it out in front of a jury of Screen Actors Guild mepabers, so bitter was their feud during production of "Rage; of the Jhngle," which became "Rage of the Sound Stages." ^Glenn's actions during the film, . insiders say, included scene stealing and sabotage of her closeups which led to Ann being hours late to the set on the closing day of the film. Glenn, a 15 ;per cent owner of the film, walked ofj , the 3 set when Annie-Pie showed up Tate.-, PAULETTE Goddird sails for Switzerland and life in the Alps with Erich^sMaria Remarque in mid-July, liut something's been added to Yodel- land since Paulette and Erich last decorated the scenery. Her ex-husband?╟÷Charlie Chaplin. It's comeback try No. 3 for Mary Astor and her new svelte figure. She fought obesity and RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PlUSS CLIPPINGS ?╟÷ 220 W. l#St, NEW YORK 11, N.Y. jffi CHelsea 3-8860 Cir. (D 6,872) This Clipping From HOLLfWOOD REPORTER HOfLYWOOD, CAL. won. S^KS'Il,, star in summer stock IpiMgraphy," and then starts llabearsals for a road tour in gSifiei of the- Cuckoo" in September.' ?╟≤ The Gfj^rtian titles given Hollywood Jilts are getting laughs - from mpitetowners at the West ; Berlin Festival. "Shane" is ti- ; tied, "My Friend Shane," and "The Moon Is Blue" blushes in the marquee lights as "The Vir-"3 gin on the Roof." Bob Hope tells about visiting a mess hall in Korea where the menu included powdered milk, powdered eggs and powdered bacon.* '**?√ß%$?╟≤' ^IIP "We didn't have to eat' the stuff," quips Bob. "They just blew it'at us.". Jane Powell wants to slice down th??3irisurance she's carrying as *|llrt of her settlement "wftir Geary Steffan. It's one of ^ the big hitches that's giving lawyers a lieadache. Geary sold Jane the insurance which costs her $9000 a" year. THE VIRGINIA Hall who's been warbling at thejSands Hotel in Las Vegas is the same beauty who^'was' a member of Paramount's Golden Circle bevy of starlets not too long ago. Robt. Merrill Visiting Metropolitan Opera Star Robert Merrill, who concluded a highly successful nightclub debut at the Sj^s Hotel, Las Vegas, last week, is in town at the Beverly Hills Hotel for a few days prior to his return to New York. He's due for several television appearances before flying to Mexico City July 18 to star with the Mexico City Opera Co. in "La Traviata."