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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 05, 2001






Includes meeting minutes and agenda, along with additional information about CSUN Rebel Radio prepositions.

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    uac001046. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Student Government UNIVERSlTr OF NEVADA Office of the Senate President LAS VECAS FEB 27 ilooP/i' OI STEPH DAVY r STUDENT SENATE MEETING 31-11 Monday, March 5,2001 MSU 201,6:00PM Monica Moratfkhan Senate President Pro-Tempore Education Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Sarah Bowers Business Chris Powell Education Eric Woodson Hotel Administration Marissa Geffen Urban Affairs Lisa Fleming Liberal Arts Jamie Homampour Liberal Arts David Fauske Hotel Administration Katie McDonald Hotel Administration Kelly Martinez Student Development Ken Aoki Student Development Dustin Williams Health Services Jessica Zardnt Health Services Shawna Hughes Fines Arts Cara Chasin - Sciences Aaron Dunning Education Tony Salsaa Business Alyson Ling Business Chris DiLorenzo Business Luke Bowland Engineering Rocco Gonzalez Liberal Arts I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. ANNOUNCEMENTS IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 31-08,31-09,31-10 V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Business Manager Report D. Directors' Reports Brooke Bohlke- Director of Nevada Student Affairs Jennifer Hale- Director of CSUN Services Sean McClenahan-Director of Entertainment and Programming Jason Smylie- Director of Office of Student Information Holly Wainscott- Director of Elections VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student to serve as senator for the College of Education. B. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of an amount not to exceed $1850 to the Fine Arts College for per diems for the Edinburgh Festival (See attachment) VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senators Bowland and Gonzales to serve on the Campus Safety and Awareness Committee. As submitted by Senator Dayani; CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • U s VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • FAX (702) 895-4606 B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding the ACHE for $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers; (see attachment) C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding Phi Delta Theta for; $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers; (See attachment) D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding the UNLV chapter of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) for $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers; (See attachment) E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding the Nevada Beta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon for $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers; (See attachment) F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding the All Students Academic Partnership for $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers (See attachment) G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senator Gonzalez, one senator from Bylaws, up to two other senators, to sit on the Constitutional Revisions Committee. As submitted by Senator Bowers) VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)} IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hail, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. STUDENT SENA TE MINUTES MEETING 31-11 Monday, March 5, 2001 MSU 201, 6:00PM L CALL TO ORDER H. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Monica Moradkhan Samara Dayani Sarah Bowers Chris Powell Eric Woodson Marissa Geffen Lisa Fleming Jamie Homampour Aaron Dunning David Fauske Katie MacDonald Kelly Martinez Ken Aoki Dustin Williams Jessica Zardnt * (6:04 PM) Shawna Hughes Cara Chasin Tony Salsaa Alyson Ling Chris DiLorenzo Luke Bowland Rocco Gonzalez 22 Senators total * Denote Tardiness III. ANNOUNCEMENTS Vice President Pro Tempore Green- Executive Board has given the recommendations for the judicial councils. Director Evaluations will be out next week. For senators, the th scholarship is due April 16 . Please put them in Brady Knapp's box. Next Saturday is Race for the Cure at the Galleria mall. Hope to see everyone there. Senate President Davy- The Friday meeting was canceled because of Nevada Open Meeting Law. I was out with the flu for part of the week. The minutes are still under review. There is a possibility of a senate meeting on Monday during Spring Break. We need to pass an item for Monday. Thank you Brady Knapp for not getting the items in on time. Do not let Senate Homampour's decision affect you. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 31-08, 31-09, 31-10 There were no minutes to approve. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports Senator Bowers- Ways and Means. We tabled the All Student Partnership. We are going to reevaluate this on March 19th at 5:30 PM. Senator Bowers- Constitutional revisions- March 19th at 4:30 PM. (. Senator Bowers- Bylaws-Byhws meeting will be on the 19th around 5:15. We will go over the bylaws. Senator Homampour- IFC- IFC will have their meeting on Monday next week in the Health Sciences Building. We will discuss the possibility of the next three basketball head coach candidates. B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports Senate President Pro Tempore Moradkhan- Provost committee- the search is almost over. Dr. Harter will narrow it down to 3 candidates. C. Business Manager Report Jim Moore read of this weeks expenditures: $200.08 $327.52 $144.72 $195.07 $302.50 Reprographics Boise Cascade Boise Cascade Boise Cascade Boise Cascade Printing of election rosters Misc. office supplies Misc. office supplies Misc. office supplies Misc. office supplies Total: $1,169.90 D. Directors' Reports Brooke Bohlke- Director of Nevada Student Affairs 1 attended the Board of Regents last week. The health survey proposal was tabled at the meeting. They informed me as on the Bill Drafts. 11:30 executive board speeches tomorrow in the alcove. Please come. Jennifer Hale- Director of CSUNServices Not present. Senator Martinez gave her report. Still working on recognizing organizations. March 28th is the last day for packets. April 1st is funding Sean McClenahan-£)/>ector of Entertainment and Programming 2 verbal confirmations for RebelPoolza. Both acts have said yes. We are going to have a diverse stage. We are still in talks with Blue Man Group and the Latin Based Group, Storm, from Mandalay Bay. The hate crimes presentation is this week in MSU 201. March 10th, Saturday, please ignore Phelps. He thrives on getting a reaction from people. At Michigan University, they held a pledge drive. People pledge for every minute for Phelps was there and gave it to a charitable event. Finally, backstabbing during campaign time is horrible. It is funny what people say during this time. Next week I will have a submission to remove Jamie Homampour from my board. I do not appreciate him telling others, and not me, that he has a problem with me. Jason Smylie- Director of Office of Student Information No report. Not present. Holly Wainscott- Director of Elections Primary election is this week. It will be for Student Body president and Vice President. There will be over $500 worth of free pizza. Please come to the forum tomorrow. The elections board will be meeting next week in the conference room. I hope tonight we can have a judicial council. We need to have due process for the candidates during this election. There are extremely well qualified candidates here tonight. I often saw and heard that there was confusion last meeting. Please be clear before you vote on an item. Senate President Davy asked why Symlie didn't hang up the flyers. That is his job. Director Wainscott did not know. VL OLD BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student to serve as senator for the College of Education. Senate President Pro Tempore Moradkhan moved to remove off the table, second by Senator Dayani (22-0-0) Motion passes Senate President Davy states that Candidate Becker has removed his name from the list. He is having family problems Senator Dayani moved to allow each candidate to speak no more than two minutes, followed by questions and answers, followed by a roll call vote. Seconded by Senator Hughes. No discussion Move into a vote (22-0-0) Motion Passes Candidate Nicole Parrott: I have been involved in Delta Zeta for the past three years. I do not want to waste my next two years at UNLV. I have three big contributions for the College of Education. I want a graduate license program. Even though CSUN doesn't represent graduate students, I feel that this would benefit the college and university as a whole. The GLE Program, I want to be extended for people who are also interested in this program. I understand know that the funding was a gift to the Preschool. I want to support the preschool in anyway I can. Senator Powell- have read the CSUN constitution? Candidate Parrott. Yes No more questions for Candidate Parrott. Candidate Jason Schrock: I am a four year student here at UNLV. I have been extremely involved in IFC, CCA (Clark County Association), and Greek Life. I want to the PPST test, which costs $130.00, to be offered at a discount for the students. There are students that can't afford this test. I want visibility of this college to be increased. I want students to feel free to talk to me with concerns and problems. Senator Fleming- Could you elaborate on Quality of Schools Initiative? Candidate Schrock. Raise the level for teachers. It is long, I can explain in detail later one Candidate Silva. I have a double major in Spanish and Secondary Education I love education. I am worried about violence in the schools. I do not think it is getting enough attention as it should. Something is going wrong with the schools. I spoke to a principal today, and he believes that we (the students) do not have enough experience. I feel our time isn't being used well enough for our practicum's. We should have more hands on experience. Senator Homampour- How many clubs are you currently involved in? Candidate: 1 Senator DiLorenzo: What do you plan to do for student shootings? Candidate Silva: I think we need more speakers from other parts of the country. I would love to invite Scott Gardner ( a speaker) to UNLV. No More questions for the candidate Move into a roll call vote Senator Gonzalez-Candidate Silva Senator Bowland- Schrock Senator Ling- abstain Senator Salsa- Candidate parrot Senator Dunning -Candidate Schrock Senator Hughes -Candidate Schrock Senator Zarndt -Candidate Silva Senator Dayani- Candidate Silva Senator Williams- Candidate Parrot Senator Aoki- Candidate Schrock Senator Martinez-Candidate Schrock Senator Chasin- Candidate Schrock Senator Macdonald -Candidate Silva Senator Fauske- Candidate Schrock Senator Homampour- Candidate Silva Senator Fleming- Candidate Silva Senator Geffen- abstain Senator Woodson -Candidate Schrock Senator Powell -Candidate parrot Senator Bowers -Candidate Schrock Senator Dayani : abstain Senate President Pro Tempore Moradkhan- Candidate Silva Senator Salsaa- Candidate Parrot No one candidate has majority, Candidates Silva and Schrock continue. Senator Gonzalez: Candidate Silva Senator Bowland Candidate Schrock Senator DiLorenzo Candidate Schrock Senator Ling : abstain Senator Salsaa : Candidate Silva Senator Dunning Candidate Schrock Senator Chasin Candidate Schrock Senator Hughes Candidate Schrock Senator Zardnt : Candidate Silva Senator Williams Candidate Schrock Senator Aoki Candidate Schrock Senator Martinez Candidate Schrock Senator Macdonald : Candidate Silva Senator Fauske: Candidate Schrock Senator Homampour : Candidate Silva Senator Fleming : Candidate Silva Senator Geffen: abstain Senator Woodson: Candidate Schrock Senator Powell: Candidate Silva Senator Bowers Candidate Schrock Senator Dayani: Candidate Silva Senator Moradkhan : Candidate Silva Candidate Schrock receives the Senate seat 11 Schrock 9 Silva 2 abstain Senate President Davy calls a recess at 6:32 PM to swear in the new senator Senate President Davy calls the meeting back to order at 6:42 PM 23 senators present B. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of an amount not to exceed $1850 to the Fine Arts College for per diems for the Edinburgh Festival (See attachment) Senator Hughes moves to remove off table, seconded by Senator Gonzalez Move into a vote (23-0-0) Motion Passes Senate President Pro Tempore Moradkhan moved to approve, seconded by Senator Fauske Senate President Pro Tempore Moradkhan moved to amend item to read 18,000 second by Senator Woodson Move into a vote (23-0-0) Motion Passes Senate President Pro Tempore yields the floor to Robert Tracy Robert Tracy- associate dean of fine arts. We are seeking money for the college. We want to perform in the worlds largest performing arts festival. There were at total of 2,000 productions. We want to send 44 students this year. It is a life changing event. Senator Dayani-Does this funding provide housing and food expenses? I know the students pay for the class that they take and get credit for. Will they perform here at UNLV as well? Robert Tracy: This money will not cover all their expenses, it will help greatly though. After they get back to UNLV, they will perform for free. Senator Zardnt- How are the students chosen? Robert Tracy: By audition. Senator Powell- In terms of numbers, how much is it per student to go on the trip Robert Tracy Around 400 per student. Senator Powell: How much do the students pay out of their own pocket? Robert Tracy: it varies Senator Ling- how much have you requested in past years? Robert Tracy: $18,000 was last years. Senator Ling-is the performance at unlv free for students? Robert Tracy: Yes Senator Homampour- To Senator Bowers. Is this coming out of general discretionary? Senator Bowers- yes. Our funds are around $26,000. This is until June 30th. Senator Moradkhan- When do you need another 9,000? Robert Tracy- They are leaving in the first of August. We need the money in accounts toward the end of July. Senator Bowers- out of the 44 students, are they all undergraduate and graduate? Robert Tracy- Both. 1 graduate and 43 undergraduate. Senate President Davy- You can amend the amount of money. Senator Moradkhan moves to amend $18,000 and inserting $9,000 seconded by Senator Woodson. Senator Dayani- When do you want to give the next 9,000? (open question for the Senators) Senator Woodson- The next $9,000 can be passed during the next term. Senator Powell- I think this is wonderful program. 18,000 is a large amount of money though. Senator DiLorenzo- Can we take money from next fiscal year now? Senate President Davy- No Move into a vote on amendment All in favor of amending the item to read "Discussion/ Approval of an amount not to exceed $9000 to the Fine Arts College for per diems for the Edinburgh Festival (See attachment)" (16-4-3) Oppose- Senators Homampour, Chasin, Hughes, Salsaa Abstain- DiLorenzo, Fauske, Bowers Motion carries Discussion on item as a whole Senator Homampour- Do we give any other colleges $18,000? This is only for one college, and it is a smaller college. Senator Williams- I have a problem that we are giving the money to the college and not to the undergraduates. That means they can disburse it as they please. Graduate students don't pay into our accounts. Senator Dunning- What about the 2702 account? Senator Fauske- Yield floor to student body president Moradkhan President Moradkhan: We have no more money transfers left. There is no more money. Senate President Pro Tempore Moradkhan- This is the third year that we have sponsored the program. Senator Bowers move to amend striking 9,000 and replacing with 150 per student for up to 44 undergraduate students. Seconded by Senator Geffen. Senator Bowers : I cut it in half. This amendment ensures that is for only undergraduate students, and each student would only get 150 dollars. Move in to a vote on amendment (22-1-0) Oppose- Senator Homampour Motion carries Senator Dayani- I have heard great things on this program. We are getting international press. We are getting national press. I think its great. Senator Hughes- Can a student talk about their experience in Scotland? Dancer 1: It changed my life forever. This brought the college very close together. It made us a family. Senator Dunning- Do undergraduates get job opportunities from this? Dancer 1: Yes, we get much exposure. Dancer 2: You can look it as a professional job. From an acting stand point, this is amazing. Senator Dunning- Did undergraduates get jobs from this program? Dancer 2: Yes, I got a job offer on the strip Dancer 3: In performing arts, it is all about performing, and networking. I learned many different styles. It changed my whole perspective on dance. The conversion rate is in pound. The money that we take is half. Dancer 1: It is very expensive. The food is more expensive because of the festival. Business Jim Moore- Until they tell us the total amount, it will be 44 students. IF there is less, then the money will go back into the account. Senator Powell-1 am looking for a way to rationalize the money. Dean Tracy- Oxford and BYU University were some of the colleges there. We did better than Oxford. Senator Chasin- How many will be first time students? Dancer 1: Almost all of them will be new. Senator Aoki- Will $300 be enough? Dean Robert Tracy- It is only % of the amount necessary, but it will help. Dancer 2: It helped out the students that couldn't afford it. Students make it work. Senator Aoki- How many are undergraduate students? Dean Robert Tracy- Around 40 students. Senator Ling- Are you doing any other fundraising? Dancer 2: As a college, we are paying for the trip. National airlines one of our sponsors. Senator Bowers- This is a great idea. Dean Robert Tracy- We will know around march how many students Senator Dunning- Look at what we sponsor? ROTC, Fundraising. This is a really good idea. No more discussion Move into a vote (22-1-0) Oppose- Senator Homampour Motion Carries VII. Move to approve by Chasin All in favor (22-0-1) Bowland abstain Motion carries B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding the ACHE for $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers; (see attachment) Senator bowers moved to approve, seconded by Senator Gonzalez Senator Bowers- these all passed unanimously today in the Ways and Means Senate President Davy- This is a health organization Move into a vote (23-0-0) All in favor Motion carries NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senators Bowland and Gonzalez to serve on the Campus Safety and Awareness Committee. As submitted by Senator Dayani; Senate President Pro Tempore Moradkhan, seconded by Senator C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding Phi Delta Theta for; $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers; (See attachment) Senator Bowers moves to approve second by Senator Woodson Senator Geffen- This is an awesome event. I was in charge of it last year. I have a problem that the Greek Week committee has asked every organization to donate money. We are giving 300 for this event, and in the past was free. Food and toys have been free in the past. Senator Moradkhan- In the ways and means committee, we passed this. This isn't fully adopted by Greek Week. Every chapter has the option of coming to us. Senator Homampour- Will Phi Delt come back if this request is for Greek Week? Senator Bowers- If they use if for the same thing, then no. They shouldn't come back to us. If they use it for different purposes, than they can come back. Senator Homampour- Every Greek organization will come and ask for money if we pass this. Senator MacDonald- withdraw Senator Woodson- 2 questions for VPPT Green. What kind of toys are you buying? VPPT Green- We don't know yet. We will buy as many toys as we can. We are not doing any fundraising. We don't know what boys and girls club location Senator Powell- yield floor to VPPT Green. VPPT GREEN- I am not speaking on behalf of a Greek organization. I put this agenda item over a month ago. We are participating in this event, and it will help a lot of people. Phi Delt's name is not on this. It will be UNLV. Senator Powell- I feel that it is good. They are choosing how they want to spend their money. Senator Williams- use the "Slippery Slope" analogy Senator Bowers - Do not look at this as a Greek Week event. Look at what other fraternities have used their money for. This will benefit the community. Senator Geffen- It is an awesome event. I just want to make sure that this will not taint peoples decision on the IFC item next week. Move into a vote (15-2-6) Oppose; Senators MacDonald and Dayani Abstain- Senators Fauske, Homampour, Williams, DiLorenzo, Martinez, Salsaa Motion carries D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding the UNLV chapter of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) for $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers; (See attachment) Senator Dayani moved to approve seconded by Senator Gonzalez Senator Bowers- This is an awesome proposal. They are contributing money. Senator Martinez- Please speak up. Next door is loud. No more discussion Move into a vote (23-0-0) Motion passes E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding the Nevada Beta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon for $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers; (See attachment) Senator Dayani moved to approve, seconded by Senator Powell Move into a vote (23-0-0) Motion passes F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding the All Students Academic Partnership for $300. As submitted by Senator Bowers (See attachment) Out of Order. Tabled at Bylaws G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senator Gonzalez, one senator from Bylaws, up to two other senators, to sit on the Constitutional Revisions Committee. As submitted by Senator Bowers) Senate President Pro Tempore moved to approve, seconded by Senator Bowers. Senator Bowers moved to insert Senator Bowland and Senator Martinez and strike "up to two other senators" seconded by Senator Gonzalez. Senator Bowers- I was miscounting. I didn't count myself. Senator DiLorenzo- do they want this? (the senators) Senator Bowers: Yes Move into a vote (21-0-2) Senators Bowland, Martinez abstain Amendment passes Move into a vote (20-0-3) Motion passes Supplemental agenda: Action Item C: Discussion/Approval of four to six (4-6) student to serve on the CSUN Judicial Council from February 26, 2001 to February 25, 2003 Senate President Pro Tempore Moradkhan moved to remove off the table, seconded by Senator Dayani Move into a vote (23-0-0) Motion carries Senate President Pro Tempore Moradkhan moved to amend to read "two year term" seconded by Senator Woodson Move into a vote all in favor (23-0-0) Motion passes VPPT Green reads off names nominated by e-board There were 11 applications submitted. The eleven applicants are: Candidate Allison Woodward Candidate Amanda Gilley Candidate Michael Bond Candidate Nick Heeg Candidate Veronica Marsh Candidate Tim Lanning Candidate Ryan Schlosse ( no interview) Candidate Brooke Bunchan Candidate Rawlings Candidate Michael Minnich Candidate Ledford Senator Fauske move to allow each candidate that submitted an application to speak no more than two minutes, followed by questions and answers, seconded by Senator Dunning Move into a vote (23-0-0) Motion carries Senator Dayani moves to roll call for each candidate with the option of abstaining, second by Senator Bowers Discussion: The abstaining will count as a "no"vote Move into a vote (23-0-0) Motion passes Senator Zardnt: Won't this give an unfair advantage to those who speak first? Senate President Davy: No Senator Bowers- They need at least a 2/3 vote. Senator Bowers: Move to allow each candidate who gets more than a 2/3 vote to precede into another seconded by Senator Gonzalez Move into a vote All in favor (23-0-0) Motion carries Senator Homampour- Can we have a discussion on the floor? Senator Homampour moves to allow discussion, seconded by Senator Dunning (23-0-0) Motion carries Senator Homampour move to reopen nominations, second by Senator Powell Senator Bowers, moved to nominate "all candidates": seconded by Senator Geffen Senator Dayani moved to allow Candidate Ledford to speak seconded by Senator Hughes Senate President Davy called a ten minute break at 8:03 PM Senate President Davy called meeting 31-11 at 8:15 PM Candidate Michael Bond: I want to be on the judicial council. Who is Mike Bond? Why do I want to be on the council? I am a junior in business, majoring in accounting. I hope to graduate in May 2003. I used to be in the airforce for four years. I have a strong set of core values. Excellence and Integrity describe myself. I love UNLV. I enjoy my fellow students. Secondly, I think I am an ideal candidate for this position. I will base my decisions on my core values. I will look at the issue from all issues. I will make my decision not on my personal opinion. Integrity is above all else. I appreciate your attention, and I look forward to working with all of you.' Senator Zardnt- How long will you be here at UNLV? Candidate Bond- Another three years. I have read the Constitution, not the bylaws Senator Homampour- Have you taking any Business Writing courses? Candidate Bond- Yes, I am an accounting major. It allows me to pay attention to detail and follow the rules exactly Senator Zardnt- Have you taken any philosophy courses? Candidate Bond-1 have taken a constitution class Senator Gonzalez- It says he is a business major on his application, why did you answer the question about philosophy? Candidate Brooke Bunchan: I have an internship in Washington this summer. I have an unbiased opinion. I urge all of you to base your decisions on qualifications, and not popular vote. Senator Bowers- How long will you be gone? Candidate Bunchan- about two months Candidate Buchnan: I have taken a variety of classes Senator Gonzalez- Why did you put your extra curricular activities in high school down? Candidate Bunchan: I want to show you that I was involved. I have read the bylaws. Senator Homampour let me know that the position was open. Senator Geffen- I also ran into her, and I told her that she did a great job applying for Senate, and I told her she should apply. Senator Fleming- Do you hold any positions in these organizations? Candidate Buchnan-1 typed out a list that lists why I want to be involved. No more questions for Candidate Buchnan. Candidate Amanda Gilley: I have held leadership positions in other organizations that have led me to be impartial. I decided to extend my leadership abilities and enter into CSUN. I have researched what is expected of me. I found my niche in Judicial Board. I am fair minded and I am responsible. I have the drive and decision. Senator Bowland- When are you graduating? Candidate Gilley-1 won't graduate for another two years Senator Fleming- What do you think the judicial council is about? Candidate Gilley- Hearing elections, making decision for the good of the whole. I waited to get involved because I wanted to make sure I made the right decision. Senator Homampour- If one of your sigma kappa sisters came up, do you feel that you would be impartial? Candidate Gilley- I will be fair. I am not applying on behalf of sigma kappa, I am applying on behalf on myself. As being president, I can be impartial. No more questions for Candidate Gilley Candidate Nick Heeg: I am Nick Heeg. I as a student, I am motivated. I would like to become more involved. I understand the CSUN constitution and bylaws. I know how important it is to be impartial. I want to go to law school and focus on hotel law. Senator Zardnt- Have you taken any political sciences? Candidate Hegg- Yes 101. Senator Gonzalez- How does CSUN work inside and out? Candidate Heeg- because of advisory council, I see how it works. I am a freshmen, and I am figuring things out, I do know what I want Senator Homampour- How does advisory council relate to being on Judicial Council? Candidate Heeg- I saw things on other point of view. I look at all the sides. No more questions for Candidate Heeg Candidate Tim Lanning: This is my first year at UNLV, and I want to get more involved. I am a hotel law major. I feel that I am a very un-baised person. I am aware of the commands of this position. I am always around. Senator Gonzalez; Have you read the bylaws and constitution? Candidate Lanning: Yes, I have read them Senator Martinez: What makes you qualified? Candidate Lanning: I have been involved with the Director's council, and I feel that I am fair and qualified for this position. No more questions for Candidate Lanning Candidate Ledford: not present Candidate Veronica Marsh: I am interested in serving on this council. I am very involved in many activities at UNLV. I am also a member of student alumni association and a volunteer in the committee. I am in Phi Eta Sigma. I will be at UNLV until 2003. Senator Homampour: How do you feel that the judicial council is a disciplinary body? Candidate Marsh: I hope that the senators in the election will follow the rules. We interpret the rules. Senator Homampour:: How did you hear about this? Candidate Marsh: director Bohlke informed me. I have read the constitution. I will be unbiased. I would not be here otherwise. Senator Martinez: What are your time commitments? Candidate Marsh: Alpha Xi Delta and GAMMA. No more questions for Candidate Marsh Candidate Michael Minimic: I am a junior majoring in Hotel. I am involved in SAA and Culinary Arts. I was a senator at my old school. I am unbiased. Senator Williams- Will being a former senator help you out? Candidate Minnich: That was an elected position. Yes it will help me out. If a member from my organization came up I would be fair. Senator Powell: Commented on how much Candidate Minnich has overcome in his life. He would be a great candidate for the council. No more questions for Candidate Minnich Candidate Christopher Rawlings: I am majoring in history with a minor in political science. I want to be a lawyer in the future. Senator Gonzalez- Have you read the Constitution? Candidate Rawlings- Yes Senator Homampour: How did you hear about this? Candidate Rawlings: I heard about this in the Rebel Yell. I know what constitutional requirements are needed. No more questions for Candidate Rawlings Candidate Schoolsore: Not present. Out of town. Steph Davy reads his letter. I am a freshmen this year at UNLV. I am from Canada. I have lived in Vegas for 6 months. I am in SAA. I have taken three law classes in high school. I am a very fast learner, and I read over the constitution. I will make the proper decision. Candidate Allison Woodward: I have worked at a law firm for 1.5 years. I am familiar with the law process. I have gotten to court many times. I am not an expert but I am also familiar. I will be going to the Boyd School of law. I have a minor in English and a major in Business. Everyone has to follow the constitution. I am ready for this position. I am an orientation leader, SAA president, and an ambassador. Senator Fauske- Why did you wait another year? Candidate Woodward- Old president Jen Peck told me that I was not qualified for the position, and I should wait another year Senator Powell: What would you do if you had to make a decision on a friend? Candidate Woodward: I will be completely unbiased if a member of my sorority came up. Senator Homampour: have you taken any business writing classes? Candidate Woodward: I have taken a business writing class, and I feel that I am qualified. No more questions for Candidate Woodward Move into discussion on the candidates. Senator Dayani: I know that Amanda Gilley is unbiased. Senator Moradkhan- Candidate Woodward is very qualified and on top of things. I have worked with Gilley, and she is very unbiased. Candidate Buchnan- she applied after the filing date. Senator Homampour- Brooke is qualified. Rawlings is qualified also. He asked questions and seemed interested. Senator Williams- Yield the floor to student body President Moradkhan Student Body Moradkhan- Allison and Amanda have turned in their applications before all the attention Senator Fauske- Think of how the candidates handled tough situations such as Allison, Amanda, and Brooke.