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I agree.Fonn 30 Ho. 5-1954 - Drilling well at Las Vegas. Los Angeles, Calif*, October 15th, 1920* ssh*~h . h . a s e s o c K i— PILE I 6 1 I Tour l«tter/of October 14th to Mr* Cullen regarding For® 30 Ho* 5—1954 for drillin^well at SAs Vegas* there are a number of good welds at Las Vegas wMoh are 300 feet or less in depth* Horewer, a well«&rllling contractor at 1«8 Vegas, also our Land Agent, Mr. w. a* Bracteen, laid that in sene oases it had been necessary to go TOO and 800 feet to Obtain a strong flew* fherefons, it would seem better to mace the Form\ 30 #fr'" t'he raaxlrawm depth* Of course If a good well I s found at a lees depth the wort: will not be carried beyond that point* . Ohief Engineer* AxM 06* IRf CtlLTiBH*