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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vestas, April 16, 1945 Hr. a. r. Ashby: Referring to our exchange of correspondence your File 218.64 January 30 concerning our application to Wage Stabilization Division for certain wage adjust­ments for employees. In accordance with Ur. Rouse1a suggestion referred to In your letter January 30, we asked the War Labor Board for a statement of new wage brackets Issued by that board and have now received the enolosed letter dated A pril 11 from lira. Huntington of the board. In view of the faot that the cla ss ifica tio n outlined does not fit our employees except "Laborer* It Is doubtful whether a new application would accomp­lish muoh. T have In mind also that our legal depart­ment Is oonoerned whether the employees of the water oompany come under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Therefore, I suggest we hold the subjeot in abeyanoe until the law department reaches a decision on that subject. WALTER A. BRACKEN