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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    JZ ^kQTjP This picture is the property of W?de Wodd Photos and may be used only for purposes of one time reproduction in the U.S.A. when authorized by the owner, it is not to be used outside continental United States without permission of Wide World Photos. St may not be used in such manner as to violate the rights of any person, firm or corporation. It may not be used for advertising or purposes of trade un'oss wr ttert consent of each living person depicted, or if a minor, of hli or her parent or guardian, shall be obtained, such consent to run to the owners and the licensee. If any use shall violate* or shall be claimed to violate, the rights of any person, firm of corporation, the licensee agrees to save hamYsss the ownef from all liability, including reasonable connse' fees and expenses, which the owner may incur by reason thereof. picture MUST MOT carry owner?╟╓s cred:t if it is used >i Wise the PHOTOS