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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, November 2008



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    2009Israel Trip Details on page 4 Gift Wrap is Back! Details on page 5 Noah Shabbat Singles' Details on page 8 Adult Ed Details on page 9 Sisterhood/Men's Club Details on page 12 Did you know you can make Donations on-line? Qcheck out our website at 2008 Mensch of the Year November 22,2008 Mensch of the Year is Just Around the Corner! Congregation Ner Tamid is proud to honor Jon Sparer as our 2008 "Mensch of the Year." Jon is the architect of our beautiful new home, The Greenspun Campus for Jewish Life, Learning and Spiritual Renewal. We invite all of you to come and celebrate Jon and his creation with us this year on Saturday night, November 22,2008 at 6:30pm. Jon is one of the principals ofYWS Architects, which I was honored at the first annual Best of Nevada Real Estate V Awards, held earlier this year at the Palms Casino Resort. The event was presented by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. YWS cont. on page 2 I Sisterhood Annual Chanukah Bazaar Sunday, December 7 10 am-2 pm Join us at our Annual Bazaar where you'll find all your holiday shopping needs. Chanukah, birthdays, anniversaries.... You'll find something for everyone on your gift giving list, including yourself! There'll be food, prizes and fun for all. Don't forget our Annual Fund-4-Youth Raffle and Chinese Auction! Proceeds benefit our Campership Scholarship Program, which helped send 15 children to Jewish sleep away camp last summer. If you haven't received your letter for raffle tickets, contact Fay Schoenfeld at faynleol Temple Board Mensch cont. from page 1 President - Harry Sax VP Administration - Gregg Solomon Treasurer - Barry Lewisohn Corporate Secretary -Amy Matthews VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg decagon VP Member Recruitment - Lisa Skurow VP Ways & Means - David Rounds VP Youth & Education - Jacky Rosen VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Trustees lllisa Polis Bruce Matza Beth Bowman Brett Primack Pam Poster Sandy Stolberg Phyllis Lewis Rick Carter recarter44@gm ail. com Michelle Blank, Sisterhood President Michael Linger, Men's Club President Stephanie Watman, NTTY President Past Presidents Marla Letizia Scott Stolberg Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Jeff Kahn Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater *deceased was also recognized with the award for Best Architectural Design Residential for their design of Pinnacle Las Vegas. Jon has over 28 years of design experience and is licensed in 8 states, includ^^ Nevada. Jon has been quoted as saying that designing Congregation NerTamid was a "..shining moment in his career..." that he found "very spiritually rewarding." This year's festivities are unique.. .come see our Social Hall transformed into a Las Vegas Lounge...complete with lounge seating, culinary masterpieces from around the world and libations to make the repast complete. Dance to the music of Harbor Lights, place your bids for some amazing auction items (just wait until you see the paddle design)...and most of all: support our synagogue! As always, we will be creating a fabulous commemorative journal. There are still some prime ad placements available, whether you wish to honor Jon Sparer, highlight your business, or simply to support Congregation Ner Tamid. There are many fine ticket and ad packages to choose from. Please contact Lynette in the office at 733-6292 for more information. Tickets are $200 per person; all proceeds go to the various needs of ourTemple. Schmooze with the Rabbi Sunday, Nov 16 at 9:30 am w/RabbiAdar Here's an opportunity to sit down and talk with the Rabbi in a casual setting. Ask the questions you always wanted to ask in Hebrew school but were afraid to. This program is FREE and open to all. Hot Topics w/Rabbi Akselrad Thursday, Nov 6 at Noon Join Rabbi each month for the"topicdu jour", from politics in the Middle East to theology, to current events and how they effect us as Jews. Bring a brown-bag lunch and join in the discussion. FREE and open to all. r WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG The bulletin is a ruthless taskmaster. You have to sit down and write a column a month to six weeks in advance. This is quite a challenge some months. Barely finishing Rosh Hashana, by the time this column goes to press we would have observed Rosh shanah, Succot, and SimchatTorah! From the Rabbi Rabbi Sanford Akselrad But often times that is how life feels. Going from event to event. The hustle bustle of life W tti II sometimes gives us few quiet moments to reflect. J ? Stfl * But we all need that time to recharge our batteries. To take an accounting of who we are, how we got where we are, and where we are going. The High Holydays seem to be that time for us but I would argue that once a year is not enough. 'Miracles, marvels, moments of sacredness abound and we often do not notice. So, the message of this column is to stop. Take a moment and stop. A day without e mails, faxes, phones or frustrations. Just take that moment - an hour, a day to reflect. We have a name for this and it isn't Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur. It is called Shabbat. The Sabbath was once described by the philosopher Abraham Joshua Heschel as a "Palace in Time". He noted how if we truly observed the Sabbath, then one seventh of our lives would be spent in a heavenly mode. Whereas others taught that work was all there was in life. Judaism taught that while work was important, so too was worshiping God and understanding our place in the world. Each week our Congregation has a wonderful minyon that meets at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday mornings. They have an engaging class led by the master teacher Al Esbin and at 10:00 a.m. a lay led service for about an hour. When our fMting Rabbi, Ruth Adar is in town she conducts the service. At 11:00 a.m. the group studies theTorah Portion of e week. Over the years the group has developed quite a following of around 30 people. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But everyone who comes understands that learners of all levels are truly welcome and there is no such thing as a "stranger". Fresh faces and ideas are always welcome. We talk a great deal about making new year resolutions. About planning ahead for our future. Look no further than Shabbat mornings. I think you will find it a beautiful way to end the week and replenish your spirit and soul. Please join us as we host a very special service, featuring Rabbi Akelrad and religious leaders from across Southern Nevada. This service is free and open to all. Attendees are asked to bring canned goods, to be donated to the Community Food Bank. JJ'ase, let us know. Our clergy would like to visit and offer their support and encouragement. If someone you know is in the hospital, please call Karen Levine, Rabbi's Administrative Assistant, at 733-6292 ext 208. Privacy policies prevent hospital staff from automatically notifying the Temple. Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Sunday, November 23 at CNT at 6:00 pm Are You Hospitalized, or Know Someone Who Is? November 2008 3 Congregational Trip To Israel INFORMATIONAL MEETING SOON! Watch your Temple Bulletin, Shabbat Email, and Announcements for details Travel provided by Aye let Tours, Ltd. June 14-28, 2009 Join Rabbi in Israel this summer! Visit such places as Tel Aviv, Haifa, Mount Carmel, explore the ruins at Beit Shean, the Jordan Valley, Jerusalem, the Ayalon Institute, Western Wall tunnels, Yad Vashem, Dead Sea mineral bath spa, and more! Book Fair at CNT December 2-7 Book Fair Kick-off December 2 @ Noon Guest Author John Marshall "A History of Jews in Nevada" Autographed copies will be available for sale. Bring a brown bag lunch, listen and ask the author questions. Other "guest" author's to be announced. Watch your Temple email, announcements and bulletin for more details. Variety of books for young and old. Something for everyone! Book Fair Hours: Monday, Tuesday Thursday -10 am - 8 pm Wednesday -10 am - 6 pm Friday -10 am - 2 pm Closed Saturday Sunday -10 am - 3 pm 4 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG IT'S GIFTWRAP TIME AGAIN! MARK YOUR CALENDAR! ' Mfe Each year CNT hosts the Giftwrap Booth at the Galleria Mall, in Henderson. It's turned into one of our biggest fundraisers, and has created MANY new friendships. Giftwrap runs November 28 - December 24, Sundays - Thursdays, Mall Hours Fridays Until 3:00 pm. To sign up, contact Beth Bowman at 370-4246 or email her at Special Giftwrap Training Day! Sunday, November 23 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Meet in the Mervyn's Courtyard, lower level. Babysitting service is available at every Friday Shabbat Service, of charge. All we ask is that you RSVP by 3pm the ^Fednesday prior so we have staff available. RSVP to Roberta Unger at 733-6292 ext 202 or email her at Oycle of Life November B'nai Mitzvot Kimberly Karp November 1 proud parents are Helene & Larry Miranda Rosen November 8 proud parents are Jacky & Larry New Members in September: Lise & Leon Cohen, Jacqueline Lefkowitz & Joseph Gaudie, Clement & Sylvie Muney, Jesse Panoff, Nancy Lebish, Jacquelyn & Jordan Zommick, Gladys Berg, Mark Frydman & Fern Greenwald, John & Marilyn Moran, David & Allison Grant, Rudy & Lola Rivera, Ira & Michelle Weiner, Robert & Angela Weinstock, Charles & Barbara Campbell, Danny & Lauren Eisenberg, Phyllis Friedman, Jason & Casey Juadines, Jennifer & Scott Krellenstein, Neil & Anita Poret, Cher Shaine, Steven Shaine , Rafael Gafni, Richard & Emily Perlman, Fielene & Michael Catalano, Bobbi Zommick, Rhoda & Robert Lipkint, Yvonne Arena & Tim Johnson, Robert & Arlene Popowcer, Alex & Shana Korman, George Barnett & Sylvia Bernstein, Gene & Dina Gorlick, Edward & Jane Kranson, Freddie & Randi Sarno, LeVerne Witkow, Rabbi Ruth Adar & Linda Burnett, Scott & Lee Schreiber, Ronald & Robin Wilen, Nicole DeShazo, George & Sheila Oakley, Donald Schmidt, Thomas Jacobson, Stephany Raimo, Cornell & Esther Surany, Marty Loeb, Zachary & Sandra Miller, Seth & Amanda Cohen, Ben & Nili Sachs We mourn the passing... Matthew Lee, beloved uncle of Cindy Jensen and Leslie Jensen Louise Ewing, beloved sister of Dick Rose Gerald Luwisch, beloved father of Fielene Karp, father-in-law of Larry, grandfather of Jeffrey and Kimberly Goldie Figlarz, beloved mother of Marilyn Etcoff, mother-in-law of Lou, grandmother of Allison and Jennifer Allan Fredland, beloved father of Tricia, father-in- law of Chris November 2008 5 Religious School News "The Aleph-Bet of Student Success" ... Aleph is for attendance. Attendance is a critical factor Beth Folk, Principol jn any child's school success. Children should attend Religious School every scheduled session, except Jm cases of illness or emergency. Regular attendance and promptness are good habits that expected and appreciated at all levels of schooling. This year, make Religious School a priority in your household. Commit to excellence in attendance. Your child's Jewish Education depends on it. Bet is for Bedtime. Awww, Mom! Is it time for bed already? Sound familiar? On average, children need 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is important for many reasons. Lack of sleep can cause kids to be hypersensitive, impatient, or cranky. It is more difficult for children to concentrate and learn when they are tired. Encouraging quiet activities-such as reading-just prior to bedtime offers a transition that helps children relax. Sweet dreams! Gimel is for Grace. Grace means giving children what they need, not what they deserve. It means accepting kids as they are, and understanding their feelings and obstacles. It also means that we provide the unconditional support our children need to make positive changes. Grace, however, must be balanced with accountability. When we balance grace with accountability, we let children know that we expect them to grow and learn. We are off to an amazing start of Religious School. Our students are becoming more familiar with the Mitkadem Hebrew Program and really enjoying their learning. I have sat in most of the classes and am happy to report that our children are interacting with one another and are engaged in the learning process. What more could we ask for? As for the addition of Chugim to our curriculum, students are enjoying the break from their daily learning and loving "Chugim Time". This session, we have offered, Jewish Games, Drama, Birthday Club, Bookclub, Science, Art, Choir, Sports, Song Leading and Student Council. Be sure to ask your children about what Chug they are involved in. Save the Date! Tuesday, December 23 Menorah Lighting at the District Celebrate the Third Night of Chanukah With Your CNT Family! CNTYOUTH GROUPS IBN (Itty Bitty NTTY) is our newest addition to youth groups, for kids grades 3-5. Parent volunteers work to help plan events throughout the year. For more information on joining, contact Becca Phillips, IBN Advisor, at; co-advisor llene Scharf. TNT (Teens of NerTamid) is the youth activity group for students in grades 6, 7 and 8. Next event is Nov 23, Lunch @ CNT and Grand Prix Racing! RSVP to Pam Poster, TNT Advisor, at NTTY (Ner Tamid Temple Youth) is CNT's youth group for teens grades 9-12, that involves our high school ages youth with their peers on a local an^ regional basis. Jolie Brislin, NTTY Advisor, at 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Fiank you to everyone who ' participated in our October Tot Shabbat. We had over 30 kids for pizza and services. Noah Shabbat ForToddlers - Grade 3 Friday, November 7 5:30-7:15 PM Join us for a special Noah Shabbat, complete with a petting zoo! Petting zoo starts at 5:30 pm, followed by a service at 6:30 pm and then a special Oneg at 7:00 pm. This program is open to all children ages 2 years old through Third Grade! and their parents. Come dressed in your favorite animal costume! Note: Parents Must Stay With Child. Led by Rabbi Akselrad, Lonnie Kritzler & Ellen Cropp. Chanukah "How-To" for Parents & Grandparents Monday, December 1 Beginning at 6:30 PM Facilitated by Lonnie Kritzler, ECE Director; join Lonnie as she introduces to parents and grandparents great ways to celebrate the holiday with young children. Create lasting memories that your children will take with them for years to come. This class is FREE and geared towards families with children ages 1 - 1/2-6 years old. Babysitting will be available; RSVP required to Laura Bailey @632-2250, ext 255. -----------------------------------------------------\ A special "Thank You" to Rabbi Akselrad and Brad Lennox for leading the First Annual Preschool High Holyday Services this year with Lonnie Kritzler. More than 50 children and their parents attended each service. What a great success! L 7 November 2008 7 Love and the Stranger NO CLASS IN NOVEMBER Next class - Thursday, Dec 4 at 7 pm The Torah is very specific: We are commanded in Deut. 10:19 to"love the stranger, because you were strangers in the land of Egypt". Join Rabbi Adar each month for an examination of Jewish texts regarding strangers, and for an exploration of various kinds of strangers. This program is free and open to everyone. Please RSVP to the Temple office at 733-6292. Lunch n' Learn w/Rabbi Adar More than "Half-Torah" Friday, Nov 14 ~ NOON Enliven the weekly readings by learning the weekly Haftorah reading with Rabbi Adar. Together, you will look at the texts in English, learn stories and midrash connected to the texts and explore the fascinating worlds of the prophetic books. Bring a brown-bag lunch and get an introduction to these great voices. This program is free and open to everyone. Please RSVP to the Temple office at 733-6292. CNT WISH LIST Are you looking for that perfect gift for a special occasion or a Temple mitzvah ? Do you want to help with "stuff" for the CNT schools, catering supplies, office needs, Rabbi and Cantorial extras? We'd like to give you suggestions and help you decide what fits with your needs and your desire to add where you can to our CNT treasures. So, each week when you get your Shabbas Email, you will see a link to the CNT Wish List. Just click on that link and see the entire list and the approximate cost of each item. Or go directly to the "Donations"section on the CNT website and click to view the Wish List. Items are from $25 to several thousand dollars so you can choose what fits for you. Please contact the department listed for the items you select and they will help you finalize your purchase. If you have suggestions that do not appear on the list, e-mailSharna Blumenfeld, Wish List Coordinator, at or call her at 254-9211. Community Happy Hour For Singles 45 and Up Wednesday, Nov 5 ~ 6:30 pm at Claim Jumpers Town Square Center, 6629 Las Vegas Blvd South Whether you're a McCain/Palin orObama/Biden supporter, come out, mingle with other Jewish singles and celebrate either victory or despair. No matter what, you will enjoy meeting new friends or catching up with old ones. Light appetizers will be served so meet us on the patio! This event is free and open to all singles 45 and up. RSVP ASAP to Becca Phillips at 733-6292 ext 205 or email Co-sponsored by the Singles' Groups of the JCC, CNT andTemple Sinai. Dining Out Night For Singles 30's-40's Tuesday, Nov. 18 ~ 6:30 pm at The Melting Pot 8955 S. Eastern, Green Valley Join us for some yummy dessert fondue and wine. Meet other Jewish singles, in their 30's and 40's, while enjoying an assortmei^ of the Melting Pot's tastiest dessert fondues. Also enjoy^P delicious assortment of dessert wines. Cost is $22 in advance; $30 at the door. Open to all singles in their 30's &40's. RSVP by Nov 14 to Becca Phillips at 702-733-6292 ext 205 or email Co-sponsored by the Singles' Groups of the JCC, CNT andTemple Sinai. "You Had Me At Shalom" Speed Dating Tuesday, Dec 2 ~ 7:00 pm at Temple Sinai 9001 Hillpointe Rd, Summerlin Speed Dating is fast, fun and a safe way for Jewish singles to meet - live and in person! It's easy. Come meet singles your age for a quick 7 minute "date", then move onto another. Enjoy light snacks, beverages and wine. Cost is just $18 for CNT, JCC and Temple Sinai Members; $25 for non-members. This is open to ALL singles. Advance registration is necessary; RSVP by Nov 24 to Becca Phillips at 733-6292 ext 205 or em^ 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Beginning Hebrew Wednesdays - Level One at 6:30 pm / Level Two at 7:30 pm Nov 5,12,19/ Dec 3,10,17 ^icilitated by Pam Poster; Level One will teach the basics of PFebrew so that you can begin to recognize the Hebrew letters and even sound out words! It's a great refresher course too, for those who may be just a little rusty. Level Two takes your Hebrew skills to the next level! This is for adults who have already learned the basics, and are ready to start reading basic prayers. Each Level class is $36, plus book fee. Students will be using "Crash Course in Hebrew", so summer students can use their same books. Pre-registration & payment required prior to first class. Introduction to Conversational Hebrew/Zionism @ 60 Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Nov 5 - May 27 (Four 6-Week Sessions) Facilitated by Lauren Eisenberg; this class will introduce students to the basic Hebrew language. An ability to read the Aleph-Bet is an advantage, but not required. Emphasis will be placed the skills of listening and speaking in order to practice everyday Hebrew speech. Guided class discussions and directed f nversationswill incorporate common idioms, vocabulary and ammar. Using the topics introduced each week, you will gradually develop your own dialogues. As a special guest speaker, Dr. Danny Eisenberg will join us on occasion and examine Israeli politics in order to better understand Israel's current events. The use of the term"Zionism"symbolizes both a place and an idea. Since it's inception as a Jewish State, Israel has undergone an amazing number of transformations, constantly redefining itself yet simultaneously remaining true to it's heritage. Cost for the class is $36 per session/per person; plus cost of books. Pre-registration & payment required prior to first class. Tai Chi for the Jewish Soul Sundays, When there's Religious School 9:30 -10:30 am on the Kantor Patio Facilitated by Sheryl Chenin-Webb; now is the time to awaken the connection we have between mind, body and spirit. Through the gentle movements ofTai Chi you can increase physical fitness, fewer blood pressure, reduce stress related illness, increase Wexibility, reduce pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and connect to Judaism on a new level. Classes are FREE and open to everyone - men and women - during Religious School. Previous experience not required; great for beginners. Sunday Afternoon at the Movies Sundays at 2:00 pm Nov 16 - A Price Above Rubies Our first film on November 16 is "A Price Above Rubies", is about a woman, Sonia, who is married to a devout Jew and the problems that trouble their marriage be?cause she wants something more out of her life. She is a member of a closed Chasidic community, she doesn't feel comfortable about their religious rules and re?strictions, and is constantly breaking them which is upsetting to her relatives. Rated R. Join us for a relaxing afternoon at the movies, including popcorn and lemonade, followed by a group discussion of the movie. The movies are FREE and open to all adults. Women's Spirituality Group Fridays at 6:30 pm Nov 14/ Dec 5 Facilitated by Laura Grau & Rabbi Ruth Adar; this program focuses on exploring women's spirituality and Jewish values through a variety of techniques, helping each participant discover new things about themselves and their possibilities. Open your mind to new Jewish experiences with this dynamic group and then stay for a wonderful Shabbat service! This program is FREE and open to all women. Sponsored by Sisterhood. Second Mondays November 10 ~ 7:00 - 9:00 pm Facilitated by Alvin Esbin & Fred Peters;this year's series, entitled "Jewish Civilizations - the Development of Judaism", will be a little different from past years. The first hour of the class will be an audio portion, based on the subject. The second hour will follow-up with a group discussion on the audio and question/ answer. This program is FREE and open to all. November 2008 9 YAHRZEITS NOVEMBER 7 IsaakAloni Jack Bass Roberta Berman Katherine Blatchford Sam Bronstein Lena Cohen ZaligCotel Loreli Cracraft Jordan Ehrlich Sophia Eisner Nathan Etkind Barry Allan Feddy Herman Fisher Somone Franks Ida Freidman Ida Friedman Edna Gardner Ian Goldstein Samuel Greenspun Dorothy Harris Abraham Heit Sally Kaufman JackKoplin Jacob Loeb Milton Markowitz Benjamin Mattes Sylvia Ann Postol Elaine Primack FloPrimack Dorothy Roogow Rebecca Rosenberg Fay Rosin SaraC. Schuman Herman Sheld Ella Solender Harry Stone Marilyn Waller Eugene Watson Annilee Watt Howard Weidenfeld Paula Weinberg Sidney H.Yuman NOVEMBER 14 Jeanette Beer RozCaan Sarah Cotel Parilee Crum Meyer Fagen Anne Rose Fredland Irwin Gellin Marie Gordon Jean Granich Anna Heytow Lewis Jaffe Fred Jonas Louis Klene Bert Kollins MaxKollins Abraham Levine Marks Levins Harry Luwisch Rose Luwisch Norman H. Marcus Nola Milliken Erwin Moskowitz Lance Maxim Parnas Lena Rakov Morris Ratner Jessie Ritchie Frances Ross Mildred Roth Evelyn A. Ruggiero Alex Ruiz Theodora"Grace"SchneiderKogan Melvin Sernoe Maxine Wayne Barbara Zubkoff NOVEMBER 21 Rabbi Sidney Akselrad Arnold Bennett Pearl Bennett Albert Berman Irving Black Viol;a Bowler Seymour Brooks NOVEMBER 21 cont. Benjamin Brown Bess Butwinick Jeanette Chaddick Sara Rosenblit Dreiman Edmond Henry Ehrlich Melvin Eliasberg Sylvia Eliasberg James Stephen Engelke Gussie Epstein Sidney Gates EdieGlasser Anna Goldberg Jennie Goldstein Abraham Grossman Irving Gutterman Jack D. Israel Helen Jaffe Myron Kushner Lillian Leboff Esther Levy Harry Levy Janice Liebling Juliet Mark Helen Mendelson Martin Michael William Moses Meyer Nieder Hania Oderberg Anna Paiewsky Dennis Steven Rosenzweig RoseShapin Kenneth Sokolsky Arthur Spatt Martin Susson HaroldTurk Edwin Weinberg David Robert Zarin NOVEMBER 28 Rebecca Best Barnett Board Joseph Brodsky Frieda Brothman King David Memorial Gardens An Opportunity to Pay Homage to Our Loved Ones NOVEMBER 28 cont. Sandra Charon Lena E. Cohen Charline Cooper Eunice Cooper Richard Ewan Louis Feldman Albert Fleischer Mary Fox Murray Freeman Louis Gale IdaGiniger Eleanor Goldberg Dorothy Goldman Irving Goldstein Miriam Gordon Barney Gothelf Kitty Gutterman Marvin'Tiny" Kaplan Emory Kritzler Jerome Levey Jack Michaels Tillie Portner Barbara H. Ramoy Leonard Rankow Betty Ross Marvin Rubenstein Daniel Sanoff Wilbert Schwartz Frieda Shaw Murray Shaw Joseph Smoler Bess Weinberg Jesse Wert A The King David Memorial Gardens is a special place where the names of loved ones may be permanently etched to remember and honor their lives. The Garden provides a calm and serene venue to acknowledge and reflect on how they touched our lives. The Gardens are open Vi hour prior to Friday Shabbat services to provide an opportunity to those who wish to lay a stone at the name of their loved one or just sit and enjoy the peacefulness of the Gardens. If you are interested in speaking with CNT about remembering a loved one in the King David Memorial Garden, contact Nancy Weinberger, Executive Director, at the Temple office, 733-6292, ext 201. Individual Memorial Spaces - $500 each Rows of Remembrance (includes 6 names) $12,500 each \______________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG 7 Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15am B/M Karp 10 am 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NOR/S AA Noon Gamblers Anon 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15pm Confirmation 6:15pm Gesher 6:15 pm Beginning Trope 7:30 pm Conversational Hebrew 6:30 pm Beginning Hebrew Level 1 6:30 pm Beginning Hebrew Level 2 7:30 pm AA 9:30 am Hot Topics Noon R/S West 4:30 pm NA 5:30 pm JACS 6 pm Noah Shabbat/Tot Shabbat 5:30 pm Shabbat Unplugged Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Rosen Family Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15 am B/M Rosen 10 am 9 70 77 72 73 74 75 ^ NOR/S AA Noon Adult Ed Second Mondays 7:00 pm NOR/S East NOTeenTuesday Gamblers Anon 12:30 pm Conversational Hebrew 6:30 pm Beginning Hebrew Level 1 6:30 pm Beginning Hebrew Level 2 7:30 pm AA 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm NA 5:30 pm JACS 6 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 6:30 pm Other Holidays 7:00 pm Lunch n' Learn w/ Rabbi Adar Noon Women's Spirituality 6:30pm Shabbatone Service 7:30 pm Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15 am 76 77 18 79 20 27 22 R/S 9:15 am Schmoozew/Rabbi 9:30 am Men's Club Breakfast 9:30 am TaiChi 9:30 am YAC Bagel Brunch 10:00 am Afternoon @ Movie 2:00 pm AA Noon Gamblers Anon 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15pm Confirmation 6:15pm Gesher 6:15 pm Beginning Trope 7:30 pm Conversational Hebrew 6:30 pm Beginning Hebrew Level 1 6:30 pm Beginning Hebrew Level 2 7:30 pm AA 9:30 am Jewish Veteran's 1:00 pm R/S West 4:30 pm NA 5:30 pm JACS 6 pm R/S Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15am Mensch Gala 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 R/S 9:15 am 7th Grade Family Ed TaiChi 9:30am Interfaith Thansgiving _ Service 6:30 pm AA Noon Gamblers Anon 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15pm Confirmation 6:15pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm Happy Thanksgiving OFFICE CLOSED Shabbat Service 7:30 pm OFFICE CLOSED Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15 am P 30 NOR/S November 2008 11 Men's Club Update Michael Unger, President As promised, October was a very busy month for the Men's Club. Over 200 hours of volunteer labor was logged by some 20 members of the brotherhood as ushers during the High Holiday services. On October 12th, we continued our tradition of "raising the Sukkah"in the Marshall Courtyard, where a dozen brotherhood volunteers brought their ladders and muscles to help, followed by eating. Finally, on October 26th, Men's Club participated in the Temple's Mitzvah Day activities by manning the registration area for the Community Blood Drive and also sent a team of "chefs" to the Help Las Vegas Veterans facility on McKnight Street in North Las Vegas. Once there, we fed over 70 homeless veterans hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, chips, and soft drinks. It's was a mitzvah to help those less fortunate and we enjoyed every minute of it. Our program for the month of November offers a very special treat. On Sunday, November 16th, at 9:30am in the Social Hall, our very own Stewart Blumenfeld (Temple Past President) will speak about his recent participation at a significant archaeological excavation in Israel called Ramat Rachel. Not only does Stewart promise his presentation will be interesting and educational, he claims he will be funny. Stewart holds a doctorate in public health, and has served on the faculties at UCLA, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Ghana. Although not an archaeologist, Stewart has had an interest in Middle Eastern archaeology for over 50 years, participating in several digs. I have had the pleasure of watching some of Stewart's presentations in the past, and will attest to the fact it should be a very enjoyable morning. As always, we will be serving lox, bagels and schmear so you shouldn't be hungry. Did I mention eating? Sisterhood News Michelle Blank, President Many, many thanks to everyone who helped put together tte apples and honey for Rosh Hashanah. We did 1000 baggies in ji^l over an hour! Way to go ladies! Our Sisterhood Appreciation event October 12 was a huge success! Special thanks go to Shirley Kouffman and Yvonne Greenfield for planning this exceptional afternon. Over 100 members enjoyed good food, great company and fantastic entertainment! A hearty Mazel Tov to Shirley Kouffman, Sisterhood's 2008 Great Lady! She works very hard at everything she does and is very deserving of this honor. Sisterhood is once again sponsoring a day for Gift Wrap at the Mall! Our day is Thursday's, beginning December 4. It's a great way to help theTemple and meet new people. To sign up, contact Beth Bowman at 896-7433. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Help Sisterhood Fill the Fund-4-Youth Gift Card Tree For the Chanukah Bazaar Raffle! This Year We're Doing Things a Little Different! Instead of asking for "Gift" donations, we're asking for Gift "CARD" donations. We need you to go to your favorite Stores, Restaurants, MarkeJ^ wherever you'd like and Buy Gift Cards ($5 minimum) to donate! Your donated cards will be part of our Fund-4-Youth Raffle to raise money for camp Scholarships. Win them for yourself or give as a gift! Please help us make this a success. To Donate Cards, Simply Drop Them at the Temple Office, Attn: Fund-4-Youth Raffle. The Other Lesser Holidays Thursday, November 14 at 7:00 pm Join Sisterhood for a hands-on presentation of the holidays a little less known -Tu B'shevat,Tish B'av, Shemini Atzeret, counting of the Omer and Lag B Omer. This program is FREE and open to all women. For more informationcontact Bette Stahl at ex- or Laura Grau at Mah Jongg Card Time!!!! It's time to order your new Mah Jongg Cards! Small Cards are $7; Large cards are $8. Deadline to order is February 1, 2009. Mail your checks to Sandy Stolberg, 1904 Plantea Ct., Las Vegas, NV 89117. Questions? Call Sandy at 228-6863. 12 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Chesed (Caring) Committee News We delivered 42 Rosh Hashanah bags to those in our CNT family who were homebound or in a nursing home or hospital! The response to our visits was gratifying and worth all the time and effort! THANK YOUTO MEMBERS and CONGREGANTS WHO HELPED by donating goods and money, putting the bags Together, and delivering them. Special thanks to the CNT Preschool, who decorated the holiday cards! Next holiday project: Chanukah! Our committee also continu