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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, September 2007



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    Jerome & Joyce Mack Sanctuary Dedication Erev Rosh Hashanah Services YAC (Young Adult Community) September Programs See Page 11 Over the past few months our Congregation has enjoyed our beautiful new home. At its heart is our beautiful sanctuary. We will formally dedicate our sanctuary in honor of our benefactors Joyce Mack and her husband Jerry Mack of blessed memory as a part of our evening Rosh Hashanah Services. Jerome D. "Jerry" and Joyce Mack have been prominent participants, leaders and contributors to Southern Nevada and the Las Vegas Jewish Community in particular. Jerry arrived with his family in Southern Nevada in 1929. He was a member of the first graduating class at Boulder City Grammar School and graduated from Las Vegas High School in 1938. While attending UCLA, Jerry met Joyce Rosenberg. Both Jerry and Joyce are graduates of UCLA. After returning from serving in the Army Air Corps as a navigator, Jerry and Joyce married in 1946 and returned to Las Vegas in 1949. In 1954, Jerry co-founded the Bank of Las Vegas with Parry Thomas. Ultimately it became Bank of America Nevada. Both Joyce and Jerry have had a strong interest in the development of Southern Nevada. Perhaps the most significant contribution was the work done to create the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. Over time they founded continued on page 3 High Holiday Schedule See page 12 Mitzvah Day See Pull-Out In Center Check out our NEW Website! WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Seuchot Service and Program Saturday, Sept. 8th Picnic - 6:30 pm Program - 7:15 pm Service - 8:00 pm Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy a lovely program and a moving service under the stars on our beautiful patio. For information, contact the Temple office at 733-6292.Temple President's Message Marla Letizia It's that wonderful time of year again, High Holydays! It is the time of year when we all come together as a community and key into who we are as Jews, if only one time a year. For our congregation this event brings us almost to the end of a long series of firsts as we have moved into our new building. So many of you will be experiencing services for the first time at The Greenspun Campus, and all of us will be experiencing a memorable first High Holydays in our new home. There is something even more important to me this September than our High Holyday events, and that is the Mitzvah Day on September 30th, which is being planned by the Social Action Committee. I live my life by the belief, that in life you only get to keep what you give away. The old adage "you must give to receive" has always proven correct in all that I have undertaken. To me, Social Action at CNT is one way we have as a congregation to give and to truly experience Tikun Olam. As a congregation that has asked so many in our community to "give" to our new campus campaign and help us reach our space and financial goals, I believe that job is made easier when we look to "give back" to our community in more ways than we have been asking to take. I ask all of you to participate in this amazing and most poignant social action event, Mitvah Day 2007. The details of the day will be in the following paragraphs. I wish you all a good Yom Tov and I thank you for being a loving, giving, caring congregation making CNT, as it has always been, "A Special Place to Belong!" Mitzvah Day is a wonderful opportunity to practice very important aspects of Judaism, coming together and working together as a community for Tikun Olam. What better way to get to know other members of Congregation Ner Tamid than working and having fun together as we repair our own little corner of the world. No matter what your interests and abilities are, we have a project planned for Mitzvah Day that you can participate in. Choose from a list of projects (see pull-out insert) or let us direct you to where we need you most. Come to the Temple at 55 N. Valle Verde Dr. in Henderson at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 30, 2007 to check-in and enjoy some breakfast. We will begin our opening kick-off promptly at 11:00 a.m. Happy New Tear From Our Family to Tours Rabbi Akselrad, Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein, Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein, Irv Duchowny, Craig Rosen, Lonnie Krtizler, Nancy Weinberger, Roberta Unger, Carolyn Freidner, Kathy Hage, Karen Levine, Lynette Solomon, Mary Zone, Jared Henley 2007-08 Temple Board President - Marla Letizia VP Administration - Harry Sax VP Ways & Means - David Rounds VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk bethfl VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Member Recruitment - Lisa Skurow VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Treasurer - Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Barry Lewisohn Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus Lewis Daryl Alterwitz lllisa Polis Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg mrb4651 Jacky Rosen Amy Christensen Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President Stu Solomon, Men's Club President Stephanie Watman, NTTY President Past Presidents Scott Stolberg Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. DavidWasserman Jeff Kahn Dr. Steve Kollir Hon. Michael CheriJ Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater ^deceased WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Rabbi's Message Rabbi Sanford Akselrad What a difference a year makes. Last year we celebrated our High Holydays at Green Pulley Ranch. This year, we celebrate in our new home. The first phase of the new school has been completed and will be dedicated September 9th. By the time you receive this bulletin, we will have begun our new Preschool Program. We have already broken through our goal to start the year. There is an air of excitement as new parents bring their children to our school. And of course our religious school will be able to meet in our new facility - including midweek Tuesday Hebrew School and Teen night. I expect the will be very excited to see the various specialty rooms - library, computer lab, youth lounge, and music room. Other elements will slowly be added to the school in the next two years. Slowly but surely each component of our campus is coming to fruition. Gradually, but important changes are being made. As you drive up to the Temple you will hear the sound of Jewish music everywhere. Soon our "?magic boards? in the Polis Lobby, religious school and Gordon Administration building will be work?ing allowing us to see photos of events throughout the year. We will enter the new year with a special Selichot service under the stars. The past two years we have experimented with this format - a picnic dinner, some unique classes, and an engaging, uplifting spiritual selichot service conducted by Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein, Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein, our High Holyday choir and myself. I think that this year?s service, which will take place in our Unger Amphi?theater, will be amazing. Over 200 people came last year, and I expect a similar turn out this year. Nancy Weinberger has been working diligently organizing our Chavurot (social groups). Over 150 ^ngregants are now involved in a Chavurah! In addition to this we will have programs for young adults, singles, and mature adults. Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein and Craig Rosen have been busy creating an outstanding adult education program for the entire year. Our program is bigger, more complex, and more varied than at any time in our history. There is ?something for everyone?. I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Our dedicated staff is devoted to providing unique, varied and engaging activities to help you on your own personal Jewish journey. I hope that you will respond with equal endmsiasm. From my family to yours, I want to wish you a happy and healthy New Year! MACK cont. from page 7 the UNLV Foundation and amassed over 400 acres for the campus. Over the years they been tremendous supporters of UNLV and the renown Thomas and Mack Stadium is named for them and their partner, Parry Thomas. They have also been wonderful leaders within the Jewish community. Jerry is a past President of B'nai Brith and a member of the National Board of the American Jewish Committee, as well as a member of the United Jewish Appeal's National Committee. The Macks have been long time supporters and leaders of the UJC/ Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and Temple Beth Sholom. ^)eir marvelous tradition of generosity was again exemplified by the leadership gift of Joyce to our Congregation's New Campus Campaign for which this sanctuary is named in honor of Jerry and Joyce Mack. May all who enter this house of worship find the depth of love that they had for each other. And may their example of Tzedakah be a source of inspiration to us all. S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 7 3 Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist Wow, hard to believe that September is here. That means two things. Hig^^ Holidays and the Shabbatones return. Besides the hustle and bustle of a busy summer, getting the kids ready for school (and yourself), plus getting all those projects done around the house, our thoughts begin to turn to the High Holidays. This month I thought I would talk a little about the music for our High Holiday Sendees, ids roots and what goes into preparing for these Holy Days. You hear the finished product at Services, but here is some background about the music. Nusach is a term for a particular musical mode or melody. Each and every service in Judaism has ids own particular musical theme or nusach ie: Weekday Sendees, Shabbat Evening, Shabbat Morning, festival and High Holidays. This means that most every prayer chanted during each of these services has a different melody depending on the holiday. However, the only time you would probably hear an entire sendee chanted with nusach would be at an Orthodox or Conservative Synagogue. Even so, I believe a Cantor from any movement should know the nusach for each and every prayer and holiday to truly understand the roots of our musical heritage. I have tried to bring a variety of different styles of music to our Congregation. You will hear some nusach, some of the melodies the Rabbi or I grew up with, and also some of the more contemporary compositions at most of our sendees. This year you will hear a traditional High Holiday melody for the Chatzi ICaddish. You will probably recognize this melody as several other prayers are chanted very similarly due to the nusach of the High Holidays. Our Adult Choir has been working since July to prepare for the High Holiday Services and I hop|^ you will take the time to let them know that they are appreciated. I also welcome any feedback on th^^ musical choices I have made and hope that you enjoy and are moved by this music. The Shabbatones return September 7th. The band members: Ira Spector, Glori Rosenberger, Alan Molasky, Jay Poster, Brad Torchin, Mike Adler and Ed Birch and Tracie Birch will all return. The power of music can teach, renew, revitalize and move us all. As we approach the New Year and Yom Kippur, we need help in attaining change in ourselves. I hope that we can help facilitate personal growth and continue to attract so many people to our vision in the months to come. Please tell your friends and family to come and worship with us. I Wish Everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! Rabbi Akselrad is Turning 50! Rabbi's 50th birthday is October 6th! His family would like to cordially invite you to share in this milestone in his life on Friday, October 5 at Shabbat services. Join family and. friends in singing Happy Birthday and wish' our dear Rabbi another 50 happy and healthy years. 4 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG High Holiday Items of Interest For Congregants Irv Duchowny, Executive Director inis month's article focuses on our first-ever High Holiday services here at Congregation Ner ^pnid. We hope you are as excited as we are about having our services here, in our new beautiful facility. Some information to share with you: ? Tickets - By now, you should have received your High Holiday tickets. It is our temple policy that the current year's financial obligations (Annual Commitment, Building Fund, NCC pledge) must be 75% paid to receive your tickets. If you have not yet received them, please contact myself or Mary Zone. ? Parking - once again, we will have Reserved Parking Spaces available for use during our High Holiday services. There is a fee for Parking Spaces during High Holidays of $500 for a Reserved Parking Space, and if you are interested, please contact me directly. In addition, we will have parking on our premises, and across the street at CVS and Kohl's. Car pooling is encouraged, if at all possible. ? We are starting a new tradition this year at High Holiday services. When we started our fund-raising for our new facility, we decided that those who were donating a certain dollar amount for the NCC (New Campus Campaign) would be entitled to a Reserved Seating section in the front of the Sanctuary. Those congregants will have a different colored ticket, and the ushers will assist them in getting to their section. We ask that all congregants understand the reason behind this special Visionary Donor seating section, and respect those who have donated their funds and have helped us get to where we are today. Thank you. ? We will once again provide child-care services for your child at no charge, thanks to a very generous donation from a congregant. Children need to be potty-trained to be able to be left with the professional, licensed bonded Nannies. ? We will be having Family Services before our usual Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, as we did last year. Please see page 12 in the Bulletin showing all times for all services. ? If you are going to be up on the Bimah for an honor for services, please dress appropriately (as shown in the letter you received going over your specific High Holiday honor). We are all working diligently on providing the best High Holiday services that we can, and look forward to welcoming everyone into our new facility to start 5768 off right. Let me wish you, on behalf of our entire staff, a very HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR. To be continued.... Irv King David Memorial Garden Honor a loved one's memory by adding them to a Perpetual Row in our Memorial Garden. Have their pames & dates engraved in stone as a lasting memory. For information contact Irv Duchowny in the Temple office ext 201. S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 7 5 Dir. of Early Childhood Education Lonnie Kritzler The opening of school was wonderful. It is awesome seeing Congregation NerTamid's vision come true. Twenty-four children are enjoying the fruits of our labor. The classrooms beautiful. The teachers did a wonderful job setting up their rooms. Everything is spotless and brand new. Can you imagine being the first child playing with all these never-been-used toys and equipment? Needless to say, they are having a ball! We are looking forward to a year filled with learning, discovery, and lots of laughter. Along with mastering separation, the children will be introduced to the High Holy Days. We will be hearing the shofar, eating apples and honey, building a sukkah, and marching with flags. Experiencing the holidays through the senses is the best way for youngsters to absorb and appreciate our traditions. The entire school gathers every Friday for a special Shabbat Sing-a-Long and has challah and grape juice with their classmates. Also, please note that our first Tot Shabbat for this school year will be on Friday, September 7th at 6:30 pm. No reservations are necessary. Craig and I will be leading a fun-filled, interactive program, so bring your little ones for a wonderful introductory Shabbat experience. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Holiday Education for Parents Lonnie Kritzler will be offering a 3-session series focusing on fun and creative ways to celebrate Jewish holidays in your home. Classes are appropriate for Jewish/Non-Jewish parents & grandparents and will focus on practical and innovative ways to do"hands-on"Judaism and create meaningful Jewish memories for even the littlest Jews! Don't Miss It! 4 Thursday, November 75 - Chanukah Thursday, January 10- Shabbat Thursday, April 3- Passover 3rd, 4th A 5th Graders Are you bored? Looking to make new friends? Want to have some fun!! Then check out CNT's new youth group ITT/ BTTY NTT/ at our first event Super Sundae Sunday on Sunday, 9/16 at 12:30pm. For more information please contact Becca at 767-3030 or check out CNT's web-site. Tot Shabbat is Back! Friday, September 7 6:30 pm in the Beit Tefillah Open to toddlers ages 2 to 5 yrs old PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND Short service followed by a craft & snack Led by Lonnie Kritzler, Craig Rosen, Ellen Cropp & Dolly Farrow Sponsored by Sisterhood 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Ryder Holladay September 8, 2007 My name is Ryder Holladay and I will be called to theTorah on September 8. I am in 7th grade at Hyde Park Middle School. I like to bike ride, swim, play on my trampoline and enjoy science experiments. I also like play video games, traveling music and working on computers. I am looking forward to my special day. Geena Marano September 29, 2007 Hi, my name is Geena Marano and will be celebrating my Bat Mitzvah on September 29. I am in 8th grade at Bob Miller Middle School where I enjoy being a cheerleader and performing in the advanced choir. In my free time I love to ride my horse Buddy, play with my dogs, play the piano and acting in the Missoula Children's Theater. I look forward to sharing this special ^^y with loved ones. YOUTH GROUP NEWS Our Youth Groups are busy programming their year and have many fun events planned. ? Our new youth group ITTY BTTY NTTY (3?5th grade) under the direction of Becca Phillips and llene Scharf will be holding their first event on Sunday Sept 16. ? OurTNT (6-8th grade) Youth Group underthe direction of Pam Poster will be holding their first event also on Sunday Sept 16 following Religious School. ? Our NTTY (9-12th grade) Youth Group with their advisors Jolie Brislin and Heather Linefsky will be attending the NFTY Fall Kallah from Sept 6-9 at Camp Charles Pearlstein in Arizona. They are also busy planning for the High Holidays as they will conduct a teen service in conjunction with our adult services. For more information on our Youth Programs please see theTemple website or contact one of our youth advisors. Director of Lifelong Learning Craig Rosen There is much to be excited about as we begin the New Year together. Religious School begins on Sunday September, 9th in our new school building. The morning will open at 9:15 am with an all school assembly filled with music and a chance for parents and students to meet our wonderful new faculty. After our opening assembly, students will be dismissed to their classrooms and parents will have a chance to shmooze and hear about some of the changes that are being made now that we're in our new home. Parents will then get a dose of what their children are learning by visiting their children's classrooms. At 11:30 on Sept 9th we invite our entire community together to dedicate the Ross School administration building and the new school classrooms. Please join us in the sanctuary for our special morning of dedication! Of course throughout this month students in the Religious School will be celebrating our Jewish holidays in class. Don't forget to join us on Friday night Sept. 28 as we decorate the Sukkah and enjoy a pot luck dinner together! Shanah Tovah U'Metukah, may we all enjoy a Sweet Happy New Year. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL PATES TO REMEMBER (a printable R/S Calendar is available on theTemple Website) Sept 9 Opening Day R/S & Dedication of School Building Sept 11 Opening Night - Pre-Confirmation (8-9 grade) Sept 13 No Religious School - Rosh Hashana Sept 18 Opening Night - Gesher (10-12 grade) Sept 27 No Religious School - Yizkor Oct 4 No Religious School - Yizkor Oct 5 Consecration - welcoming our new students (K-2) Oct 7 5th Grade Family Education Day Oct 14 2nd Grade Family Education Day S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 7 7 Message From Program Director Nancy Weinberger Social Action has always been a passion of mine and I was ecstatic when Rabbi told me I would be working with the Social Action and Chesed committees. As a religious school teacher, my favorij^ quote to teach the children about (it is also a song) was one by the great scholar Hillel "If I am not f^ myself, who will be? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?" (Pirkei Avot 1:14.) At CNT there are many opportunities to put these words into action. I am thankful everyday for the opportunity of being able to be the support and facilitator of the many wonderful and caring projects being planned which are touching the lives of so many. Not only do I have the blessing of working every day in an office with caring staff but with a Board, Committee Chairs and members who all want to see a better world in our time. Please come out and do your part by participating in Mitzvah Day on September 30 and Family Promise in November. Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." As we begin the New Year, each of us has the unique opportunity to effect change in the world around us whether it be in our personal lives or through our professional careers. I wish you all a very Happy New Year and, just as the challah is baked in a circle, may the coming year "roll" around smoothly without unhappiness or sorrow. L'shanah Tovah... Special Delivery! Rosh Hashanah Chesed Committee (The committee with a HEART!)... The chesed committee will be preparing bags with apples, honey, a round challah and cards made by our preschoolers to be delivered to those in our CNT family who are homebound, recovering from Injury or Illness at home, in a nursing home or hospital. There are several ways you can help: 1) Advise us of the name and address of any CNT member, or relative or friend of a member, who fits the above description. All names must be provided by September 6. ^ 2) Sponsor a bag with your donation of $18, or contribute towards a bag - any amount you choose. Send or bring your check to CNT (attention: Nancy Weinberger) with the notation "Rosh Hashanah Project" 3) Bring bags of apples to the Temple by 4 pm Monday, September 10. 4) Help us put the baskets together on Monday, September 10. 5) Help deliver baskets on Tuesday, September 11. Please call or email NancyWeinbergerattheTemple ifyou areableto help ... "These are the obligations without measure, whose reward, too, is without measure." (From Eilu D'varim) YOU Can Make A Difference Volunteer Opportunities Do you have a special skill? Do you have some extra time on you schedule? Put your life experience to work with CNT. Whether you like ongoing committee work, prefer to work on short projects or in the office, we have a place for you! Call Nancy Weinberger Program Director 733-6292 x205 Chavurot Now Forming! It's never too late to join in the meaningful experience of being part of a Chavurah. Each Chavurah is a group of Temple members who come together to enjoy Jewish life with their friends and family, enhancing their shared Jewish experience. Get your application now and find out how you can become part of a Temple Chavurah! If you've already filled out an application, someone will be contacting you soon in invite you to your first meeting! Registration forms available at www.lvnertamid.or^ Questions? Contact Nancy Weinberger Program Director, ext 205 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG September Adult Ed "Afternoon Tea and Modern Hebrew Poetry" Saturdays, Sept. 29/ Nov. 171 Dec. 8 - 2:00 - 3:30 pm This fall we are having a three-session mini-course on modern Hebrew poetry allowing you to "dip your toe" into world of Israeli literature... completely in translation! Each Saturday afternoon of this series, Rabbinic Intern ^lokie Lea Olshein, will lead the class in looking at different Israeli poets and their works, learning about their backgrounds to see what inspired them. Our first session will be discussing Chayim Nachman Bialik, Rachel Bluwstein ("Rachel"), and Leah Goldberg. All necessary handouts will be provided for each session. This course is free and open to everyone. Tasty goodies and Kosher Israeli tea provided. No Hebrew reading or poetry expertise is required ... just a willingness to open your mind to these creative works! Please RSVP for any or all sessions so we are prepared. The Differences Between "Traditional" and Reform Liturgy Sunday, September 16 - 9:30-11:00 am Ever wondered about the differences between "traditional" and Reform liturgy? Want to know why the Reform Movement's scholar-rabbis made these changes? In an easy-to-understand format, Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein will teach about the theological and philosophical differences between "traditional"and "Reform" prayer services. This class is the first in CNT's new "Adult Sunday School" series. This class is free and open to the community. No RSVP is necessary... just come and learn! Look for your complete Adult Education Program booklet at Rosh Hashanah Services. "Shabbat Shuvah" Service Friday; September 14, at 7:30 p.m Join us at this special service as we celebrate Shabbat Shuvah, the"Shabbat of Return,"which falls between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Please come to this one-of-a-kind service featuring several of our congregant's heartfelt stories of inspiration throughout this special service and what it means for them to have "returned to God and Judaism". SHABBAT TRANSPORTATION FOR SENIORS Through a generous grant from the UJC/LVJF we are proud to be able to offer this once a month service for those who wish to attend Shabbat service but are unable to drive. Please contact Nancy Weinberger at the temple office 733-6292 ext 205 or email her at JACS Thursdays, 6 pm at Temple In Multi-Purpose Room Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent persons and Significant others offers help to Jewish alcoholics, chemically dependent person and their families with a 12-Step confidential program. Provides support and understanding to Jews in recovery. Free and open to everyone. ALZHEIMERS SUPPORT GROUP Second Tuesday of Each Month @ 6:30 pm at Temple Group is open to all caregivers, family and friends of loved ones with Alzheimer's.Together we will find a way to cope with the continuous struggle of this disease. For more information contact Carol Hecht at 617-6430. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA) Thursdays at 9:30 am at Temple Alcoholics Anonymous? is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Ramblers anonymous (ga) Beginning October 3 - Wednesdays at 11 am at Temple Open to anyone who wishes to share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 7 9 JAM Packed Shabbat Evening! Friday, September 7 Prior to services YAC (Young Adult Community) is having Chardonnay Shabbat in the Social Hall with a wine & cheese tasting (details on page 11), and Tot Shabbat kicks off a new season in the Beit Tefillah. Join us for a Prospective Member Shabbat featuring the Shabbatones, Sundae Oneg and Israeli Dancing. We will also be welcoming Lonnie Kritzler, our new Director of Early Childhood Education at this service. Sukkot Potluck Dinner Friday, September 28 Decorate the Sukkah 5:45 pm Potluck Dairy Dinner 6:15 pm More Sukkah Decorating 7:00 pm Come early and decorate our new Sukkah in the courtyard. Bring your favorite dairy dish to share, for 10-12 people. Temple will supply drinks. RSVP to Mary at the Temple office. For more information, contact Roberta Unger at ext 202. Tashlich Ceremony September 13, 2007 At Sunset Park - 2:30p.m. Tashlich, from the root word which means ?to cast away? is the practice by which Jews go to a flowing body of water and symbolically ?throw away? their sins. This occurs in the afternoon of the first day of Rosh Hashana or the second diS if the first falls on Shabbat (Saturday). This practice is based on the verse from the book of the Prophet Michah. Another reason cited for the use of a ?live? body of water is that there are usually fish present. Fish never close their eyes, and that is a reminder to us of the ever-watchful eyes of God who records and remembers everything, but who also constantly peers down on His creations with mercy. Furthermore, there is the mystical belief that fish are immune to the ?Evil Eye? (a type of curse) and by casting our sins away where there are fish, we are indirectly asking to also be protected from the evils of the world. Once at a body of water, several prayers are recited. There is no special prayer for Tashlich. However, there are several Scriptural chapters relating to the idea of penitence and Divine forgiveness. Bread crumbs are tossed into the body of water as a symbolic ?casting away of sins.? Bring a picnic lunch and bread crumbs to the (Sunset & Eastern). We will be meeting at Picnic Section ?C?. Led by Craig Rosen and Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein. 1 0 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Y.A.C. Young Adult Community Open to Singles or Couples Everyone Ages 21-41! For information, contact Brett Primack at 858-4051 or visit the CNT website at Chardonnay Shabbat Friday, September 7 @ 6:00 pm Wine & Cheese Tasting before services & discussion on the differences between Kosher and regular wine. Bring your favorite bottle of wine to share ($30 or less)! Cheese and crackers provided. Free Babysitting provided 6-6:45pm. Led By Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein Havdallah & Dessert Under the Stars Saturday, September 29 @ 6:30 pm Celebrate havdallah and nosh in CNT's Sukkah Led By Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein Watch for your E-Vite or check out the CNT website for information. Explore the Sites, History & Culture of Cities Important to European Jewish History With Your CNT Family June 18 - 30, 2008 LED BY RABBI AKSELRAD Jerusalem Synagogue in Prague Berlin, Prague & Budapest Visit the magical city of Prague, take a boat ride down the Danube and visit important Jewish sites in Germany. There will soon be an informational meeting for those interested in this exciting experience. Watch the web-site for date and time in Sept./Oct. For more information contact Nancy Weinberger at theTemple, (702) 733-6292 ext 205. Simchat Torah Service 1 Frid October 5 at/7:30 Featuring the Shabbatones Education Building Consecration & Grand Opening Sunday, September 9 Beginning at 1130 am Join us for the Grand Opening of our Religious School Campus and Consecration of our new Education Building. S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 7 1 1 High Holiday Schedule Rosh Hashanah Sept 12th 6:00 pm 8:15 pm Sept 13th 9:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am Family Service w/Teen Choir Traditional Evening Service w/Adult Choir Morning Family Service w/Teen Choir Morning Traditional Service w/Adult Choir Teen Service in Beit Tefillah led by Craig Rosen/NTTY (for Post-Binai Mitzvah & High School students) NEW this Year! Tashlich Ceremony September 13 at 2:30 p.m.! Bring a picnic lunch and bread crumbs to Sunset Park (Sunset & Eastern). Led by Craig Rosen and Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein. Information on page 10. Kol Nidre Sept 21 st 6:00 pm Kol Nidre Family Service w/Teen Choir 8:15 pm Kol Nidre Traditional Evening Service w/Adult Choir Yom Kippur Sept 22nd 9:00 am Yom Kippur Morning Family Service w/Teen Choir 11:00 am Yom Kippur Morning Traditional Service w/Adult Choir 11:00 am Teen Service in Beit tefillah led by Craig Rosen/NTTY (for Post-Binai Mitzvah & High School students) 1:30-2 Eamily promise program in multi purpose room 1:45-2:30 Discussion Group in Beit Tefillah 2:30 pm Healing service w/Adult Choir 3:30 pm Afternoon service w/Adult Choir 5:30 pm Yiskor Service 6:30 pm Neilah N OTE: Baby sitting will be available throughout the day on Rosh H asFianah and Yom Kippur EVEN during the family services. Reservations request