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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Page il Ste&d ard Mr. Moor* is extremely anxious to sail this property and hs# threatened to su« the aster Compeny but ha* uaw egrsed to be&r 1/3 of th« oo»t of constructing 6“ water mein to replace existing line on M s lot,, for which am will provide an easement, providing the Vc-ter Company will construct the new pipe line within a period of 30 day*# It Is conceded that the water doap&ny does sot have an easement for p ip s line i s it* present position, and in order to clear this natter up and Make the beet ef & had situation, I reoasnena authority to proceed with the construction of sew pipe line to replace existing pip© line which will be abandoned in place. Approval of the L&a Vege* Valley Water District, under provision* of Seotism 13, paragraph £b) of Agreement OLD 113^2* dated June 1, 1953 is not required. Mr. ilennstt sees no legal objection*. A. F, 1* data is attached to Mr. Perkins's copy. w®. atinhardt Mr. V. V. Smith: Two copies of the estimate are attached.