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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Atage .4 $ii nutes ;A8RL1NE PILOTS ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL Scruggs Colvin, Administrator for the above group, is interested in bringing his Meeting to Las Vegas, and has advised that he would like to know the availability of October 28 thru November 4, 1962 or, as second choice, November 4 thru 11/ 1962. This is a Meeting of approximately 800 people. If you are interested, please communicate with: Mr. Scruggs Colvin, Administrator, AirIine Pi lots Association International, 5440 Cicero Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 00 LIVEN 1 PS WO AND NOVELTIES Nelly advised that the Bureau is and novelties and asked the hote let us know and they will be put getting peop1e i n good many requests for souvenirs that if they have any to hands. It was suggested that the Bureau check with the Chamber of Commerce regarding using our posters for Las Vegas Nites packages. BENEVOLENT PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS 3P0E convened in Miami Beach last month, and after contacting Members of their Convention Committee, we were advised that there was no need to cover this meeting in person as it was not the time to put in our bid. This is a Summer Convention, however, the hotel representatives have indicated they want it. NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF STATE LEGISLATIVE LEADERS There was some discussion regarding:this meeting to be he Id in Las Vegas on October 6, 1961. A commitment of 35 rooms-has been asked of each hotel. There is a possibi1ity of President-Kennedy being the guest speaker during this Meeting. Bob Cannon advised that the Tropicana is in a position to handle more rooms if needed.