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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    BC WOMEy P1.A\ MEM AT CHIRCH BOULDER CITY The Women of St Christopher will senc a hot. cold-weather menu at their monthly pubuc smorgas- board Thursday in the undercroft of SI Christopher's Episcopal Church. 812 Arizona Street The buffet will be open from S SB 10 7 p.m. Two VISTA Projects Seek Local Workers 1 3Q La* \>ja?╜ Revlew-lntimat Wednesday, " Feb. 14, 1968 Local citizens totereated in applying tor two new VISTA programs on the neighborhood level are advised to attend a meeting at Doolittle Center Feb 23. at 7:30 p.m. by local VISTA volunteer Mildred F il- ling* on. SHE NOTED that the two programs, which will he out lined by Western regional vista coordinator BroJo Russell of San Francisco, call for paid and unpaid personnel for short-term service. The VISTA associates program workers will receive a subsistence allowance and pay similar to regular VISTA volunteers. *7r%4*MkV^ pr FtN?Θ╝ FURNITURE ^384-9101 100 MARYLAND PARKWAY AT FREMONT STOREWIDE rimiiCri VITAL STATISTICS1 aiftTNi FEBRUARY It IMS Mr, & Mr*, Den Ooofnwn. ?? Mr. K Mrs Victor B'.wi * M' K Mri DonaM - WOMENS HOSPITAL Mi J. M's Ravrtv SOUTHERN NEVADA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL /W ft Mrs Rot*v Chamber ?? Mr. ft Mr*. Kf4Ni*fri ftufl Mr. ft Mrv SaoHlH Kirns n bCr) Mr. ft Mm. Willy L??rv, ?╟≤ twv DEATHS SECRIST, Ralph R<*a"n < 6 Stewart, cHed h*r?? Monday H* ] was a r??sW?╜nt tor Jfl Vtrt He was | born Seph??mto?╜f i. IWI n Br.gham ! City Utah. Survivors a.e *** Latent ?╜nd ?╟≤ ion, Kenneth, both of i l*i Ve?╜a??; r??i?? mother, Mrs. a C Bt.'ft.ngton of Utah; two brotrters. Har loa an<l Date, both of UUh: a-xl two Mr*. Beftv Macfarlant and M-s OorothV Urie, both of Ut*h | Se'vicos will b* held Tnu'sdav 1:00 p m at Paim Chape'- tmtrmtcri will . be m f??alm Mortuarv ULTICAN, Besve V Vs, of fteattv, died MO.XHV. She was a resident e* \ Beattv for *o< f*an She was born | June IS, 1??U in Macon. Missouri Sur-, vivors act: Hwttotnd, Leon; five da^gh ! ten. Bttfv L. Ro??s of California. Loisi M %0flir Of Wesrvngtor., Norma A I Hamilton ??f Washington MartN, R Ut;xan of California, and Karon Ulli can of Washington, a broth*-, Boyd, DeLong of California; and Rtrtt s.< ters Dot Cole o?? Iowa, Pauline Brown ?√ß?√ß of Ca-,fornia. and Jant Thomas of , lowa. Services will bt held in Chico, j CalH Bunker Brothers WMI he m\ charge of all atrangemr-nts. OAY. Agnes Stntre. IV of 131? Wehb Si?? *i- ?╜ rami LET YOURSELF GO TO THE BIG 'THREEF0R-ALL!' ThcCopaftoom Venus Room Crystal Room DANNY THOMAS Susan Barrett Celebrity Theatre Buddy Rich ancs Lady Luck Lounge Tom Jones D.I. Strings DESERT INN .LY ECKSTINE Guy Marks Post Time Theatre VicDamone ?? RONTIER A GREAT, HUMAN MUSICAL ^ <*?√ß, HAROLD PRINCE BEST MUSICAL Theodore Bike! Hddferonttel&of t**?Θ╝4 an Shalom Aitiehem, ftori** ^JOSEW STEIN ^OERWBOCK ^^SHiUIKmHrVRNiCX DOIORES^IISON JPAUl UgON BEST MUSICAL i "TONY" IWKMMSON PrvTRlClrvIlTWDT JEANR06EXTHM. POUVWUER HevTBKANDWTNNE BCTTrWAlBFJfc H1T0N 09BLHI **M 9~**~+, Cart AW. Rater*** *,??C A We* *aVy SmcM Pfci rrvinitti of Arruild IV. 1 CIRCUS MAXIMUS <A<*AR* PALA?╜ r.j msic nEttr.iT Gari Shows Technical Ability in NSU Concert By WILLIAM BAITY Last Sunday. Nevada Southern's Music Mttinet presented woodwind virtuoso. Haiph ('.an in concert, I and his performance proved that seldom has the title of virtuoso been so appropriate!v granted. ACCOMPANIED BY pianist-composer John Rar- lg, Gari performed on seven wind instruments through a dozen compositions ranging from Incidental pieces to the "Conrertino for Alio Saxophone" by Bozza, and the "Concerto in (J Minor for Oboe" by Handel all of which in one way or another displayed or taxed the ability of the performer. But testing Gari seems to be an exercise in futility, for he Immediately establishes that he brinqs to the concert stage none Of the anxieties or problems with which these instruments abound. His technical facilities and tonal capabilities seem unassailable, and leave him completely free to concentrate on interpretation and musicianship. With his opening number. "Dance Episode for Alto Saxophone", composed by his accompanist John Rarig, Gari quickly indicated" the high caliber of all uas to follow, when his extraordinary tone quality and technical agility dressed the saxophone in "white tie and tails and introduced it into the concert realm without the lifting of an eyebrow. And so it went from clarinet to basfl clarinet, from flute to alto flute, from oboe to English horn: always with a Facility and artistry never even remotely tiic semblance of difficulty The program itself was as tastefully chose prformance, and Gari's musicianship fortably al home In Debussy'a "Premiere | for Clarinet", with its delicate nuances and ?╟≤ Handel's "Concerto in G Minor for t '. with Its classical traditions SJ it wa<; in the re modern works As noted, Rarig not on!\ i with his musicianly piano accompaniment, but. vided four numbers on the program whose inter- and merit belied any possible thought of token [acement. Of much interest were two pieces by cat composer Bill Reddie, "Comedian ", and "Medi- ition". which the audience found delightful. Griffes' Poem" for flute was moving with its mood pic- res; and Vellones' "Rhapsodic for Alto Sax ". which iay have been written to challenge this instalment it Gari answered the challenge with case. Bozza's oncerto for Alto Saxophone" closed the concert |id its second movement tarantella-like Vivo, and shy cadenza, appropriately signed off the after- >n's display of prodigious virtuosity. Motion Pictures Scheduled By Luke Mend Naturalists BOUIDCT (MTV and illustrated slide I talk* on recreation In the Lake Mead area are being planned for I.tier this month by natur- atiatfl from the National Park Youth Plan Reactivated By Horsemen BOULDER CITY The Boulder City youth program, a project of the local Horsemen s Association, la expected to be ited BOOH in cooperation with the Henderson Saddle As- s.wiation. Elmer Marshall, new BCHA president is scheduling meet- Ing.i wi'h thf Henderson group i !f> work 'Ai'h them on a joint program for both cities open to the pub|<:. w:!l be held at the Boulder Reach Amphitheater on Thursdays and Sat urdays at 7.30 p m , begirwing Ptb 27 This schedule will con. tmue until Memorial Day week ?╜?╜nd when nightly programs at*. ?√ß i to br-tnn. Henderson CLASSIFIED Section ?√ßOf P vrr> ,--/ . ?√ß- Review.Journol Clossiftad Serves you . ?╟≤ . Best! I'h. HVC241 :^7 \ Main in Kr;,| FMnte For Sale ONLY $495 DOWN LAS VEGAS ELKS: REGULAR MKITIV; Till ltM??\^.K P.M. 50 PRECEDED BY DINNER (STAC) 6:30 P.M. *1 Special Centennial Initiation Friday ot 6:30 ?╟÷ Dinner & Doncing Following ?╟÷ S3 50 Each OPENING FRIDAY All-New Spring Edition of AMERICA'S NO. 1 NIGHTCLUB ICE SKATING REVUE Featuring THE WORLD'S MOST SEXC1TING Skating SHOWGIRLS Staged & directed by GEORGE ARNOLD Choreographed by RONN MEREN and RENE DE HAVEN Starring DICK WESTON 4 "aunt martha- MARYVONNE DIANE WISDOM GEORGE ARNOLD PHIL RICHARDS DOUG BRENISER .Q SHOWTIMES 8:15 and MIDNIGHT mm* RESERVATIONS 734-7431 HOTEL AND CASINO NO COVER ?╟≤ CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT FROM 9 P.M *