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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    M'' S Qlljicafl?? QHbime THE WORLD'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER Sands HotEl Las Yagas, Nev. r|Mr. A1 FrEEman TRIBUNE TOWER ?╟≤ CHICAGO 11 Telephone SUperior 7-0100 DEer Al: AttachEd arE two sEts of picturEs of OharlEnE LundbErg, Miss National PrEss PhotographEr. It is hard to find words to ExprEss thE apprEciation of Mrs. MaeKay and mysElf for thE wondErful timE we EnjoyEd at thE Sands. A fEw picturEs sEEms to mE to bE a vEry inadEquatE rEturn for an ExpEriEneE we shall nEVEr forgEt. But if thErE should EVEr bE anything that I or any mEmbEr of thE Chicago PrEss ghotographErs Assn, can do for you or thE Sands, plEasE don?╟╓t hEsitatE to call on us. Cordially,