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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 4, 1975






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 3 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000072. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    SEEATE MEETING #21 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY k, 197S AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Soil Call IIIo Approval of Minutes IV. Committee Reports A. Activities Board B. By-Laws Co»fflittee C„ Screening Covnittee tt. YELL Investigative Committee V. Old Bttainesw A, Slection of Parliamentarian B„ Senate Seat Elections C. Approve Presidential Nominations D. Approve Contract - O'M Stereo 102 VI. Nev Business A, Senate Seat laminations 8. P*e»idential Appointments VII. Information A. Next Senate Meeting - Tuesday, February 18, 19T5 B. Appropriations Committee Meeting, Wednesday, February 5 at 6 p«m. in the C8UN Office. Co Senators Checks SENATE MEETING #21 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19?5 X. Meeting was celled to order by Jos Karaffa at 5il5 p.m. IX. Roll call was taken III. Minutes Motion by Rafael Lara to dispense with the reading of the minutes of December IT, 197** aod approve a3 is. Seconded by Dave Elkins Motion carries (Caryn Ceja took her seat.) Motion by Curtis Haggard to dispense with the reading of the minutes of January 21, 19T5 and approve as is. Seconded by hi Kinghasi Motion carries IV. Committee Reports A. Activities Board Rosalynn Ramey reported the expenditures for the month of January were $3,4^3.35. There was no revenue taken in during January. The financial reports for Nox^esabar and December will be brought before the Senate at its next saeeting. Motion by Rosalyca Ramey to send the Activities Budget to the Appropriations Committee. Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motion carries Miss Raaey submitted the Activities Board Budget for the Spring semester to the Appropriations Committee Chairperson. The Chair asked if there vers any questions pretaining to the Activities Board report. Several questions were directed to the Cultural Events Chairman» Rafael Lara, regarding the total cost of the Grigory Sokolov Concert. Mr. Lara explained the Activities Board had approved a total of $2,500 for the Sokolov Concert. To date there had been approxi-mately $1,950 spent3 including the Contract ($1,500)s reception cost, publicity, tickets, etc. B. By-Lav Coamittee Rafael Lara stated the Election By-Law submitted by Curtis Haggard and the Contract By-Law submitted by Joe Kar&ffa had been aoended and approved by the By-Law Committee. -1- Motion by Rafael Lara to accept the Election By-Law as amended by the By-Law Committee Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motion by Barbara Alford to table voting on the By-Law. Seconded by A1 Kiagham Motion defeated, 6 yess 10 ao, 3 abstain Motion by Rafael Lara to receas for five minutes. Seconded by Dave Elkins Motion carries Meeting was called back to order at 5:35 p.m. Discussion The Chair 3tated it would take & 2/3 vote of the total Senate voting membership to pass the By-Law. Call for the question by Ray Carrillo Seconded by Rosalynn Ramey Motion carries 13 yes, 5 no, 1 abstain Roll call vote requested by Ray Carrillo Motion defeated, 10 yes, 9 no, 1 abstain Motion by Rafael Lara to adopt ths Contract By-Law as emended and approved by the By-Law Committee. 8eeonded by A1 Kinghaa Discussion Call for the question by Rosalynn Ramey Seconded by y Carrillo Motion carries Main motion before the floor defeated, 16 yes, 3 no, 1 abstain Motion by Rosalynn Ramey to resubmit the Election and Contract By-Laws to the By-Laws Committee„ Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motion carries -2- Ke^in Coe No Eugene Belin Ho Alan Gubler No Scott Marcus Bo Ray Carrillo Yes Shirley Lindeey Abstain Rafael Lara Yes A1 Kingham Ho Jeff Baird No Save Elkina Yea Barbara Alford No Sean McVey Yes Roealynn R&wey Yea Herlinda Salaaar Yes Richard Gutierrez Yea Caryn Ceja No Curtis Haggard Yes Joe Falasca Yes Marie Shea No William Riekwarts Yes C. Screening Committee Ray Carrillo reported the Screening Committee did not meet. Motion by Ray Carrillo to rscind the Screening Committee By-Law and Guidelines. Seconded by Shirley Lindsey Discussion Call for the question by Barbara Alford Seconded by A1 Kinghaa Motion carries The Chiar stated it would take a 2/3 majority affirmative vote of the total Senate membership to pass this motion, or IT members. Challenge to the Chair by Eugene Beliu, 1? is less than 2/3 of the total voting membership, therefore, the Chair is in error. Seconded by Curtis Haggard The Chair stated it would take a 2/3 affirmative vote of the Senate to pass the Challenge to the Chair, or 1? members. Challenge to the Chair defeated, 12 yea, 8 no Roll call vote requested by Roaalynn Rarney Motion before the floor passes, 17 yea, 0 no, 3 abstain Motion by Rafael Lara to reconsider the vote on the Contract By-Law. Seconded toy Dave Elkins Discussion Motion by Barbara Alford to table until the next meeting, Seconded by Kevin Coe Motion defeated Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motion carries - 3 - Kevin Coe Yea Eugene Bella Abstain Alan G^bler Yes Scott Marcus Yes Ray Carrillo Yes Shirley Lindsay Yes Rafael Lara Yes A1 Kingham iee Jeff Biard Yes D&ve Eikino Yes Barbara Alford Yes Sean MeVey Abstain Rcsalynn Ramey Yea Herlinda, Salasac Yes Richard Gutierrez Yes Caryn Ceja Yes Curtis Haggard Abstain Joe Falasca Yes Marie Shea Yets William Rickwarts Yes Boll call vote requested by Rosalynn Ratney Motion passess yes, 1 no, h abstain Motion by Rafael to adopt the Contract By-Law amended and approved by the By-Lav Coauaittee. Seconded by Ray Carrillo Discussion Roll call vote requested by Roa&lynn Raney Kevin Coe Ho Eugene Bella Yes Alan Gubler Ho Scott Marcus Yes Bay Carrillo les Shirley Lindsey Yes Rafael Lara See Al Kingiiatu Bo Jeff Biara Ho Bave Elkins Yea Barbara Alford Mo Sean Me?ey Abstain Bosalyn.n Hastey Yes Herlinda Selasar Yea Richard Gutierrez Yes Caryn Ce,}& Yes Curtis Haggard res Joe Falaaca Yes Marie 3h.ea Yea Willi an Rickvartz Yea Motion defeated, 14 y«s» 5 1 abstain Motion by Rafael Lara to recess for five minutes Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motian Carries Meeting v&a called back to order at 6:35* Motion by R&fasl Lara to move the Election of Parliamentarian up on the agenda. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Diseuseisan Call for the question by Alfred Klngham Seconded by Barbara Alford Motion carries, 13 yes, .1 no, 1 abstain Main motion before th« floor carries Election of Parliamentarian The Cfc&ir requested the Senate vote by show of hands for the Parliamentarian« Co« Abataia Eugene Be'iln See Alan Gubler Abstain 8oc<tt Marcus Kes Ray Carrillo Yes Sbirley Lindsey Yea Rafael Lara Yes A1 Kingkam Yes Jeff BaLrd Abstain Dave Zlkins Sea Barbara Alford So Seen MeVey Abstain Roaalynn Kftsney Yes Herlisda SaXasar Yea Richard Gutierrez Xea Caryn Ceja Cartis Haggard Yes Joe F&iaaca Yee Marie Shea Yes WilliaM Rickvarts So Jude Gary was approved as Parliamentarian, 3.8 yes, 1 no The Chair requested Mr. Gary take his seat as Parliamentarian. E. Screening Committee (Continued) Motion by Rcsalynn Raitey to feeve the C3U1 Secretary bs responsible for screening all organisations and no*aiaations. Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motion parses Motion by Barbara Ali'ord that the C3VH Senate recognize the Chamber Singers, Middle 35arth Society and Lambda Delta Sigma organizations so they can function on campus. Seconded by Kevin Coe Motion by Curtis Haggard to table until ther« .la a clear definition on screening organisations. Seconded by Alfred Singham Motion carriers 13 yes, k no, 2 abstain Motion by Rafael Lara to have an Appropriations Coissaittee report. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion carries 13 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain F. Appropriations Committee Report Jill 5ovak reported the Budget Change request for the i*2t«L which was brought before the Senate on December 3» 19?^ had not been voted on by the Senate. Motion by Say Oarrillo to table Seconded by A1 Stiaghaia Motion carries, 13 yes, 2 bo, 2 abstain G. IfELL Investigative Committee Eugene Bella reported the Committee met on January 28? 19T5 to establish the regulations for the Investigative Hearing.. ?al Buheeker was present at that meeting and he informed the Coramittee that the problema with Mr. Stoldal had been resolved, and he vould not have any charges to subsait. The Committee decided if there ve?e no charges filed by the deadline,, 1/29/?5 at noon, then there would be ao aeed for a preliminary hearing. {Shirley Lindsey, A1 Kinghsai & Caryn •were excused.) Motion by Curtis Haggard to have the Senate delegate subpoena power to the YELL Investigative Committee. Seconded by Ray- C&rrillo Motion carries4 11 yee, 3 ao, 1 abstain Motion by Curtis Haggard to move on to Old Business Seconded by Eugene Bella Motion carries, 20 yea, k no, 1 abstain - 5 - Vo Old Business A. Senate Seat Elections Motion by Eugene Belin to table nominations until the nominees can appear before the Senate. Seconded by Curtis Haggard The Chair ruled the action out of order * Motion by Rafael Lara to vote on the Senate Seat Hominatiana by ballot. Seconded by Dave Slkins Motion by Barbara Alford to table elections of University College until nominations can be reopened a Seconded by Rosalynn Ramey Motion defeated Motion by Rosalynn Ramey to table until both nominees are present. Seconded by Barbara Alford Motion passes, 9 yes, 2 no, 5 abstain B. Approve Presidential Boain&tions Motion by Rafael Lara to establish a Senate Ad Hoc Committee for the Student Bill of Rights. Seconded by CurtiB Haggard Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Rosalynn Ramey Motion carries Roll call vote requested by Sean MeVey Motion carries, 12 yea9 2 no, 3 abstain Motion by Barbara Alford the Senate Student Bill of Rights Committee establish a student bill of rights and report back to the Senate at its next meeting with 60% of the bill completed, Motion dies for lack of a second. Proposed resolution by Rafael Lara that the President delegate the authority to the Vice-President to nominate the committee members on the Student Bill of Rights Committee as stated in the CSUH Constitution. Seconded by Eugene Belin Kefin Coe Yes Maris Skea Yes Alan Gubler Yes Eugene Bella Yea Ray Carrilio Yes Scott Marcus Yes Rafael Lara Yes Dave Elfcins Abstain Jeff Biard Ye& Sean McYey Abstain Barbara Alford Ko Herlinda Salaaar Abstain Rcsalynn Raney Yes Joe Fal&sca Yes Richard Gutierreis Ho Willi aja Rickvarta Yes Curtis Haggard Yes Val Buhecker was recognized by the Chair, Mrc Buhecker stated he would not vaivc the right to appoint the committee members to the ?ice-President. The Chair called on the Parliamentarian to read the CSUH Constitution, Article V, Section 1, Paragraph 8: "The President shall appoint the members to Joint Student Faculty Committees. The President shall nominate the members of all CSUH Senate standing and ad hoc committees and appoint the Chairman of the Moyer Student Union Board, Activities and Election Boards, All nominations and appointments outlined in this paragraph must have Senate approval." Call for the question by Hafael Lara Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion carries, 13 yes, 2 no, 2 abstain Main motion before the floor defeated, 8 yes, 9 no. Motion by Barbara Alford to establish a Student Bill of Rights Committee consisting of seven members which will report back to the Senate with definir,e progress within two senate meetings. Seconded by Sean McVey Discussion Call for the question by Curtis Haggard Seconded by A1 Kinghasa Motion carries Main motion before the floor carries, 10 yes, 3 no, k abstain Motion by Curtis Haggard that the Committee be nonfunctional until all seven members are approved by the majority of 8«natora present at the voting meeting. Seconded by William Rickwartz Discussion Call for the question by Barbara Alford Seconded by A1 Kinghaas Motion carries Main motion before the floor carries, 9 yejg, 5 no, * abstain Motion by Barbara Alford to adjourn„ Seccnded by Hiehard Gutierrez The Chair ruled the motion out of order because of unfinished business. Motion by Barbara Alford to schedule the approveai of Presidential nominations until the next Senate meeting. Seconded by Hiehard Gutierrez Motion carries - r - C. Approve Contract Motion by Curtis naggard to accept the KFM Stereo 102 Contract. Seconded by Marie Shea Motion by Rafael Lara to table Seconded by Ray Carrillo Motion passea (Kevin Coe was excused.) VI. Net? Business A, Motion by Rosalynn Reiaey to ?eaove Mike Petri© as a member of the- Activities Board. Seconded by Barbara Alford Motion passed unanimously B. Presidential nominations The Chair recognised Vel Buhecker at which time he made the following Presidential aominations and Appointments: Appointments: 1» Student Union Board: Chairman, Btao Wardle Nominations: 1. Activities Board: Steve Rhodes John Sabel Bte-fe Buahey 2. Day Care Board: Chairperson, Metie Bair Margaret Wilgar 3. Magazine Editor: Mi&c Navarro Fraternity Row Task Force: Chairman. Bob Braner Guy Pence Jeff Baird Dan Russell Rod Day Judy Carlisi 5. Lobbying Committee: Chairman, A1 Kingha® Mike Navarro - Advisor 6, Student Bill or Rights: Chairman, Stan Wardle (Senate Ad Hoc Comm.) Carol Levy Brad Peterson A1 Kingham Bill Gonaaiea John Toi'ano Jeff Baird Dr. Robert Gleanes (Advisor) The Chair stated the Senate Student Bill of Rights Comiaittee could be approved at this meeting in accordance with the C8UK Constitutions - 9 - Article V, Section 1, Paragraph E which reads: "The President shall appoint the members to Joint Student Faculty Committees. The President sha-l nominate the members of all C8UH Senate standing and ad hoc committees and appoint the chairman of the Mayer Student Union Board, Activities and Election Boards. All nominations and appoint-ments outlined in the paragraph must have Senate approval. Article Til, Section 5» Paragraph F vhich reads: "The Senate may not approve the following business until the regular Senate session following the date of the introduction into the Senate of this business. 1. Presidential appointments. 2. The signing of contracts of which CSUJJ is a party. 3. Enactment of and amendments to by-laws» fc. Approval of budgets an dther expenditures." C, Motion by Ray Carrillo to have ail Chairpersons from all Senate Standing Committees, all Ad-Hoc and all Executive Ad Hoe Committees come before the 3tadent Body Senate on the next scheduled Senate Meeting and give a full and complete report of their operation from the time they started to the present. Seconded by Richard Gutierrez Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Barbara Alford Motion carries Main motion before the floor carries D. Lobbying Committee Budget Motion by Rafael Lara to freeae tLe $500 budgeted for the Lobbying Committee until the committee can report back to the Senate on how the money will be spent. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Discussion Motion was withdrawn toy Rafa«*l Lara Seconded was withdrawn by Curtis Haggard Motian by Rafael Lara that before any monies be apettt by the Lobbying Committee they be previously approved by the Senate. Seconded by Cartis Haggard Discussion Call for the question by Curtis Haggard Seconded by Rafael Lara Main motion before the floor passes, 12 yes$ 2 no, 1 abstain Eo Magaslne Portion of the Budget Motion by Barbara Alford that the Magasine portion of the budget be sent to the Appropriations Committee in order that the $975 remaining in the budget be spent on this semester's magazine. Seconded by Dave Elkins Motion carries 3P. Submit Contract Rosalynn Harney submitted a telegram showing agreement terms for the George Carlin/Kanny Rankin Concert, and requested the Senate consider the telegram as a Contract. The Chair stated the terms of the agreement as shown on the telegram were two shows for $8,750 to be in the Student Union Ballroom on March 18, 19T5. Motion by Barbara Alford that the President be empowered to send a telegram of confirmation. The Chair ruled this motion out of order. Motion by Curtis Haggard to adjourn Seconded by Dave Ilkins The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P»m. -10- CONTRACTS BY-LAW I. This by-lav is to be eonsIdereel the philosophy concerning expenditures of C8UK monies not involving contracts. A. All expenditures of $1,000 or more shall be approved by the CSU& Senatev provided they have not been previously budgeted for and approved by the CSUH Senate. B „ Providing that expenditures under $1,000 have been previously budgeted and approved, CSUE executive officers shall be empowered to issue cheeks to cover said expenditures. C. Those items over $1,000 not involving a contract- may be approved during the meeting of submission to the CSUK Senate. D„ CSUS executive officers shall be empowered to make emergency agreements by telegram providing terms of said agreement have been previously approved by the CSUK Senate. All term® may be approved at the Senate meeting of submission. SUBMITTED BY: Joseph M. Karaffa AMENDED ASD APPROVED BY THE BY-LAW COMMITTEE OH 2/3/T5. ELECTION BY-LAW I. A By-La*? to limit campaign spending in CSUN elections. A. No candidate for a CSUN senate seat saay spend, cause to be spent, or have spent, on his behalf more than the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) in his or hers campaign for a senate seat. B„ No candidate for CSUN President, Vice-President, or Treasurer may spend, catise to be spent, or have spent on his behalf more than the sua of fifty dollars ($50,00) in his or hers campaign for a CSUN executive office, C. Filing fees shall not count toward the limit of sun, XX* L imit to campaign contributions A. No candidate for a CSUN senate seat uay receive, or have received for him any gifts contribution, or service which exceeds the sum of ten dollars ($10.00). Total of all contributions. B. No candidate for CSUN President, Vice-President, or Treasurer may receive, or have received for him any gift, contribution, or service which exceeds the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00). Total of all contributions. III. Enforcement A, This by-law shall be enforced by the Election Board. B. No election shall be declared valid until the winning candidate shall have submitted to the Election Board a full and complete summary of his or hers campaign spending and contributions. C. If at any time during the tenure of an elected CSUN official it shall be proved that the elected CSUH official knowingly submitted a false or misleading statement to the election board; then such a violation will be treated as an impeachable offense and the SEnate will take appropriate action. IV. Location of polling booths A. Locations which shall have a polling booth loc ted on these premises for at least two (2) hours during the period of voting shall include the Chemistry Building, Education Building and Library. B. The Election Board has responsibility for the enforcement of th -©vision. AMENDED AND APPROVED UNAS' IMOUSLY BY THE BY-LAWS COMMITTEE ON 1/20/T5. SENATE MEETING #21 FEBRUARY b, 19J5 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS Student Bill of Rights Task Force Yes No Abstain Stan Wardle, Chairman Carol Levy- Brad Peterson Alfred Kiaghaus Bill Gonaales Dr, Robert Olennen 1! Ill Mini lillll Student Union Board Andrew Rafen -- -- - —rr —'-a - - Activities Board Erie Forsetrom g - - By-Lawe Committee Graem* Csvey SENATE MEETIHG if21 FEBRUARY " , 1975 PARLIAMENTARIAN ELECTION BALLOT SENATE SEAT ELECTIONS BALLOT University College Yes No Abstain John Cerrillo Rayaoad May ¥88 No Abstain Jude Gary