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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, September 21, 1955 to November 20, 1957, lvc000010-227


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    1, Shirley Ballinger City Clerk, of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of the Resolution accepting the easement attached hereto duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on the 21st day of March, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 22nd day of March, 1956. /s/ SHIRLEY BALLINGER Clerk of the City of Las Vegas (SEAL) FOR: Utilities & Roadway The Commission considered the easement from Mathew J. Matonovich for the effluent ditch from the plant site easterly to Vegas Creek. On motion of Commissioner Sharp, duly seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried unanimously, the following resolution is adopted and order made: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEED In motion of Commissioner Reed Whipple, duly seconded by Commissioner Harris P. Sharp, and carried unanimously, the following Resolution is adopted, and order made: BE IT RESOLVED, this 21st day of March, 1956, by the Board of Commis­sioners of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, that the easement dated the 9th day of March, 1956, executed by Matthew J. Matonovich to the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, and that the real property described therein be, and is hereby accepted, for the pur­poses and intentions as therein set forth; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be attached to said easement, and this resolution be filed in the records of this Board. STATE OF NEVADA ) )ss. COUNTY OF CLARK, ) I, Shirley Ballinger City Clerk, of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of the Resolution accepting the easement attached hereto duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on the 21st day of March, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 22nd day of March, 1956. /s/ SHIRLEY BALLINGER Clerk of the City of Las Vegas (SEAL) FOR: Effluent Ditch Mr. Edwin Dotson, representing the Doctor's Hospital of Las Vegas Inc., ap­peared before the Commission with a proposal to purchase city property lo­cated at the corner of San Francisco and Eastern Avenues. Mr.Dotson ex­plained that his clients would like to purchase five acres at approximately $4,000 per acre, to construct a 52 bed hospital. The Commission advised Mr.Dotson that the City owns thirty-five acres of land in this area and would like to use a portion of this as a city park play­ground. The City Manager was authorized to meet with the Recreation Director to determine how much land will be needed for recreational purposes. This being the time set for the opening of Bid No. 56.8 for the installation of electrical service to the new City Garage building, bids were received from the following firms: ALBRIGHTS COURTESY ELECTRIC $6,398.00 (Alternate 4,470.68) BENTON ELECTRIC 3,740.00 CLARK COUNTY ELECTRIC 4,572.00 SHOCK ELECTRIC 3,297.12 Commissioner Sharp moved the foregoing bids be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Fountain. This being the time set for the opening of bids for the construction of the Washington Avenue Storm Drain, Stage I, bids were received from the follow­ing firms: GENERAL BUILDERS $9,937.21 GEORGE E. MILLER CO. 7,900.00 GENERAL CONTRACTORS 6,147.00 WELLS CARGO 4,800.00 Commissioner Sharp moved the foregoing bids be referred to the City Manager and Director of Public Works for tabulation and recommendation. OFFER TO PURCHASE CITY LAND BID NO. 56.8 Electric Service City Garage Building WASHINGTON AVENUE STORM DRAIN Bids