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Summary of claims filed against A. Winters Estate


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1896 to 1899


This folder is from "Financial Records" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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    man000381. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    A Summary of the Claims filed against the Estate of Aaron Winters,Deceased. *&****?*??*?*#*??***#%?**?**?*•*?*?%?**?&?* naim of the Estate ofJ&f£i-.K±el,deceased:Promissory Note,dated,August 32,1898, Interest at 7^,per annum IPnrti.n . . #582570,,5000. #1177,50. !laim of H.White: Promissory Note,dated January 4,1897,interest @10# per mnum. Said note is signed by A Winters,C.W.GrizzePlrli,na.n d J.D.$G1r6i1z,s0e0l.l. date 82,75 . #243,75. m account which purports to have been balanced on the 1st,of Jan, 1900,for the sum o f -----------IInntt-.-7-$-,-A.— 28480,,0302 i $576.07. Claim of Helen J.Stewart: Account for the stun of >829570-,-0-0,-w-h-i-c-h- --s-ho-w-s- --t-o -h-a-v-e- -b-e--e-n- -b-a-l-a-n-c-e-d-,-N-o-v-.-2-2,--Prin. #250,00 IWt .?$>, A. $57244,,5577.. Claim of Samuel Yount: Account,which purports to lave been balanced on the 8 day of Dec, 1898------ Prin. #60.90, Expenses,coming to Pioche to Prove the WILL,Of Int.7#,A. 15,64 iaron Winters,deceased, #98,00— Total-$172,55, #74,55. Claim of F.R.Stewart:Account for the sum of #254,50-- ---- $254,50. rhich shows to have been bal.May 4,1894---------- Int.7#,A, $147249,,8588.. Claim of John C. Me Clanahan:Account for the sum > f -------------------------------- 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ g .ocount--------- — — ---------------------------- Account--- ------------------- 1------------- ----- Intr7$»T-Av-#515,16 Int. A, 70,60. — ------- 75,00 •I—nt.-7-$-,-A-.- 1400,,0070. Int.7$,A. $7154.,0265.. Claim of Adron Winters:Account,which shows to have been balanced on ,he 1st, Dec. 1899---------------------------------- PIrnitn..7 #,A. #54020,,0000 $542,00. The total amount of the indebtedness of the estate,according to ,he claims presented is#2736,87.