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Form 2191B SYMBOL X CLASS OF SERVICE^ R EQ U IR ED V Px Pl*eferred , ^^ ^ 'Irnmediate^ deliyery Dx Day Delivery during day Nx Night / ", Delivery by next morning > In d ic a te byiX.jn properilrie th e c la s s o f s6rvipe- V e q u ire d . D o n o t s p e c ify ^ ,p re fe rre d .s e r v ic e if o th e r s e r v ic e w ill ’ a n s w e r th e p u rp o se. ;_4- j o i n t use o f f a c i l i t i e s W ith R a ilro a d Cd$$>aay, fo r w hich o o ije g e - t o be made on b a sis pro?*mio&ite use, tak in g in to account maintOBance, ca rry in g ch a rges, etc* Perm it a rrangement proposed designed to confer® w ith co n d itio n s as they e x ist, as w e ll as a p ro te c tio n o f water r ig h ts o f e ith e r p a rty, in which Mr. Mchamee concurs* 5. Water Company has been paying R ailroad Company $300 per month, but under proposed perm it arrangement r e fe r r e d to Item 4, monthly payment w i l l be |978, based on p rop ortion ate use f a c i l i t i e s 1928. Water Company has not been su stain in g lo s s under e x is tin g arrangement and th e r e fo r e not in b e s t p o s itio n to go to Commission f o r Increased ra te s * However, when proposed charge #975 per month becomes e f f e c t i v e and i f s a le w a ter continues a t present ra te s , lo ss w i l l undoubtedly fo llo w , thus p la c in g la t e r Company in p o s itio n to support w ith an actual record a p p lic a tio n f o r increased ra te s fo llo w in g renewal fra n ch ise 1934. At same time R ailroad can J u s tify charge against Water Co. under proposed permit arrangement on b a sis p rop ortion ate use fo rm er's f a c i l i t i e s . Mr. Mchmee concurs. 6. Account fin a n c ia l co n d itio n and standing o f Syndicate, which is p rim a rily r e a lt y oxfi^aixa|i©a and might not b is h assume fin a n c ia l r8o:>dsa5iA.lty to that e x te n t, arrangement suggested involving guarantee o f in terest, taxes and depreciation might not prevttMp&t 1 sf&Olory. So not recommend such an axx’smgesmii either with SygjJ&eats o* other concerns seelin g sim ilar servioe, fo r reason when booC^dfes down, period d eflation and lo ss population w ill J/ ?