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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    March |i 1965 lir.JJ:l:. L. Tillery f||| | ?√ß gff?║tf Hi O. BOX 666 . '-'t'K?flfll|t?║?√ß} Texas Vg.;/ i^llSillili ?╟Ñ"'- Hlf| SI I; 111 Sj I I 1 ?√ß' |p : ?╟≤ |J?║?║ Thanks; for your letter ?√ß and Interest In 'the' ?√ß ||, ?√ß 9th International, Gin Ifcimmy Tournament, g ' gj''?╜I and- hope ?√ß?√ß you will be,, feeling TmitteSr:soon.| ; la.-disou??sittg?╟╓;;i^^rr-'red^8d:-dlth Tournament Judge. Alfred Sheinwold, he advised that he could see no reason why you could not participate in the Tournament. In the preliminary sessions Monday and Tuesday, your opponents could deal for you?? and if any objections ..'afd-'Jraised;; on this point, the Supervisor could, d^nV:"- 1 for yw* If you qualify for the Semi-finals and Fin$l??*gthe.''SuperviscMr,;;,can deal for you. |g|g ..'Again,:;; thanks for your interest, and we 'hope|to _ 1ggg| see you soon. ||^||||| Kindest regards, ! | ?╟╓ ,|w#i ' ^ r ?· ?╟╓ -". llfi ?√ß W A1 Freeman Director /aw ?√ß