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The Wheel Las Vegas Rotary Club newsletter, January 27, 1983







Newsletter issued by the Las Vegas Rotary Club

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    man000025. Fayle Family Papers, 1895-1998. MS-00404. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    * DISTRICT CONFERENCE * Just a reminder that the District 530 Conference will be April 28- May 1st at the Del Coronado Hotel. The conference will have plenty of Friendship, Fun and Fellow-ship. Make your plans now. * SUMMER YOUTH EXCHANGE * Deadline for Applications.... Feb. 18, 1983. Don't miss the opportunity for Rotarians to send their sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters, nieces and nephews to England, Italy or Denmark for a three or four week exchange with a Rotary family and to be blessed with a visit of one youth from the other country. This is a rewarding experience for you and yours Approximate Dates: Outbound - July 9, 1983 Incoming - June 18, 1983 from Denmark July 7, 1983 from England Aug. 9, 1983 from Italy Nevada Youth Exchange Directors, clear through Don Christensen. * PROGRAMS * LAST WEEK; Our guest speaker last week was John Solomon, Director of Avia-tion for McCarran Airport. John gave a slide presentation and ex-planation of McCarran 2000 remod-eling project. When completed McCarran will be one of the most modern airport facilities in the country. THIS WEEK: Judge Lloyd George will speak to us on the changing world of bank-ruptcies . NEXT WEEK: Burton Cohen, President of the Desert Inn will speak on the Nevada Resort Association, of which he is also President. * FROM THE R I NEWS * Toronto, capital of Ontario and a jewel of a city on Lake Ontario's north shore, will host the 1983 Convention of Rotary Int'l. June 5-8 ...Rotarians converging on Toronto from many lands will enjoy not only superb recreational facil-ities, fun, and hospitality, but also an outstanding convention pro-gram based at Maple Leaf gardens and the Royal York Hotel, with speakers of world renown. Group meetings will give a worldwide glimpse of "Service Above Self," with two afternoons set aside to discuss club administration and Rotary programs. There will be international fellowship dinners, vocational tours of the city's business and industrial concerns, a special presentation by Youth Exchange Students and by the winn-er of the President's Youth Exch-ange Essay contest, plus musical features including "Singing and Dancing Tonight." The grand finale will be the President's Reception and also, "Family Night" in Ont-ario Place, a unique lakeside en-tertainment complex built on three man-made islands connected by bridges. But the benefits from attending the 198 3 Convention extend beyond the instructive and the spectacu-lar . LAS VEGAS ROTARY CLUB DISTRICT 530 MAKE-UP DAYS AND PLACES Monday - LV. Southwest - Port Tack Tuesday - Henderson - Eldorado Club Wednesday - Boulder City - Railroad Pass Wednesday - LV. Paradise - Showboat Hotel Friday - No. Las Vegas - Silver Nugget JOSEPH J. BUCKLEY President IRWIN KISHNER Vice President JIM CASHMAN III Secretary DOUGLAS PETERSON Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Barry W. Becker David Boyer Steven S. Casey Ashley J. Hall Michael Meyer Bernard Menke Dr. James M. Jones DON AIKIN Past President HOWDY WELLS District Governor's Representative P.O. BOX 15152, LAS VEGAS, NEV. 89114 January 27, 1983 UU UJ CQ < yuJ UJ LOl THE WHEEL Las Vegas Rotary Greets The World LAS VEGAS ROTARY CLUB - HOLIDAY CASINO - JANUARY 20, 1983 President Joe returned last week and got our regular Thursday luncheon meeting off to its usual fine start. Invocation by Jack Ford Song led by George Liberace Pledge of Allegiance... Pres. Joe Introductions by Al Adams * 25 CLUB * Prior to the opening of our regular meeting, members of the 25 Club met, under the leadership of new President Tom Carns. The topic of discussion for the 25 Club was a new work pro-ject, one that will give a real sat-isfaction of accomplishment for our club while doing something good for our Community, a "hands on" type of project. A social function is also being planned. More on both of these items later. * DOC SYLVESTER * Pres. Joe reminded everyone to keep Doc. Sylvester and his wife Ruby in your prayers. * LORIN RONNOW * Lorin Ronnow is recovering well from his "by-pass" surgery in San Francisco. Have a speedy recovery Lorin and re-turn to us soon. * HEAD TABLE * Those seated at the head table last week were Berlyn Miller, Doug Peter-son, and Jack Ford. * 60th ANNIVERSARY * Pres. Joe called a meeting of all Past Presidents to plan the 60th Anniversary of the Las Vegas Rotary Clubs big cel-ebration. The date being looked at is April 7th. Our actual anniversary date is April 5th. * NEWS * Pretty Sue Parkinson did her usual fine job in presenting the news. It's amaz-ing how much more attention Sue gets than when Gary gives the news. I wonder why? * VISITING ROTARIANS & GUESTS * Al Adams had the pleasure of introduc-ing our visiting Rotarians and guests of Rotarians. Visiting us were Rotar-ians from Minnesota, Missouri, Costa Rica, Michigan, Texas, Nova Scotia, California, San Paulo, Las Vegas South-west, Las Vegas Paradise. We also had 13 guests of Rotarians attending last week. Welcome one and all. * ROTARIAN OF THE YEAR * We were really remiss in not properly giving Leonard Fayle the recog-nition he deserves. Leonard is our clubs de-signated Rotarian Of The Year and he will so be honored at a special Southern Nevada Rotar-ian of the Year meeting to be held March 4th. Here are some things about Len you should ,all know. Leonard first joined Rotary in Delano, California in 1930 and has only missed three Rotary meetings in the last 50 years. Len was Secretary and President of the Delano Club. Len came to Las Vegas in 1942 and went into the baking business, which he sold out in 1951. He has attended Rotary International Conventions in many locations in the United States, and also attended one in San Paulo, Brazil. Len has also served on the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas Valley Water District. Served on the Selective Service__Board for eight years. Was President of the Las Vegas Rotary Club in 1949-50. He has served as one of Nevada's three Presidential Electors, who officially cast the ballots in Presidential Elec-tions. He was most instrumental in founding the Southwest Rotary Club, and almost single-handedly brought this club into existence. He has been ex-tremely active in many aspects of Rotary, including the housing of a foreign exchange student for one school year during the 1958-59 Rotary year. Len has been designated by the Univer-sity of Nevada Board of Regents as a distinguished Nevadan. He is 33rd degree Honorary, of the Free and Accepted Masons, and is very active in the local Masonic Lodge. The entire club offers Len their con-gratulations and best wishes. * THE STATE OF ROTARY * Our club Treasurer Doug Peterson gave the "State of Rotary" message to our club last week WHAT DID HE SAY? This was the Annual Mid Year report on the financial stability of our club. It would appear, if you understood what Doug said that we are in okay condition. Tune in six months from now for another "State of Rotary" report. * BIRTHDAY BOYS * Those being honored at the birthday table last week were: Jim Gammett; Harley Harmon, Jr.; Bob Forbus; Doyle Jordon; Keith Bassett; Marty Rud; Mike Cole and Jim Wilson. HAPPY BIRTHDAY fellows. _ '„,_ * FINES. * ^ Some of our lucky Rotarians received special recognition last week as Pres. Joe levied some fines. Those receiv-ing special recognition were Bob Forbus; Berlyn Miller and Ward Wengert and George Swartz. Next week Pres. Joe is going to be looking for Bud Wheeler and Don Aiken, so bring your checkbook fellows. * VALENTINE PARTY * There will be a special Valentine Party at our regular meeting Valentines Week. So Rotary Anns, put that on your cal-endar .