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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, March 2007



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    Beth Sholom Bulletin March 2007- Adar-NSsan 5767 TBS Purim Carnival Sunday, March 4,11AM-3PM Celebrate Purim with the Religious School Purim Carnival! This be bigger year's Carnival w and better than ever. Enjoy many of the old favorite booths, including live goldfish, face painting and games of skill. In addition, children will be thrilled to test the Velcro Wall, Bungee Run, 12' Slide, Bounce I louse, Dance Dance Revolution, Electronic Basketball Hoops, Trackless Train and Pony Rides! No Purim Carnival is complete without greal f<x>d; save your appetite forhotdogs, hamburgers, falafcl and hamentashen. Purim Megillah Readings Saturday, March 3: Traditional Reading in the Steinberg Chapel at 6:30 PM Saturday, March 3: The Wizard OfShushan in die Sigesmund Sanctuary at 6:30 PM From the pages of The Wizard of OZ, we will take a quick musical romp through the story of Purim and meet the Wizard of Shushan, Vashli, Dorothy, Esther, Clinda the Good Witch, Haman, Elvira, Mordechai, the Cowardly Lion, the I in Man, the Scarecrow and of course, Munchkins. All roles will be played by Temple members (we bet you can't guess who will play which role). Everyone is invited to come and join in the fun by singing along with us as we croon Ding Dong The Queen is Gone, How Nasty Old I laman Was, The Matzah Ball Road and Somewhere Over in Shushan. Fhe Purim Shpiel is directed by our Rabbinic Intern, Ben Katz. will include all of the traditional readings from the Haggadah, as well as singing, friends, and a wonderful holiday spirit. In addition, a gourmet Kosher Passover meal will be catered by Chef Gustav Mauler. cleaning, This year, leave the cooking and dishes to someone else and register for the TBS Seder. Prices are $75 for adult members and their guests, $30 for youth age live through twelve and $90 for non-member adults. RSVP prior to March 21 by sending a check to the temple office or calling the temple office at 804-1333, ext. 100. Walk for Darfur Sunday, March 18,10AM Make a difference in the lives of thousands of people by raising awareness to stop the atrocities in the western Sudan. Temple Beth Sholom member, Ryan Saxe. has organized a Walk For Darfur which will meet in front of Bally's on the corner of Las Vegas Blvd and Flamingo at 10:00 AM. The 2 mile walk, supported by Temple Beth Sholom will go to the Wynn I lotel and back. Each day in Darfur, hundreds of people are raped, starved and murdered by the Sudanese armed forces and a Sudanese government-backed militia known as the Janjaweed. At least 400,000 people have died and more than 2 million Darfurians have been left homeless. The United Nations Security Council authorized that peacekeepers be deployed to Darfur, but the Sudanese government has not yet allowed them entry. Meanwhile, the calculated campaign of displacement, starvation, rape, and mass slaughter continues. Sunday, March 4: Tradit ional Reading in the Steinberg Chapel at 9:00 AM TBS Passover Seder Monday, April 2 Experience Passover like you've never experienced it before; participate in the Temple Beth Sholom Passover Seder! The I BS First Night Seder, led by Rabbi Goodman and Cantor Friedman For this event please wear and display T-Shirts, Banners, Wristbands or other apparel available for sale on littp://www. All money raised will benefit the Save Darfur Coalition. Register online at detail/rally/w5d. Contact Ryan Saxe for more information at rnsl Osnel @aol.corn. Temple News An Open Letter To Our Congregation, My Friends Cantor Daniel Friedman From the deepest part of my soul, I thank you all for your comfort during this challenging time for me and my family. I thank you for the cards, for the letters, for the emails, for the donations, for the notes under my door: for the phone calls. 1 thank you for the hugs, for the smiles and words of condolence; for the knowing look in your eye. To the Board of Directors, to the Men's Club, to the Mallin Early Childhood Center staff and students, to the Solomon Schechter Day School staff and students, I am deeply grateful for your gifts of physical and spiritual sustenance. To our dear Rabbi, my friend, Liz and Carol, rav friends, I thank you for your consideration and for making the journey to Los Angeles to be with me and my family. To the Arums, Molaskys, Schorrs, Wynns, Pascals and Earlys, I thank you; to .Alan Shlachter for sitting with me in Los .Angeles. My mother loved her visits with us during the High Holy Days and came to consider Temple Beth Sholom her second synagogue family. Music and being Jewish were two things that brought her much joy. She was committed to Jewish education and along with my father endowed the Adat Ari El Religious School in Valley Village, California. She will be missed and yet will always be remembered for the passion in which she lived her life; her never ending supportive nature and equality in which she treated all people. She was, is and always will be our Eyshet Chayil, our woman of valor. T'hi nishmatah tzurah bitzror hachayim. May her soul be bound up in the bond of life. Again, from me and my family, thank you. I look forward to seeing you all at temple. Purim Greetings Ed Seltzer President Purim,aholiday commemorating the deliverance of the Jews from the evil grips of Haman's plot, is celebrated March 3 and 4 at Temple Beth Sholom and at synagogues all over the world. I hope you enjoy the Mishloach Manot that you received in the mail from your Temple familv. However, no Purim is complete without hamentashen: and we will have plenty of them at the Temple after the Megillah readings on March 3 and 4, along with some spirits for the adults. This year we invite you to a Purim Shpiel, the first in many years. Come see your fellow congregants and our clergy perform the Megillah with a Wizard of Oz twist. You won't be disappointed! Purim concludes with the annual Religious School Purim Carnival. This year, the Committee has gone the extra mile to bring in new activities for young and old; from pony rides to goldfish, this will definitely be the place to be on March 4. While we are celebrating our Jewish heritage during Purim, 1 encourage you to think about how you can help continue to see that Temple Beth Sholom is at the forefront of Judaism in the Las Vegas area. As you know, we are quickly coming up on our annual fundraising gala, honoring Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. We are also in the midst of a capital campaign for the new Friedman Multi-Generational Pavilion. These two campaigns, one to support our annual operation and the other to ensure our future, need your support. Please think about your participation in these projects. Happy Purim from all of us at Temple Beth Sholom. I look forward to celebrating and toasting our freedom and health with you! Friedman Pavilion Friedman Pavilion Update Groundbreaking Date Set FxC The campaign for the Friedman Multi- Generational Pavilion moved closer to $6 million last month with the addition of new donors. During the same time, the Building Committee finalized plans for this new facility which will accommodate a wide range of activity spaces for older adults and our school programs. A Ground Breaking Ceremony is planned for Sunday, May 6 at 11 AM. Be sure to mark the date on your calendar to attend this historic event. Watch your mailbox for more information. Additional donors are needed to get to our goal, and the entire congregation is being asked to consider making a meaningful gift to this campaign. To discuss a donor option that works for you, contact Laura Sussman at 804-1333, ext. 133. Donor Spotlight Flora and Stuart Mason Stuart and Flora Mason joined Temple Beth Sholom soon after moving to Las Vegas in 1965. "We knew I lie best way to meet people was to join the Temple and were warmly welcomed into a family of coi igregai i ts which encompassed every aspect of I .as Vegas Jewry, from Orthodox to Reform," says Flora. The Temple, and its adjunct, the Jewish Center Social Club, became the focus of their family life. Over the years, Flora and Stuart served in many capacities: Stuart as Temple Board member and later Temple President, Flora on the Sisterhood Board, then as the first woman elected by the general membership to the Temple Board. The Mason's three children: Debbie, Bill, and Jim, all attended the Temple Preschool and Religious School. Bill and Jim were very active in USY groups and served as Presidents of Jr. and Sr. USY at various times. They became Bar Mitzvah at the Temple, enjoyed act ivities at the Kolod recreation center at the 16th Street I BS, and were counselors at the Summer Camp. It's no wonder Jim and Bill went on to be the contractors for the new Temple Beth Sholom on I lavenwood! "We remember the community's Jewish youth congregating at the Kolod Center for basketball, soltball, and youth group meetings; USY, BBC,AZAall met there. Our kids made lifelong friends. We hosted USY On Wheels, and George Charlie Uevinson and would cook for those weekends. I guess that's one reason we said "Yes" when Abbie and David Friedman asked us to join with them in building a new Multi-Cenerational facility." says Stuart. Another reason may reflect perhaps a unique aspect and strength of the I .as Vegas Jewish community. It was common to have friends from different generations, unlike in Miami, where the Masons were raised and friends tended to be of the same age. TTicy gained from these intergenerational relationships which provided "grandparents" before Stuart's parents moved here and, in later years, younger "siblings" and surrogate nieces and nephews. The Masons see the Friedman Multi-Generational Pavilion as extending this idea even further by organizing interaction between our seniors and our school-age children, and by providing a home for the program initiated by Ruth Goldfarb, I JDor VDor. "It's a plus for everyone," says Flora. "At a recent I ;l)or V'Dor concert, 1 saw a three-year-old child go up to an older woman who was using oxygen. The little girl asked about the oxygen and the woman, who had been beaming as she watched the child clapping and dancing during the musical presentation, explained why she needed the medical device. It was a quick meeting-- a few words, mutual smiles and hugs-- but it told the whole story of what we are trying to do." For more information on how you can make a cash or in-kind contribution to Temple Beth Sholom's Friedman Multi-Generational Pavilion project, please contact Laura Sussman in the Temple office at 804-1333, ext. 133. 3 Temple News Las Vegas Art Museum, Las Vegas Clark County and Las Vegas Clark County Library District Under the auspices of Temple Beth Sholom present a special exhibition The Prato Haggadah: An Illuminated Medievel Manuscript in the Making March 6- April 22, 2007 A rare opportunity to observe an ancient Hebrew manuscript is coming to I^as Vegas for the first time in our city's history. Organized by ITie Library of 'ITie Jewish Theological Seminary, this exhibition features facsimiles of the Praia Haggadah, a manuscript produced in Spain circa 1300. The manuscript found it's way to Italy during the Inquisition and has only recently been recovered. The exhibition also features materials related to medieval manuscript production, including pigments and painting and writing tools. Hie Prato Haggadah is one of the most important manuscripts in the collections of The library of The Jewish Theological Seminary. It is one of the oldest of all illuminated Spanish Haggadot, and one of the few unfinished illuminated I lebrew manuscripts. The Library of J IS recently restored the manuscript, and produced facsimiles of many of the pages, -+4 of which will l)e on view in the exhibition. rj'-vypH^'jwni-c-j -y-ry^X'N [W1' * papNa^n-ap text, such as depictions of the Four Sons, the matzah, the rnaror and a medieval rendering of the Land of Goshen. Ille Prato llaggadah contains motifs common in medieval manuscripts, and many folios reflect the artist's sense of humor: a hare hunt extends across several folios: hybrids are depicted playing contemporary musical instruments; a simian figure holds a gold ball; several dual-bodied heads stare wildly at the reader, and the word "I lallelujah" sfiews forth from the open mouth of a hybrid. The text is also distinctive. Included are standard biblical, talmudic, and midrashic texts, as well as the liturgical poetry. What is lacking are all elements associated with the Passover meal. The manuscript, most likely, may have I wen written to be read publicly ill the synagogue. ITie art of the Prato Haggadah is witty and imaginative. The manuscript is replete with decorated initial word panels, foliate ornamentation, and hybrid figures. Several illustrations relate directly to the The exhibition Monday through p.m; Friday throug p.m. ?KS><D# Temple Beth Sholom Person of the Year Gala CONqRESSU/OMAN ShEllEy BERkky Dr. David Kraemer, lecturer, is the Director of The I ibrary of the Jewish Theological Seminary. I le will discuss the history and significance of the Prato Haggadah at a free lecture on Thursday, March 15 at 5:30 I'M. A public reception will lie held from 6:30-8:00 PM. The exhibition, reception, and lecture are free and open to the public. Reservations for the lecture are recommended. Phone the museum at 360-8000. is available for viewing h Thursday, 9 a.m.- 9 h Sunday, 10 a.m. - 6 guided Docents will be available for tours. To reserve for groups of 10 or more call 360-8000 at least one week in advance. TBS Congregant Gala special We encourage all Temple Beth Sholom congregants to attend the annual fundraising gala. This year's very special gala, honoring Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, will be held on Sunday, April 29 at the Four Seasons I lotel. In an attempt to provide a greater opportunity for more congregants to attend our very special gala, this year Temple leadership has approved a $50 savings on the ticket price for members of Temple Beth Sholom. When you receive your invitation in the mail, the ticket price will be listed at $300, the same as last year. Temple Beth Sholom congregants will receive a special price of $250 [>er ticket for up to two tickets per household. In addition, if you would like to attend this gala to support the Temple and Shelley, but cannot afford to pay the full ticket price at one time, please contact Laura Sussman in the Temple office to make payment arrangements. We hope this special price will help to allow more congregates to attend this very special fundraising event. Temple News Musings From The Men's Club By Marlowe Mogill Hope this note finds yon and your loved For the fellows in the Men's Club -By now you have received the Raffle Tickets. By returning your package of 20 with $18.00, you have raised money for the Men's Club. And perhaps, might even win some money for yourself. Additional raffle tickets for all will be available with Myrna and Carol. For the Congregation: You will soon be in receipt of the Yom Hashoah Candles. Remember our Martyrs. Remember our Survivors. Please! The Men's Club Shabbat will lake place on Saturday, March 24th at 9:00 AM. The entire service will be conducted by Men's Club members. It was really good last year; this year promises to be even better. Let's see many, many red yarmulkes. Of course, a catered kiddush will follow. At least, keep our Israeli brothers and sisters in your positive thoughts. Marlowe Women's League News By Kim Memar As many of you know I have been quite overwhelmed lately with more than my "normal" workload. My sister, Lisa, has stage 4 cancer and the prognosis is in God's hands. It is times such as these, when we really find out how very blessed we are willi havinggreat friends, dear family, good health, and a loving God that we can look to for miracles of the heart, spirit, and body. I pray every day that things will get better and am so thankful to everyone who has been helping lis through this difficult time. On a happier note, I was so very proud of our lorah Fund campaign and wonderful luncheon that we had on February 11th. If you were there, (hen you know how delighted we all were to have our special honorees: Flora and Sara Mason. They have both done so much for I BS and the Jewish community at large that I could not help feeling so very proud and grateful for their acceptance of the honor. Also we were very delighted to be able to share the day with Congresswoman Shelley Berkley who presented awards to the two women. Our own Regional Women's League President, Iris Lasky, along with her husband Mort were able to come in for the event as well. I his made the day even more special for all of us. Iris just "kvelled" at the beautiful synagogue that we have and how wonderful the event was. I could not have been more proud--you would tlimk--but just when I thought it couldn't get better, Cantor David Schnee, along with DJ Sinai, entertained us with their inspiring music and Rabbi Goodman inspired us once again with his thoughtful words. I would also like to thank the many people who helped with the event from the planning to the centerpieces to the food and entertainment. Kudos to Shirley Chaplin, Blanche Meisel, Elaine Steinberg, Julie Fox, Debbie Miner, Marci Seltzer, Ruth Goldfarb, Debbie Lederer, June Colodny, Beverlee Chervitz, Gustave Mauler, and Southern Wine and Spirits. It was just an amazing example of how such dedicated and talented individuals can come together to create such an unbelievable team. On that note I would like to share a little something with you that by my dear friend Anita Lewy. I believe it is very relevant and meaningful to our Women's L-ague and our Temple Family as well. NOTHING SHOULD DIVIDE US We who have a passing mark on the future of the world must have the same heart must have compassion for one another must have respect for one another must understand that though we have differences we want the same things. Nothing should divide us. Shabbat Speaker on Darfur Georgette Gagnon, the Deputy Director of the Africa Division of the I luman Rights Watch will be speaking at Temple Beth Sholom during Shabbat services on Friday, March 16. Ms. Gagnon will provided up to date information about what is taking place Darfur. The entire community is invited to this special Shabbat. Calling All Temple Beth Sholom Members. By Nina Boshes, Chavurah Chairperson I lave you been putting off joining a Chavurah? Well put it off no longer. I have lists of members who want to become a part of a chavurah family. Please contact me at NOBGFZLNT@ EARTHLINK NET and I will do my best to put together a group to fit you. Are you currently a member of a chavurah? Please contact me at the above email address, and tell me what your group has been doing. I would like to share your success with the entire congregation in a future bulletin. Education Jon Mitzrnacher Director of Education SCHECHTER CHINESE AUCTION & WINE TASTING EVENT Schechter's first big community event was held on Saturday night, February 24,h right here at Temple Beth Sholom! This very special evening celebrated Schechter's successful first three years and provided an opportunity for Schechter families, friends, and supporters to come together and take pride in what all their hard work, dedication, and energy has created. The entire I BS community participated and we are so thankful and grateful. Enormous thanks goes to Lara Stone, the Event Chairperson, for her tireless efforts putting 9 this event together. From the invitations to the decorations and from the ad journal to the auction, Lara's energy and enthusiasm carried the day and helped Schechter achieve this significant milestone. With enrollment underway and the ground breaking for the new Abbie and DavidFriedmanMulti-Generational Pavilion at Temple Beth Sholom taking place on Lag B'Omer - Sunday, May 6,2007 - Schechter will soon reside in a building as excellent as its program! Schechter Celebrates Nevada Week Beading Nevada Beading Week kicked off on Monday, February 26th with a bang as Schechter hosted local lawyer atid children's author Eric Blank for a special author's reading of his new book. It was after practicing law for several years that Eric began to realize that while his legal career was fulfilling, liis true dream was to become an author and to help others realize their own dreams. The Success of Robert Rtzgibbons is a personal journey for Eric, and he hopes to inspire and motivate others with his story. In order to make this morning even more special, we were joined not only by the Preschool from Temple Beth Sholom, but the Preschool from Midbar K<xlesh Temple! It was an inspiring morning celebration of reading, writing, and the author inside us all. Registration for 2007-2008 is Underway! SSDS-LV is pleased to announce its planned expansion into Fourth Grade as it prepares to kick off registration for 2007-2008. The school in just three short years has grown from a First Grade of six students to a K-3 elementary school of forty-eight. Next year the school will add its ur jptaj next grade as it nears ?b i is the fulfillment of its original vision of a fully grown out K-5 elementary school. Registration lor next year for new families kicked off the week of February 12lh and is now open to the entire community. The school is housed at Temple Beth Sholom in Summerlin. For those families living in Southeast I .as Vegas and I lenderson, bus service is provided from Midbar Kodesh Temple in Green Valley. A second stop at 820 E. Warm Springs &c 215 in the Applebee's Shopping Center has been added. For a tour of the school and for information, please call 804-1333, ext. 114. The Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies Religious School was treated to a special performance of the troupe from Kirvat Bialik on Sunday, February 4'1'. For an hour, they watched as their Israeli peers danced, Yonina Schnee Assistant Director of Religious School Ac Adult Education sang, and then danced together with the children from the Religious School. The whole program was exciting and fun for all. After the singing atid dancing was over, the Israeli teens agreed to answer questions from the audience, and share their experience in bomb shelters during the Lebanon War last summer. Purim is right around the corner, and the I BS Religious School Committee is busy preparing for the best Purim Carnival EVE R! Pre-sale Tickets are on sale in the Women's League (Jilt Shop), Sunday-Friday from 912. They can also be purchased through the School Office. There will he rides and games for kids of all ages, and you're never too old to throw a pie at I latnan! Mark your calendars for Sunday March 4, 11 AM- 3 PM and make sure to buy your tickets early and benefit from pre-sale discounts! On March 23rd, Kitah Dalet (Fourth Grade) will lead Friday night services, as well as present their creative take on that week's parasha (Torah portion). On March 30th, Kitah Gimmel (Third Grade) will have their turn. Don't miss these chances to see the Religious School students show what they know! For more information about Religious School, please call the School Office at 8041333, ext. 114. Midrasha On February 25th, we met at the Village Square movie theater, to see the movie Amazing Grace. Afterwards, we had ice cream and explored our own I lallel (psalms), and how the song, Amazing Grace, is rooted in our own traditions. Coming up in March, on March 18th, we w ill be doing our part to raise the consciousness of the community to stop the atrocities in the western Sudan. The "Walk for Darfur" will begin at 10:00 AM in front of Ballv's, and will go the two miles from Ballv's to the Wynn 1 lotel and back. Call the School Office for more details. Education IV Saiwira ic Stanley Mallin Earlv CJiikllioixl Outer Adult Education Thursday nights find many of our adult congregants in the classrooms, learning to read I lebrew, filling in the gaps in their knowledge of Jewish traditions, and familiarizing themselves with the Shabbat and Holiday services. It is apparent that TBS believes in a lifelong learning process, and the example the adults set for our younger members is ultimately the best gift that they can give! The Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion) class continues on Monday afternoons at 12:(X) I'M with Rabbi Goodman, along with the Thursday evening classes in Hebrew Reading, Intro to Judaism, and the special Schechter Parent University, taught by Jon Mitzmacher. Stay tuned for information about two great mini-courses that will be taught by Cantor Friedman and Rabbi Goodman, coming up in May and June. By now you should have received the Spring Supplement for Adult Education, but please call, 804-1333, ext. 114 if you would like a supplement mailed to yon, if you would like to join the Adult Education Commission, of if you have any questions about Adult Education at TBS. USY Superbowl weekend was a wonderful weekend for USY. It began Friday night with a teen Shabbat dinner shared by USYers, Israeli teens, and host families. Dinner was a time of meeting new people and forging new friendships. Saturday night was the Israeli teen concert. Many USYers were in attendance and enjoyed the wonderful performance. Sunday afternoon USYers and the Israeli teens all gathered at the Tredup's house to enjoy the day. Everyone had fun either by hanging out in the hot tub and pool, plaving music together or watching the Superbowl while snacking on tons of food. An activity was run, by Cindi Fox, where the USYers were given the opportunity to ask the Israeli teens questions, and the Israeli teens were given the opportunity to ask the USYers questions. It was amazing to see how similar the USYers and the Israeli teens truly were to one another. Many of the USYers then ventured over to the nearby park to piav football. At that point, they realized that they didn't really know how to play, so all teens just ran around and threw the ball. Many new friendships were formed while the Israelis were here, and plans were made to visit while some of us from here are in Israel. USY teens are looking forward to working with Benny Katx to create a unique Teen Shabbat Service. If you would like to be part of this new venture, call or email Lauren Frydman, 355-4208 or counseIkids8@ for specific dates. Jennifer Zukowski Early Childhood Director What's Jewish about polar bears? Temple Beth Sholom's Preschool at the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center bases its philosophy on integrating curriculum throughout as many topic areas as possible to ensure the teaching and exposure of our children to a wide variety of interrelated concepts. As a wonderful concrete example of this, one of our pre-kindergarten classes recently began studying polar bears. The children were immersed in the topic of polar bears throughout the various concept areas of science, math, language arts, dramatic play, and yes, Jewish values. In learning about polar bears, the children became aware of their current plight due to pollution, oil drilling, global warming, and other environmental factors affecting them. These discussions let! to the introduction of the concept of Tikkun 01am, or repairing the Earth. As the children talked about what they could do to help the polar bears, they came up with the idea of collecting tzedakah in order to adopt a mother and a cub for the classroom to ('are for. I ielping two polar bears is a fantastic mitzvah, but the children still felt like they should do more. After brainstorming possible ideas for how to get the word out about helping these amazing animals, the class decided to write a letter to President Bush detailing their studies and ways that they believe he can help the polar bears. The children enjoyed learning about the letter writing process. Each child contributed his own special thoughts to the letter and signed his own name, then drew a picture illustrating suggestions to the President many ways he could help the polar [wars. The children then learned how to address the letter, affix a stamp, and put it into the mail box for the mail carrier to pick up. The children are all anxiously awaiting a replv from the President himself. Camp ICton Ton With the temperatures beginning to warm up, it is time to start thinking about summer camp again. We arc looking forward to another fun and fantastic summer including new themes, special visitors and lots of creative activities. We take special pride in having our camp sessions lead by our very own experienced staff. You cart feel confident that your child will be safe and have a summer of fun at Camp ICton ton. Enrollment for currently enrolled students begins on March 14th, temple members on March 16th and open enrollment for the community is March 21st. For more information contact the Presch(K)l office at extension #112. 7 Ma rc h Adar-Nisan 5767 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 11 AJar 4 14 Alar 5 15 Alar Traditional Mjgilla Reading 9:00 am Purim Carnival 11:00-3:00 pm Purim 1 1 21 Alar Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm 12 22 Alar 6 16 Alar Bereavement Group 10 am Prato Exhibit Opens Las \fegas At Miseum Mncha/Maariv 6:00 pm Bereavement Group 10 am CDorVDor Event 10:30 am 7 17 Alar Wb men's League Board Meeting 10:00 am Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm 1 3 1 4 24 Alar 8 18 AJar Mncha/\feariv 6:00 pm 15 25 Alar Prato Lecture Las \fegas M Miseum 5:30 pm 18 28 Alar W&lk for Darfur (strip) 10:00 am Giri Scout Cookie Sale 9:30 am- 1:30 pm 25^? 26 Book Binding Clinic 1:00 pm Mncha/Nhariv 6:00 pm 29 Alar Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm 7 NLsan MnchaMariv 6:00 pm Bereavement Group 10 am Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm 27 8 Nisan Bereavement Group 10 am MnchaMariv 6:00 pm 2q 21 2 Nisan Women's League Education Cby 10:00 am Mncha/Vfaariv 6:00 pm MnchaAfeariv 6:00 pm 22 3 NLsan Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm 2 8 2 9 10 Nisan 8 Mncha/Mbariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/\feariv 6:00 pm Mncha/lVbariv 6:00 pm FRIDAY SATURDAY Special Events 2 12 Alar 3 13 Alar Shabbat Ha Nsshama with TBS MyMner Rlr Mc?h Ruach Ensemble ^gM Reading AWzari of Shushan 6:30 pm light candles at 5:19pm 9 19 Alar Friday Night Kids 6:30 pm light candles at 5:25 pm 16 26 Alar Shabbat Speaker on Dartur 7:30 pm light candles at 6:31 pm 23 4 NLsan Mncha Nfeariv with Seudah Shbshit 5:00 pm Tetzaveh 20 Alar 10 Nathaniel Saxe Bar Mtzvah GabrieDe Rudnick Bat Mtzvah Mncha Maariv vwth Seudah Shbshit 5:15 Dm KiTisa 17 27 Alar 24 Nfen's Qub Shabbat 5 Nisan Joshua Reisman Bar Mtzvah Famfly Shabbat Service 10:00 am Mncha Miariv with Seudah Shbshit 5:15 pm Vayakhel/Pekude | Saturclay, IVhrch 3,2007 at 6:30 ptr Steinberg Chapel * y^giah Reading &Purim S ,(r ' Saturday, Mtreh 3,2007 at 6:30 pir Sharon E. Sigesmund Sanctuary Sunday, Much 4,2007 at 9:00 arr Sharon E. Sigesmund Sanctuary Sunday, Mirch 4,2007 at 11:00 am- 3:00 prr Advanced Tickets are available in the Schwartz Judaica Shop Sun- Fri from 9:00 am - Noon. Sunday, Mirch 18,2007 at 10:00 air Walk will begin in front of Bally's at the comer of Las \fegas Blvd. For more information contact the Temple Office. TBS Passover Seder Monday, April 2,2007 First Night Seder will include traditional readings froir the Haggadah as well as singing &friends. Please RSVP by Mirch 21 in the Temple Office. light candtes at 6:37 pm 11 Nisan 30 light candles at 6:43 pm Mncha Miariv with Seudah Shbshit 5:30 pm_\fryikra 31 12 Nisan I Mncha Nfeariv with Seudah Shbshit 5:30 pm_Tzav ? 2 0 0 7 Honoring Shelley Berkley *???*, Sunday, April 29,2007 at 5:30 prr Four Seasons Hotel For more infonriation please contact Julie in the Temple Office at 804-1333 ext. 103 9 Tributes RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In I lonor of: Rabbi Felipe. Liz & Yosluia Goodman becoming United States Citizens Lee & Ed Devore Eunice & Alan Galshy Hazel Sc I larold I landelman Elora & Stuart Mason Daniel Miller Racine & Gerry Murdoch The Sanders Eamily Rabbi Felipe Goodman's Special Birthday Lee ic Ed Devore Eunice & Alan Galsky Hazel ic I larol Handelman Elora & Stuarl Mason Daniel Miller Ellen Ploesch Many. Steven, Ryan. Brandon ic Carly Saxe Ruth iic Mel Wolzinger An Aliyah: Charlotte & Sam Showel Speedy Recovery: Bobbi Blumcntbal Evelyn & Leon Goldstein In Memory of: Irving llulnick Roslyn llulnick Marilyn Barkan Dora Levine Carol Jeffries CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Judy Ar Ronald Mack Speedy Recovery: Adrienne Ellis Racine &