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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LOCATION - JERICHO - NO. 5 BY: AEELBERT CAZIER INSTRUMENT: NOTICE OF WAOTFE RAPPROPRIATION DATE: AUGUST 19, 1902 RECORDED: AUGUST 27*1902, BOON 17. PAGE 33S OF DEEDS, JUAB COUNTY AMOUNT; 2 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND DESCRIPTION: grou* ndOn a tt hee a3s0i etrh Bdraoyt hoefr sJ unGer ad19i0n2g, CaIm pd ioscno tvheer edL euanmdiengr­ton Cut-off about S miles southerly from Iron ton in the County of Juab, a source of water supply - I devel­oped the same by driving into a hill a out 3 Teet deep 5 feet Iona and 1 foot wide *#* I have named the said source of water supple * Gravel Spring”. m