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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    . . PUBLICATIONS, ANYONE? We've been getting an increasing number of requests lately, all singing the same tune: "What general publications are available on archaeology along our own line of interest?" "Are they obtainable?" "Where can I get 'em?" OK. Stop your whining . . . here's enough reading material to last us One and all until the next Newsletter, at least. And you can help, you know. Read anything of more than passing interest? Let us know about itJ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FACILITY Following is a partial checklist of the Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey. This series consists of occasional mimeo­graphed reports on the progress and activities of the Survey, brief articles on material culture items, excavation reports and bibliographies of printed archaeological techniques. The Reports may be ordered from the University of California Press, Berkeley k , California. (California residents, add ^ sales tax.) (-Editor's Note: the UC Archaeological Survey underwent disestablishment as of 1 July 1961.-) No. 5 Methods for Archaeological Site Survey in California, by F. Fenega. Methods to provide information on the number, the location and the nature of the archaeological remains in a given region. 16 pp, 3 figs. 19^9• $ -50 No. 9 Papers on California Archaeology: 6-9- 6. Observations on Historic Sites and Archaeology in California, by R. F. Heizer. 7* Archaeology of CCo-137> the Concord Man Site, by R. F. Heizer. App. I, by R.E. Storie and F. Harradine. An Age Estimate of the Burials Unearthed near Concord, Calif­ornia, Based on Pedologic Observations. 8. A Distinctive Pictograph from the Carrizo Plains, San Luis Obispo County, California, by D. Lathrap. 9• Excavations in the l6th Cent­ury Shellmounds at Drake's Bay, Marin County, California, by C. W. Meighan. 32 pp, 3 plates, ^ figs. 1950* $ *80 No. lU. Archaeological Investigations in the Farmington Reservoir Area, Stanislaus County, California, by A.E. Treganza. Account of River Basin Survey excavations in several cities; first description of Farmington Complex, an ancient lithic culture. 25 pp, 3 plates, 1 fig, 5 maps. 1952. $ -95 No. 17 The Fossilization of Bone: Organic Components and Water, by S.F. Cook and R.F. Heizer. Results of experiments in chemical composition of human bone with the aim of discover­ing a chronological method for dating bone. pp, 2 figs. 1952. $ .70 Archaeology of the Shasta Dam Area, California, by C.E. Smith and W.D. Weymouth. k 6 pp, 3 maps, 3 maps, 1 plate, 2 figs. 1952. $1.00 No. 18