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I agree.The Angelita Bread Foundation The Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Gentlemen: 12733 Santa Rosa Drive Detroit 38, Mich November 89, 1958 Your kind Answer to my recent inquiry as to where I could buy your Angelita*s Bread in Detroit,' Mich., was very prompt and very much appreciated. It is glAd news to learn you **hope to be in Detroit early in the spring?╟Ñ. Would be delighted to know where I can purchase the bread when it is available here. The doctor in Minneapolis, Minnesota, who recommended Angehta's Bread to me for health building, is Dr. I. W. Woodwwrd, 9th Street & Nicollet Minneapolis. Minn. I am confident he will be glad to cooperative with you di- rectly. He can make any statement he wishes in Minneapolis the area where the Bread is available. I am sending him a copy of your letter, together with mine, so that he will be familiar with the correspondence, and will know he has my permission. Your statement that Angelita?╟╓s Bread was blessed by Pope Pius before his passing?╟╓, impressed me very deeplyand I am confident you will be able to live up to that honor and responsibility. Thanks, very much, for the two loaves of Angelita?╟╓s Bread wh Ich came to me, airmail, at your request from the Holsum people in Minneapolis. These loaves were so welcome, and such a treat to me and my friends . Incidentally, I gave four slices to my doctor, here. He praised them highly. Best wishes for your future success and early distribution in Detroit.' Florence A. Newton 127|g| orntahosa Dc- troll; mhi eh