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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, June 21, 1977






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 6 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000142. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    SENATE MEETING H June 21, 1977 I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order by the chair at 4:12 p.m. II. Roll Call Roll call was taken by the CSUN Secretary. Members present: Members absent excused: Rob Nielsen Bob Blaskey Cyndi Vannucci Ingrid Hegedus Scott Hoover Bobby Lawson Dave Cavalieri Iris McCowan Greg McKinley Keith Terry Gene Russo Marshal Willick Joe Warpinski De Ann Turpen Unexcused: Bob Biale Jim Bateman Mike Whipple Warren Stief III. Approval of Minutes Keith Terry made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as submitted, seconded by Marshal Willick. Motion passes. IV. Open Discussion Executive Board made the following announcements. A. Opening in the Hotel College for a senate seat due to the firing of Jim Rafferty. B. Day Care Center rent. Normally the rent is $12,500 for the space; last year rent was $5,000. Dr. Baepler said that there would be an increase this year, and there will be a meeting next week to determine the amount. C. CSUN Publicity Person. CSUN has received letters of recommendation to support this position. Discussion. Joe Warpinski moved to approve the position as described by the job description, seconded by Greg McKinley. Motion passes with three abstentions. D. Bill Benjamin has been resubmitted to the Union Board. His name had been withdrawn by an error. E. Radio Station. Scott asked for a vote of confidence from the Senate in support of the Radio station. Joe Warpinski moved to table until after the professional survey is completed in the fall. Motion to table passes with two opposed and two abstentions. Mr. Warpinski asked if the agenda may be moved up to the Student Insurance proposal due to the shortage of time of Mr. Bob Coffin. V. Student Insurance Plan Mr. Coffin reported that there had been an increase in the cost of Student Insurance. The rate increase has gone up from $18 to $28. VI. Committee Reports A. Union Board Gene Russo reported that the item that went up to the Board of Regents at their last meeting about the seperation of the Union was tabled until November. He also mentionUsome of the things that will be going on in the Union this coming year such as, educational programs, renovation, better space utilization, etc. B. Activities Board Steve Francis stated that the Activities Board is getting things together. The Board has discussed objectives and plans for the next year. They have also discussed the possibility of publishing a booklet which would include the movie schedule, along with lectures, and special events for the year. Steve also invited anyone who had not received an invitation to the Awards Banquet. VII. Old Business NONE. VIII. New Business A. Presidential Appointments Joe Warpinski moved to approve all boards as nominated in a blanket vote. Seconded by Greg McKinley. Motion passes. Vote on approval of Activities Board, Constitution Revision Committee, Appropriations Committee, Radio Station, and Union Board. Tom Keller should be the only name omitted from the lists. Greg McKinley withdrew his name from the Appropriations Committee. Motion to approve passes with one abstention. B. Senate Nominations Vote on names as nominated passed screening. Tom Kellar to the Arts and abstentions. at the last meeting. Everyone Letters seat. Passes with two Marshal Willick requested a roll call vote on the Business and Economics seat. Seconded by Rob Nielsen. Motion passes. Rob Nielsen Abs. Bob Blaskey Jerry Gatch Cyndi Vannucci Jerry Gatch Ingrid Hegedus Jerry Gatch Scott Hoover Jerry Gatch Bobby Lawson Jerry Gatch Dave Cavalieri Jerry Gatch Iris McCowan Jerry Gatch Greg McKinley Jerry Gatch Gene Russo Jerry Gatch Marshal Willick Jerry Gatch Jerry Gatch wins the seat with one abstention. Peggy Burnham to University College seat. Motion passes with two abstentions Chuck White to Education seat, passes with two abstentions. The new senators take their seats. C. Parliamentary Appointment Marshal Willick moved to approve Dr. Tom Cassese as the Senate Parliamentarian for the coming year. Seconded by Bobby Lawson. Motion passes with one abstention. D. Presidential Appointments Scott Lorenz submits the following names for approval at the next meeting. 1. Yell Editor—Colleen Newton 2. Union Board Alumni member—McLain Bybee Administration—Fred Albrecht Faculty—Nick Paul 3. Publicity Person—Chris Aldridge 4. Activities Board—Tom Kellar 5. Performing Arts Council—Steve Francis Sandy Hackett E. Senate Seat Appointments Bobby Lawson moved to open senate seat nominations, seconded by Marshal Willick. Bobby Lawson nominated Bobby Sheppard to Arts and Letters Gene Russo nominated Mike Verchick to Math and Science. Mike Verchick declined the nomination due to prior commitment on the Union Board. Marshal Willick nominated Jacqueline Spektor to Arts and Letters. F. Yell Financial Status Joe Warpinski moved that the Yell be required to give a monthly financial report and statement either from the editor or through the Treasurer, John Hunt. Seconded by Marshal Willick. Discussion. Marshal called for the question, seconded by Greg McKinley. Passes. Motion passes. G. Done Good Award Marshal Willick moved to award Mr. Joseph G. Warpinski the Done Good Award for outstanding service to the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, and Nevada Southern University. Seconded by Greg McKinley. Greg called for the question, seconded by Gene Russo. Motion passes with one abstention. Motion passes with two abstentions. H. Adjournment Joe Warpinski moved to adjourn. Seconded by Dave Cavalieri. Motion passes, meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Mona I). Willden,! CSUN Secretary