From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.
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man001994. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records, 1965-2015, MS-010104. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Sorors of Theta Theta Omega - YOU ARE AWESOME! You
went into 2005 with great enthusiasm and a calendar filled
with very demanding, time intensive events. You fulfilled
each obligation with spirit and style. Just to remind you of a
few highlights of the year:
0 Theta Theta Omega entry won first place at the 2005
MLK Parade with the AKA Teens were steppin’ in style.
0 Five sorors attended the National Founders Day activity
in Atlanta, Georgia.
0 Welcomed First Supreme Anti-Basileus Barbara
McKenzie as the 2005 Founders Day speaker.
0 Named Soror Jackie Caffey as 2005 Thelma Tyree
Award Winner
0 Made record profits at the 2005 Emerald Ball and
named Dr. Marion Bell, Dr. E. Craig Rucker, Dr. Robert
E. Fowler, Dr. Emmanuel Wasson, and Mr. Thaddeus
Foster as community award recipients.
0 Served as community sponsor and co-host of the 8th
Annual NBLIC Health Forum.
0 Hosted the 76th Far Western Regional Conference at
the Flamingo Hotel—over 1300 sorors and guests in
attendance. Kudos to our own Far Western Regional
Director E. Lavonne Lewis and Conference Chairman
Kaweeda Adams for their leadership and guidance
throughout the planning process. TTO was awarded the
Cornelia Banks Health Award.
0 Awarded $10,000 in scholarships to deserving seniors in
a partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities
AND awarded two $500 Presidential Scholarships.
0 Hosted AKA Day at the Capitol in Carson City, NV with
community partner National Coalition of 100 Black
0 Received $750 grant from the Las Vegas Centennial
Commission to publish a historical document on African-
American educators in Clark County as part of the Ivy
Reading Academy.
0 Provided weekly tutoring for children at Wendell P.
Williams Elementary School in the ivy Reading
Academy. Provided support with book donations,
parental resources and summer reading kits for each
child enrolled in the program. Celebrated the winners of
the Young Authors Project.
0 Recognized AKA Teens at an awards banquet for their
participation in AKA Teen workshops, their scholastic
achievements and collectively over 200 hours of
community service.
£005 - O 12/30/05
0 Three sorors attended Leadership Conference at the
Atlantis Hotel—Paradise Island, Bahamas.
0 Welcomed and reclaimed sorors at the Theta Theta
Omega Summer Bash.
0 Five sorors attended the AKA Public Policy Conference
in Washington, DC.
0 Donated over $3,550 plus food, clothing, and supplies to
families impacted by Hurricane Katrina.
0 Thirteen sorors attended the InterMountain Cluster in
Salt Lake City, Utah.
0 Hosted joint meetings with Kappa Xi Chapter
Supported Kappa Xi campus activities and projects.
0 Hosted Theta Theta Omega's 2nd Annual Family
Volunteer Day at Doolittle Center - Activities included
the donation of 90 Thanksgiving Baskets to the senior
citizens at Doolittle Senior Center with community
partners - Anthony L. Pollard Foundation, Coker
Foundation, The Links, Inc. - Las Vegas Chapter, Jack
and Jill of America - Las Vegas Chapter and the City of
Las Doolittle Senior Center, AKA Teens;
AKA Coat Day - over 50 coats donated to seniors and
their families;
AKA Health Fair - COW Bus - childhood
immunizations; Clark County Health District; Sunrise
Children's Foundation - HIPPY Project; AFACT; Nevada
Cooperative Extension Service Healthy Heart Project;
National Black Leadership Initiative; AFAN; Breast
Cancer Awareness; Southern Nevada Black Nurses
Association blood pressure checks; and the Social!
Security Administration; 3rd Annual TTO Card
Tournament - Fundraiser for community projects
0 Completed the feasibility study and approved the
organization of the 20 Pearls Foundation a 501 (c) 3
nonprofit organization for Theta Theta Omega Chapter.
0 Hosting the 3rd Annual Theta Theta Omega Holiday
Luncheon - Table decorations extraordinaire...
0 Sponsoring the 7th Annual Money Matters Seminar with
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity on December 12,2005.
0 Singing Christmas carols at the North Las Vegas Care
Center and celebrating with the AKA Teens at their 2005
Christmas party.
Thdhk you Executive Committee and committee chairmen for
yotir leadership in moving the program agenda. To all the
dedicated sorors of Theta Theta Omega, whatever your role
you played in this year of success, we celebrate your pearls
of Service to all mankind. You raised the bar - You Stepped
Up tiie Spirit of Service'.
Warmest sisterly thanks,
Soror Billie Rayford, Basileus
zoos, a 'iw 12/30/05
Soror Denell Hoggard and Soror Amanda McWilliams
Co-Chairmen - AKA National Volunteer Day
Soror Edna States and Soror Ouida Brown
pack Thanksgiving baskets
The AKA Teens take a brief photo op with Sorors Marla,
Domini Calloway, Rhoda Anderson, Jackie Hall and Sonya
Soror Ina Dorman, Chairman Black Family /AKA Coat Day
Soror Diane Stith, Chairman TTO Card Tournament and
Golden Soror Barbara Kirkland, Chaplain
Soror Domini Calloway and Soror Sami Randolph prepare to
load the turkeys for transport to Doolittle Center
Sorors Sonya Horsford, Adrienne, Barbara McCants-Hill,
Amanda McWilliams, Denell Hoggard and Rhoda Anderson
Doolittle Seniors
AKA Teen shares a moment with Doolittle senior Community partners - Moms of Jack & Jill of America
AKA - TTO - The Links, Inc - Jack & Jill of America - The
Coker Foundation - Doolittle Senior Center
Pollard Foundation
Sorors Alberta Mitchell and Sonya Goldsboro set up for
Tournament of Games
Soror Peggy Selma counts the lunches
£005 - O' -W-V 12/30/05
Soror Patti Hester and Soror Gloria Washington set the tables
for the day.
Soror Tisha Johnson helps Tournament Chairman Stith post
Soror Edna States and the AKA Teens place the game pieces
and score cards on each table for the Tournament of Games
Soror E, Lavonne Lewis and sorors from the Far Western
Region at the AKA Public Policy Conference
From Theta Theta Omega - Soror Barbara McCants-
Soror Diane Stith, Soror Sonya Horsford, Soror Billie Rayford,
and Soror E. Lavonne Lewis, Far Western Regional Director
AKA Public Policy Conference
MLK Parade 2005
Ivy Academy - Sorors Jacqueline Caffey, Alberta Mitchell,
Veronica Williams, Lillian Gates, Lois Bolden, Thais Baccus
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Far Western Regional Director Soror E, Lavonne Lewis, Clark
County Commissioners - Soror Yvonne Atkinson-Gates and
Soror Lynette Boggs-McDonald, Soror Billie Rayford, and First
Supreme Anti-Basileus Barbara McKinzie
Sorors Nakia Barker, Natasha Williams, Guykesha Smith,
Aruni Dissanayke, Johari Leaks, Edna States, Jackie Hall,
Diane Stith, Patti Hester, Andrienne Hester, Keysa Rogers,
and AKA Teens'prepare for MLK Day Parade
2005 Founders Day Chairmen Sorors Flora Shaffer, Kenyatta
Neal-Johnson, First Supreme Anti-Basileus Barbara McKinzie,
Far Western Regional Director E. Lavonne Lewis, and Soror
Billie Rayford at the home of Soror Donnyss Rucker
Kappa Xi Chapter - Soror Donnyss Rucker, Graduate Advisor
and Soror Rose Coker, Asst. Graduate Advisor
Emerald Ball - Sorors Savage, Daniel, Archibald, Anderson,
Rayford, Hall
Emerald Ball - Sorors Bass, Bradford, Rayford, Pettis, Mitchell,
Taylor-Bailey, McCann, Flanagan, Stith
AKA Day at the Capitol - Far Western Regional Director E.
Lavonne Lewis, Sorors BiWie Rayford, Bertha Pendleton, Verlia
Hoggard, Edna States, Virginia Ingram, and NCBW members.
Legislative work session - Sorors Bertha Pendleton, Lynette
Henley of California and Dr. Teddy Osankowski of NCBW
Scholarship Luncheon / Partnership with Ronald McDonald
House Chairities with Sorors Celeste Hunter, Scholarship
Chairman, Sorors Miriam Campbell and Josie Gaines...also in
attendance Sorors Willa White, Marian Bums, Diane Pollard,
Lois Bolden