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Bet Knesset Bamidbar Newsletter, February 2000



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    Bet Knesset Bamidbar Volume IX Issue 2 * m m r i t ^D n n NEWSLETTER Shevat - Adar I 5760 February 2000 MANY CHILDREN DWELL IN MY FATHER'S HOUSE Brotherhood - Sisterhood Week February 14 -18 PRESIDENT SHEL KOLNER What a way to start as the new President I am writing my second article for the Newsletter right after being installed as the President Our first Shabbat service went fairly smoothly. The sound system will be adjusted prior to the next service so we will be able to be heard in the back of the room. In addition to our regular Shabbat Services of January we had our annual Installation Luncheon on January 16, 2000. This was a major success due to the fine work of the committee who planned and executed it Rosanna Smith, Gloria Wishengrad, Helen Levitsky, Eileen Gold, Lottie Kaufman, Sophie Fogelman and Trudy Kolner did a first class job making sure the new board and officers were installed with class and that everyone who attended had a good time. Sydell Miller did her usual fine job installing all of us. Our first adult B'not Mitzvah took place during the January 29, 2000, Shabbat Morning Service where 24 of our finest young women were called to the Torah for the first time in their lives. What a morning it turned out to be. Rabbi and Alma Brooks did the training over the past 3 months. Many interesting and informative exchanges took place during the training but one of the most exciting occurrences for many of the women was their first up close and personal encounter with the Torah. I never realized how many people have not seen an open Torah up close. Many of the women were excited and expressed this as one of their highlights of the training. Plans for our 2nd annual Passover Seder on April 19, 2000 are being formulated. Be sure to see the information on this elsewhere in the Newsletter. This will be another of our fine events. Please contact Addie Klionsky if you have any questions. The Sisterhood, Men's Club and Singles are planning other events. Be sure to read their articles and join in. They are planning many more events for the coming months. Remember you get out of the Temple what you put into it. If you dont participate in the Temple functions you will miss outl There has been a lot of time spent developing the structure and operation of the Temple as it is today. It may be time to turn outwardly now. It would be good for us to extend our Out-reach programs and do more for others. The Sisterhood has an Out-reach program doing Shabbat Services at 4 of the retirement centers in the area. I would like us to reach out to other groups or individuals in need of help. It is our Jewish tradition to help those in need and we certainly have the resources - both human and financial - to do so. More io come on this in the future. If you have any suggestions on the above or on anything else, please let the board or me know. I have received a couple suggestions already and these will be handled at future Board meetings. Shaloml ONEG SHABBAT SPONSORS On January 14, 2000, we celebrated with: Paul & Beatrice Stotland on their 60th Anniversary Helen & Leonard Levitsky on their 58m Anniversary Dorothy & Raymond Duckat on their 58th Anniversary Fran & Bill Levin on their 58th Anniversary & Fran's Birthday Israel & Tillie Habif on their 50th Anniversary Chester & Arlene Maas on their 44w Anniversary Maurice & Bobby Coronel on Bobby's Birthday Please call Rhea Sturza at 255-4660 Trudy & Shel Kolner on their 37th Anniversary fo sponsor an Oneg Shabbat Richard & Rosanna Smith on their 32nd Anniversary Rennie Gelman & Joel Glabman In Honor of their Engagement FROM RABBI'S DESK HERSHEL BROOKS In honor of our Presidents, I share with you a letter written by the Jewish community of Newport, Rhode Island to George Washington, and his reply, in which the President set the standard for religious freedom and civil liberties in America. How proud we should be of our pioneer Jewish community and honored to be Americans! To the President of the United States of America- Sir. Permit the children of the Stock of Abraham to approach you with the most cordial affection and esteem for your person & merits - - and to join with our fellow citizens in welcoming you to Newport With pleasure we reflect on those days -those days of difTiculty & danger, when the God of Israel, who delivered David from the peril of the sword, - shielded Your head in the day of battle:- and we rejoice to think, that the same Spirit, who rested in the Bosom of the greatly beloved Daniel enabling him to preside over the Provinces of the Babylonish Empire, rests and ever will rest, upon you, enabling you to discharge the arduous duties of Chief Magistrate in these States. Deprived as we heretofore have been of the invaluable rights of free Citizens, we now with a deep sense of gratitude to the Almighty disposer of all events behold a Government, erected by the Majesty of the People - a Government, which to bigotry gives no sanction, to persecution no assistance - but generously affording to all Liberty of conscience, and immunities of Citizenship: - deeming everyone, of whatever Nation, tongue, or language equal parts of the great governmental Machine: - This so ample and extensive Federal Union whose basis is Philanthropy, Mutual confidence and Public Virtue, we cannot but acknowledge to be the work of the Great God, who ruleth in the Armies of Heaven, and among the Inhabitants of the Earth, doing whatever seemeth him good. For all these Blessings of civil and religious liberty which we enjoy under an equal benign administration, we desire to send up our thanks to the Ancient of Days, the great preserver of Men - beseeching him, that the Angel who conducted our forefathers through the wilderness into the promised Land, may graciously conduct you through all the difficulties and dangers of this mortal life:- And, when, like Joshua full of days and full of honour, you are gathered to your fathers, may you be admitted into the Heavenly Paradise to partake of the water of life, and the tree of immortality. Done and Signed by order of the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island August 17th 1790. Moses Seixas, Warden To the Hebrew Congregation in Newport Rhode Island Gentlemen. While I receive, with much satisfaction, your Address replete with expressions of affection and esteem; I rejoice in the opportunity of assuring you that I shall always retain a grateful remem-brance of the cordial welcome I experienced in my visit to Newport, from all classes of Citizens. The reflection on the days of difficulty and danger which are past is rendered the more sweet, from a consciousness that they are succeeded by days of uncommon prosperity and security... The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation... For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support... May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this [and, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy. G. Washington SISTERHOOD NEWS JANICE BARON, President By the time you read this I'm hoping that our first Sisterhood meeting of the New Year on January 26, 2000 had a big turnout Our speaker was Ed Dodrill, Editor of This Week in Summerlin. Our telephone committee does work very hard to reach each and every woman in our congregation. If you have not been called, please let Anita Korotkin know, at 360-5344. Again, unfortunately, our Bereavement Committee, under the guidance of Freda Greenfield was called upon to prepare a consolation meal after the funeral services for Seymour Klein. This service provides a measure of comfort to a bereaved family at a time of unhappiness, distraction and chaos. Please contact Freda at 242-0109 or Mimi Singer at 255-7256 if you can help at some time. You'll be surprised at how much more you get out of this than the effort expendedl Our next Board Meeting is on February 7th at 9 a.m. at the Nevada State Bank. Our next Sisterhood Meeting will be on February 23n< at 9:30 a.m. at the Rainbow Library. I hope to see you there. MEN'S CL UB NEWS LOU POKAT, President I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year. At our last meeting we had a wonderful breakfast prepared by Ray Izen. Our speaker was Rabbi Yisroel Schanowitz. He gave a very interesting talk on Chabad and its various programs. Our meetings are on the first Sunday of every month at 9:00 a.m. and held at MountainView Hospital on Tenaya and Cheyenne. The meeting is held right behind the cafeteria. If anyone needs transportation, please call me at 363-0697. I will try my best to supply transportation. The next meeting will be Sunday, Feb. 6, 2000 and our guest speaker will be Mr. Gene Greenberg, General Manager of Channel 3. He will be discussing the inner workings of Channel 3 and TV in general. This should be a very interesting meeting so please try to attend. You may have heard that Las Vegas is hosting a baseball weekend of National and American League teams. We are trying to gather a large group and go to a game that will be on Saturday, April 1 at 7:05 p.m. at Cashman Field. The game will be between the Chicago White Sox and the Philadelphia Phillies. Tickets are $15.00 per person (men and women) which is the price set by Major League Baseball. If you have any interest, please see Ray Izen or call him at 233-4473. Tickets must be paid in advance as Ray will be going to purchase them. Please join us as it should be a lot of fun. At the end of March/beginning of April, we will be sponsoring a tour of Nellis Air Force Base. This will be open to men and women at no charge. Additional details will be in the next issue of the Temple Newsletter. REMEMBER: NEXT MEETING IS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2000. 4 A full course Kosher Dinner and Seder conducted by our Rabbi, Hershel Brooks, will be held in the new facility at the Fiesta Hotel. A donation of $44.00 per person will secure your place at this Seder sponsored by Bet Knesset Bamidbar of Sun City. The Seder is not limited to members ONLY. You are welcome to invite your friends and family. Make up your own table. Cut off and return this form with your check to: Seder. Bet Knesset Bamidbar of Sun City, c/o Addie Klionskv. 10909 Mill Cove Ave.. Las Vegas. NY 89134 Reservation for Kosher Passover Seder Fiesta Hotel on April 19, 2000 Please complete the information below and enclose with your check. Name: Address: Phone: I need reservations at $44.00 each for a total of $ . Date: Check No.: I want to sit with .5 ABOUT RITUAL LOUIS KLIONSKY, VP Ritual What is Torah? You've heard it described variously as "the law, the ritual, the commandments". But what does the word 'Torah' literally mean? It means " instruction". For example, in Israel today "Torat hanehiga" means 'driving instructions'. The word 'Torah' means instructions. For 3,500 years, in the prayer book that Jews use every day, we have referred to our Torah as "Torat Chaim" - "Instructions for Living". When you have children, you do your best to impart to them whatever wisdom you have about life. Again and again, you'll tell your children, "You have to learn how to read and write". They might say, " Who needs it? I'm going to be a fireman". So you try to explain! "You know, sometimes you might want to write a check or read a letter somebody sent you". They retort: "Hey, if I'm a major league baseball player, I'll have seven secretaries reading to me. It's more important that I practice my game". So what does a good parent do? You hit them on the head and say, "SIT DOWN AND READ AND WRITE". Whatever understanding you have about how to truly get the most pleasure out of life, you will try very very hard to convey to your children. Our Father in heaven does the same thing. He gave his children instructions for living, instructions to be happy. That's what Torah is all about. Take the example of the Mezuzah. People sometimes think it's a ritual. If you think a Mezuzah wards off ghosts, then it becomes an empty ritual to you. But if you open it up and read what is inside, you see that it contains the words, "Thou shall love the Lord your G-d with all your heart," etc. You will leam about the greatest pleasure of life. Our father in heaven told us to put the Mezuzah on our doorposts, so that we will always remember that G-d is with us. Kiss it when you go in and you go out, but not by rote. Ponder what's written inside. This way, you will never lose track of the goals of life. Another one of the "instructions for living" is to say the Shema. What's in the Shema? It is a proclamation of our faith. We repeat it in the morning and we repeat it at night, so that we will always remember the faith that we were bom into and the great pleasure that a faithful life can bring us. These Mitzvots are not empty rituals; they are tools for living. When we understand the meaning behind them, we begin to see what powerful tools they are in our lives. SINGLES' NEWS FAYE ARSHAWSKY, President Hi Everyone, We are looking forward to a wonderful year. We have a very full and interesting year of activities planned. Remember the date, "SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13th. That's the date of our first meeting, a "Getting to Know You Lunch." Please mark your calendar. The meeting will be held in the Sahara West Library at 1:30 p.m. You will get more information in the mail. We again want to wish everyone the happiest and healthiest of New Years. About our Newsletter: Bet Knesset Bamidbar of Sun City Newsletter is a monthly publication BKB address is P.O. Box 33503, Las Vegas, NV 89133. The deadline for the March newsletter is February I f f or the second Friday of the month, whichever you prefer. Anything submitted after the deadline will appear in the next month's newsletter. The Newsletter Staff consists of Alma Brooks, Editor, Arlene R. Goodman, Sarah Greene, Gloria Meyers, Charlene Tolman. Hershel Weinrott, Ruth Weinrott and Betty Weltman. BIRTHDAYS FEBRUARY 2000 February 1 Harry Ellman Barbara Kay Phillip Rosenberg Paul Schreibman Don Strull February 2 Barbara Goldman Sima Obadal February 3 Harold Brill Arlene Fisher Bernard Gittelman Cila Mansdorf February 4 Morris Bagelman Eleanor Cristall Ira Josephs Rosalie Lubman Gladys Sommers February 5 Joan Bradley James Caruso Mimi DeBevoise Lionel Orlans Irv Schneider Erwin Zale February 6 Nathan LeVine Bernie Silver February 7 William Grossman Sanford Mintz Ilona Mitelman Ivan Roth February 8 Lucille Goldstein Mildred Sklar February 9 Thelma Barron Claire Bass Stanley Goldstein Sherry Hackerman February 10 Larry Aron Jayne Factor Estelle Greenberg February 11 Carole Block Jerry Russell February 12 Elaine Brickman Hy Gendloff Gilda Haus Bea Lieberman February 13 Sondra Rona February 14 Zona Rubin Kay Russell Morton Schechter Florence Sulpar February 15 Norman Bolsky Helene Campton Wallace Hollander Rhoda Wagner February 16 Arnold Glackman Michael Lubman Julian Weinberger Shirley Wigdor Henry Wise February 17 Harriet Friedman Ray Kovitz Sheldon Miller February 18 Dene Markus Marvin Oxenhorn February 19 Sharon Caplan Evelyn Ostreicher February 20 Joan Erdman Erwin Peariman Robert Simon February 21 Leonard Rosenblatt Pearl Sherman February 22 Hy Abramson Larry Berner Nan Bonn Alice Goldberg February 23 Max Ross Sarah Zuckerman February 24 Marsha Feldman Joseph Franco Mort Gottesman Jerry Halperin Dolores Rubin Shirley Weisberg February 25 Stan Glotzer Ruth Oshins Eva Turkin February 26 Betty Pardo Doris Ross February 27 Lynn Glabman Herman Lee Joan Rubin February 28 Esther Jacobson Ted Miller Hymen Silver Eleanor Weinstein Sheldon Wiemokly February 29 Louise Gedal Irene Kish Oops! We goofed. December 8 Gerry Shat ANNIVERSARIES FEBRUARY 2000 February 1 Al and Phyllis Magon Louis and Margaret Ratner February 2 Stanley and Sandra Gershon Murray and Annette Bonder Goldman Harold and Beatrice Miller February 5 Leo and Florence Wilson February 7 Donald and Renee Singer February 8 Dick and Linda Sedler Norman and Sheryl Zipser February 9 Bud and Sylvia Levine February 10 Stanley and Deanna Abramovitz February 11 Bernard and Beatrice Hirsh February 12 Abe and Henrietta Morton February 14 Sam and Lillian Hudis Burton and Iris Menaker Stewart and Jaca-Lynn Pritikin Lee & Mickye Sedler Gerald and Fusayo Shapiro February 15 Harris and Maxine Dicker Alan and Ruth Hart February 16 Jack Klein and Florence Sulpar Paul and Anne Moiseyev Norman and Sheila York February 21 Jerry and Selma Deitch February 22 Herbert and Elaine Cohen February 23 Jerry and Kay Russell February 25 Robert and Rita Levine February 28 Stan and Lorraine Glotzer Jordan and Norma Mehlman Seymour and Leita Paul r Our Deepest Sympathy The officers and members of Bet Knesset Bamidbar extend their heartfelt sympathy to the families of ELAINE HERSHKOWITZ Wife of Len Hershkowitz SOL ROSENTHAL Brother of Betty Canter HARVEY GALL Husband of Adele Gall LINDA SKLUTE Wife of Nolan Sklute SEYMOUR KLEIN Husband of Lois Klein BOOK DEDICATIONS Four Books from Hy & Edie Abramson In Memory of Beloved Sister ROZ SCHWARTZ From Marcia & Martin Sckalor In Honor of Birth of Granddaughter EMILY ROSE SCKALOR From Marcia & Martin Sckalor In Honor of Engagement of Daughter JODI SCKALOR TO SCOTT RITTER 9 ? TRIBUTES FEBRUARY 2000 We gratefully appreciate the offerings to BET KNESSET BAMIDBAR for the following occasions and from those listed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1 0 ? Hal Stromberg MESSAGE Happy Birthday FROM Hershel & Ruth Weinrott ? Herb Golden ? Herb Golden Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Syd & Myra Kliffer Hank & Rita Stein ? Ruth Golden Happy Birthday Hank & Rita Stein ? Irv Reback Happy Birthday Hank & Rita Stein ? Herb Groper Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Lynne Widens Hank & Rita Stein ? Mickey Abrams Happy 'B' Day Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Leon & Judy Angel Lynne Widens Hank & Rita Stein ? Rona Goldman Happy Birthday Hank & Rita Stein ? Diane Bortz Happy Birthday Hank & Rita Stein ? Bemie Klar Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Lynne Widens Hank & Rita Stein ? Harris Dicker Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Hank & Rita Stein Lynne Widens ? Beverly Manishen Happy Birthday Syd & Myra Kliffer ? Barbara Rosen Happy Birthday Lynne Widens ? Alma Brooks Happy Birthday Hershel & Ruth Weinrott WE GET LETTERS: !'! Many Thanks to all my dear friends for their good wishes but most of all for caring. I am on the road to recovery and hope to see you all real soon. Ruth Gottesman [|[ The Family of Bill Soroky deeply appreciates your kind thoughts and support during Bill's illness. u Doris Soroky, Zachary Myles and Ryan A lien Marks !'] >i> 11 TRIBUTES FEBRUARY 2000 We gratefully appreciate the offerings to BET KNESSET BAMIDBAR for the following occasions and from those listed. GET WELL FOR ? Rosalie Lubman MESSAGE Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery FROM Bet Knesset Bamidbar Irv & Janice Baron Hank & Rita Stein ? Betty Pardo Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery Helene Glasser Paul & Fran Seltzer ? Ruth Gottesmari Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery Larry & Ruth Wiener Paul & Fran Seltzer ? Ruth Bogart Speedy Recovery Buddy & Hannah Pollack ? Paul Greenfield Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery Bet Knesset Bamidbar Lionel & Lorraine Ortans Paul & Fran Seltzer Morrie & Anita Berman ? Ruth Miller Speedy Recovery Bet Knesset Bamidbar ? Addie Klionsky Speedy Recovery Richard & Rosanna Smith ? Larry Hollander Speedy Recovery Mickey & Mickey Abrams ? Steve Tolman Speedy Recovery Mickey & Mickey Abrams ? Adelle Siegel Speedy Recovery Mickey & Mickey Abrams ? Herb Golden Speedy Recovery Mickey & Mickey Abrams ? Buddy Pollack Speedy Recovery Richard & Rosanna Smith Speedy Recovery Herb & Ruth Golden Please send money and requests for tributes directly to Ruth Golden at 9805 Folsom, LV 89134. Do not send to P.O. Box. 10 TRIBUTES FEBRUARY 2000 We gratefully appreciate the offerings to BET KNESSET BAMIDBAR for the following occasions and from those listed. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY FOR MESSAGE FROM ? Michael & Rosalie Lubman Happy Anniversary Hank & Rita Stein ? Hershel & Ruth Weinrott Happy Anniversary Morrie & Anita Berman ? Chester & Arlene Maas Happy Anniversary Stuart & Joyce Newman ? Shel & Trudy Kolner Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary Hank & Rita Stein Lynne Widens ? Ed & Ruth Kaplow Happy '49 & W Anniversary Mazel Tov on the Reaffirmation of your vows Harry & Elaine Sipelstein Tina Goldstein IN LOVING MEMORY OF FOR MESSAGE FROM ? Harvey Gall Adele Gall Adele Gall Adele Gall Adele Gall In Memory of Beloved Husband In Memory of Beloved Husband In Memory of Beloved Husband In Memory of Beloved Husband Bet Knesset Bamidbar Barry & Shirley Barondess Bill & Sophie Fogelman Irwin & Betty Weltman ? Beloved Mother Mary Jo Brummer In Memory of Beloved Mother Helene Glasser ? Anson Franklin Joanne Franklin In Memory of Beloved Husband Helene Glasser ? Kenneth Boyd Marcia Boyd In Memory of Beloved Husband Harold & Phyllis Saltzman ? Kenneth Boyd Harold & Phyllis Saltzman In Memory of Beloved Son-in-law Bet Knesset Bamidbar ? Beloved Son Harry Cherroff Harry Cherroff In Memory of Beloved Son In Memory of Beloved Son Syd & Myra Kliffer Bet Knesset Bamidbar WE GET LETTERS: The family of Roz Schwartz wishes to thank all for your overwhelming show of kindness during our time of sorrow. Edie Abramson The family of Lillian R. Levine wishes to express its thanks to you for your contribution to the Temple in memory of our mother/wife. Your generosity and kindness are greatly appreciated. Samuel Levine Thank you for your caring and your well wishes. Rosalie Lubman TRIBUTES FEBRUARY 2000 We gratefully appreciate the offerings to BET KNESSET BAMIDBAR for the following occasions and from those listed. MISCELLANEOUS FOR ? Philip & Claire Solomon MESSAGE Mazel Tov on your Granddaughter's Marriage FROM Harry & Elaine Sipelstein ? Mickey & Mickey Abrams Best Wishes on your New Home Don & Renee Davidson ? Mickey Abrams Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Hank & Rita Stein Leon & Judy Angel ? Marilyn Borns Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Hank & Rita Stein ? Maxine Dicker Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Hank & Rita Stein ? Gertrude Dubowe Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Hank & Rita Stein ? Trudy Kolner Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah, All our love Hank & Rita Stein Frieda & Jim Koss ? Bet Knesset Bamidbar We are proud to announce birth of grandson, Matthew Raine Weshner Lewis & Marcia Weshner ? Bet Knesset Bamidbar Happy 1" Birthday of Carly Taylor Weshner Lewis & Marcia Weshner ? Bet Knesset Bamidbar A tribute to the Bat Mitzvah Class of January 2000 Tina Goldstein ? Lewis & Marcia Weshner Mazel Tov on the Birth of Grandson Matthew Jerry & Lea ? Cindy Feiner In Honor of your Bat Mitzvah Irwin Feiner ? Rabbi Hershel & Alma Brooks Thank you for sharing our 50th Wedding Anniversary Harold & Phyllis Saltzman ? Bet Knesset Bamidbar In Honor of the Congregation Hy Greenhill Jr \ Plant a tree in Israel to honor, memorialize or let someone know he or she is special. Call Doris Ross at 256-8023 to make your purchases. Be Patient Your calls will be returned. / / 10 YAHRZEIT DONATIONS FEBRUARY 2000 REMEMBERED BY IN MEMORY OF RELATIONSHIP Sheldon Balick Benjamin Balick Father Barbara Barney Rose Shames Mother Thelma Barron Thomas Weiss Husband Arthur Becker Bernard Becker Brother Anita Berman Louis Blitz Brother Betty Blumfield Rose Levy Mother Nathan Braverman Leonard Braverman Brother Elaine Brickman Gertrude Maskin Mother Betty Canter Morris Rosenthal Father Renee Davidson Dorothy Schwartz Mother Ruth Everakes William Everakes Husband Annette Foster Irving Brody Father Marcy Freeman Max Horwitz Father Richard Fried Margaret Fried Mother Robert Gluck Lucille Gluck Mother Edith Greenberg Anna Greenberg Mother Sarah Greene Henry Cohen Father Israel Habrf Victoria Habif Mother Ethel Henry Joseph & Kathryne Idelson Parents Bernice Isaac Harry Singer Father Melvin Israel Estelle Israel Mother Paul Karel Gertrude Karel Mother Nadine Kaufman Fannie Glasson Mother Myra Kliffer Jack Hurtig Brother Trudy Kolner Joseph Koss Father Shel Kolner Joseph Kolner Father Abraham Krulewitz Ida Krulewitz Mother Debbie Lederer Irving Shulman Brother Bernard Magasiny Pauline Magasiny Mother Sam Martin Goldie Matzkowitz Mother Marilyn Mendell Joe Katz & Ida Katz Shure Parents Jerry Mendell Max & Freida Mendell Parents Mildred Parr Tillie Sorkin Mother Sarah Roth Max Hirschman Father Audrey Perlmutter Joseph Cherkoss Father Rubin Schaffer Gussie Schaffer Mother Bernice Schiffman Sadie Abrams Mother Norman Segal Bessie Segal Mother Corinne Shaftel Lionel Newman Brother Stanley Shaftel Florence Shaftel Mother Gerry Shat Benjamin Shat Husband Howard Speer Libbie Horovitz Mother Beatrice Stahl Joseph Rothman Father Paul Stotland Bertha Stotland Mother Irving Swartz Max Swartz Father Elayne Tessler Dave Chudner Father Annette Veltman Samuel Schnitzer Father Gloria Weiner Max Kram Father Irwin Wettman Mollie Wettman Mother Lynne Willens Bettie Frost Mother Norman Zipser Henry Zipser Father Sarah Zuckerman Herman Zuckerman Husband Bet Knesset Bamidbar appreciates your donations in memory of your loved ones. Any donation that comes in before the 8l b of the month is acknowledged in that month's newsletter. All others are printed in the next month's newsletter. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. YAHRZEITS FOR FEBRUARY2000 As we recite Kaddish on Friday evening, February 11, 2000, we recall with love: Dave Berger Morris Galitz Mae Lederer Milton Rosenberg Paul Berger Ethel Gerson Doris Levtne Joseph Rothman David Blank Shirley Glabman Rose Levin Ethel Sapir Matilda Braunstein Albert Glasson Robert Levinson Donald J. Schwartz Solly Bronstein Max Gold Joe Levitsky Shirley Seeman Harry Burnett Shevonne Goldman Anna Levy Sadie Sharkin Isadore Catcher Paul Goldvarg Otto Lohkemper Blanche Sherman Edward Contarsy Gussie Gordon Sydney Londa Nathan Simansky Morris Crane May Gottesman Louis Marks Meyer Singer Pearl Diamond Herbert Greenberg Ted Mizrahi Ruth S. Stone Sidney Drazner Joseph Halperin Ben Morel Louis Stromberg Benjamin Emmer Monroe Harf Bess Neft Max Tannenbaum Morris Epstein Mollie HerzJich Jack Neft Sam Waxman Elsie Feiner Max Hurtig Nathan Orandle Chana Weisberg Sam Fishbain Henrietta Jawitz Esther Politzer Pauline Weiss Freda Fleishman Frieda Kay Elias Press Lynette Weissman Robyn Freed Herman Kelin Sandy Rest David Max Wishnick Mary Friedman Mollie Klein Jake Roobin Harry Wolin Sarah Fuchs Isaac Krell Eddy Rose Aurel Yonkovitsh Rose Zamansky Israel Zamansky As we recite Kaddish on Friday evening, February 25, 2000, we recall with love: Lena Alfasso Ira B. Coren Todd Jarmel Martin Reiter Sam Alfasso Paul Dale Eugene Kaplan Alex Rose Abraham Ast Alfred Dubowe Herman Kaplan Murry Rosenberg Bessie Auerbach Irving Einhom Rubin Knazik Jeannette Samors Harry Bagelman Jack Feldman Meyer Korentur Adolph Schoenfeld Harry Barondess Benjamin Feldman Tillie Kramer David Sharkin Morris Bass Alice Fox Beverly Kraus Max Snider Mary Bass Jack Frondorf Jack Kugler Cele Soifer George Belfer Ben Gest David Levenson Celia Tannenbaum Samuel Berman Charles Glasson Gussie Lichtig Scott Tulman Solomon Bernstein Rose Goldstein Jennie Mermelstein Vittorio Vaturi Jerre Berrington Milton Gottesman Irving Miskoff Pauline Vetensky Leo Bleifer Fannie Green Benjamin Orenstein Larry Wang Hyman Bregman Helen Gross Benjamin Oshins Ben Weshner Dora Bregman Sarah Herstein Morris Putterman Rose Zaidenberg Sandra Cantor Sarah Jacobs Marion T. Rabow Max Zussman 15 f g g g M g y 2000 CALENDAR February 6*, Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Men's Club Meeting MountainView Hospital February 7*1, Monday at 9:00 a.m. Sisterhood Board Meeting Nevada State Bank February 11*, Friday at 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Desert Vista February 13*, Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Singles' Meeting Sahara West Library February 15? , Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Temple Board Summerlin Library February 21", Presidents' Day February 23rd, Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Sisterhood Meeting Rainbow Library February 25**, Friday at 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Desert Vista CANDLE LIGHTING February ? 4:52 p.m. February 11* ? 5:00 p.m. February 18* ? 5:07 p.m February 25* ?5:14 p.m. Shabbat Candle Blessing Baruch Ata Adonai Elohenu Mel-ech Ha 'olam Asher Kidshanu B'mitzvotav Vtzivanu L 'hadlik Ner SheI Shabbat STANDING COMMITTEES Membership Sarah Greene 256-1213 Membership Statistics Sarah Greene 256-1213 Newsletter Alma Brooks 256-9433 Yahrzeit Bobby Coronel 341-6323 Properties Max Ross 256-8023 Books Ted Friedman 228-9065 Tributes Ruth Golden 228-2992 Address: 9805 Folsom Bereavement: Minyons Art Mandel, Chair 254-8103 Shel Kolner, Back-up 838-7413 Shiva Freda Greenfield 242-0109 Sisterhood Cu-cnnrs Shirley Weisberg 254-3320 Mimi Singer 255-7256 Bet Knesset Bamidbar of Sun City P. O. Box 33503 Las Vegas, NV 89133-3503 Hershel Brooks, Rabbi Board of Directors 256-9433 391-2750 President, Shel Kolner 838-7413 EXECUTIVE BOARD President Shel Kolner Executive VP Rhoda Schwartz VP Religion Louis Klionsky VP Membership Sarah Greene Secretary Jean Modes Treasurer Steve Tolman DIRECTORS Manfred Berger Norman Segal Ted Friedman Rosanna Smith Irvin Haus Abe Sparber Svdell Miller Hershel Weinrott Max Ross Gloria Wishengrad Sisterhood President Janice Baron Men's Club President Lou Pokat Singles' President Faye Arshawsky NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Las Vegas, NV Permit No. 1031 " Uii\>li\iiiut\ti\il\ii\iiUii\t\iiitil\uillii\ilUiiiitllil