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I agree.p S, Bteicroft, first Vioe~ President, .•ati Ink© City* TTtaiu Dsar 25r,;idtar K* Bmakcsi, who U&® charge of tho Dos Togas jtecl csad .’datcr Ornsnony at Sae Togri?., hen hoen oadoaroring for eefegi tjfea t© got seise on©. interested w would. toko tip ^tiito a fbrpr of am lots and toiiild wliteli ©oald ho rioted to otcr rn.ip3.oyoB, hist 15? to this ttoo It© lies nothing definite. A rmribor of people Imva hoea eossiiXexiag the jatftog ©ad w® ax© not tttpQ that anything will jaBtoari&H»o* It occur© to m that whom the shape are- ooi^pleted w© will «6iploy a goad may people and will aMMMHr&y feevo to houses to lake ears of tim;. <%! •feAJwje# '£ W^«w B J4aad s®a 3 .ater 0< mm a £qoOL Joan; ? lets sail have a good fund.. i» their treasury. Pont yon think It woula lie a good plan for tfross to tcru lortalao wv' f 4i/'v ;;-;-v iP4&V -£**• ans&er of how. os instead of 'die j&aiXrot id florspc fhaa- tii© tiboge are e©rjpXot©&* if tig chotild ©lagloy 880 OT SCO I presmns X*i/ 3»U 0€U|£^ tl# ono-li&lf of then ail 1 gcr© .ieo* If £», yap trill roe that v?© will rorjitir® % let' of hvmm* Thera it* net 0. T&ecxEfc hmiz® in Yogas at this time. I as sending oopy ©£ tills letter to X¥.Betti© end !ir* Whittenwr© said I will he glad to got yom* Yi@wr ooamrnins the