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    PACE 6-ENTERTAINMENT TODAY-NOV. 25-DEC. 1, 1988 Similar To MTV ?╟ Hitz?╟╓ At The Hacienda An 80?╟╓s Music Fantasy Come To Life Jackson Teaching The Steps It s a show whose time has finally come! ?╟úHITZ?╟Ñ, the new song and dance production at the Hacienda Hotel, is themed around the top-40 hits of the 1'980?╟╓s. It?╟╓s sur- realistic, dreamlike and even similar to MTV, only live. ?╟úI would have liked to have done it earlier in the decade,?╟Ñ says Jerry Jackson, creator of the show. ?╟úThen I wouldn?╟╓t have so many songs to choose from. ?╟Ñ Jackson is known the world over for his contributions as choreographer and producer of such spectaculars as ?╟úCasino du Liban?╟Ñ in Lebanon, the ?╟úFolies Bergere?╟Ñ in Puerto Rico and Las Vegas, and ?╟úParis-Line?╟Ñ in Paris. He has also worked with the famous Juliet Prowse, Abbe Lane, Goldie Hawn, Fred Astaire, Petula Clark and ?╟úTony Orlando and Dawn.?╟Ñ His most recent credits include Broadway?╟╓s ?╟úSeven Brides for Seven Broth- ers,?╟Ñ ?╟úConfetti?╟Ñ and ?╟úSoiree?╟Ñ in the Bahamas and ?╟úFire and Ice?╟Ñ which ran for nearly four years at the Hacienda Hotel. It?╟╓s only fitting that Jackson would come back to the Hacienda stage to debut his newest creation, ?╟úIt?╟╓s just the right size for this type of production,?╟Ñ h< ing the stage?╟╓s n sions as being la give the show aful age yet not so ex] scenes loose their ; says,explain-, ledium dimen - rge enough to production hn- >ansive that the impact. Bohemian Carnival The concept has been kicking around in his head for years, waiting for the perfect setting on which to come to life and the Fiesta Theatre is that setting. Lighting and backgrounds create the moods for each segment which opens the first scene of the show. Nearly 60 hit tunes inter- pret themes such as graffitti in the deep city, Bohemian carnivals and flash backs of other eras. The fear which lurks deep in the darkness of everyone?╟╓s sub- conscious is dramatized in the dreams segment. The magic movements of adagio team Jeanne Houts and Barry Morgan who have performed in ?╟úFolies Bergere,?╟Ñ ?╟úSoire,?╟Ñ and road pro- ductions from Miami to Montreal, take audiences through the emo- tions of a woman?╟╓s nightmare about her lover?╟╓s temptation to go astray. Strains of ?╟úAnything For You,?╟Ñ ?╟úTruly,?╟Ñ and ?╟úWe?╟╓ll Be Together Tonight?╟Ñ color the scenes. Another segment catches audiepces in the throws of a pulsating thriller of ghouls and devils in their modernized medieval dance routines set to the rhythms of ?╟úBad,?╟Ñ ?╟úThriller?╟Ñ and ?╟úAxel F.?╟Ñ Yet another mood is set by a fender ballet featuring the primatalents of ballerina Tara Foy who has danced with the Dublin City Ballet and London Festival Ballet in England and the Nevada Dance Company. Her gentile pirouettes and arabesques put to motion the words of ?╟úDidn?╟╓t We Almost Have It AH?╟Ñ and ?╟úHeart of Mine?╟Ñ as sung by principals Marilyn Kaye and Richie Sacks. Kaye is most recently recogniz- ed as the high school vamp ?╟úMol- ly?╟Ñ in ?╟úA.M. A Blast From The Past?╟Ñ which played Las Vegas and Atlantic City for a total of two years. Sacks said to have the voice of Mario Lanza, has por- trayed the famous singer in the impersonating stage show ?╟úLeg- ends in Concert?╟Ñ and has most recently been featured in the cam- py comedy ?╟úBeach Blanket Babylon.?╟Ñ Jackon is writer, choreo- grapher, costume designer and even composer of a small bit of original music used in the produc- tion, besides being producer- director. His mast degree in art from UCLA explains his knowl- edgeable flair for stage and costume compositions. As a stu- dent professor in the music department, the already proficient musician gained priceless ex- posure to the interrelations of all performing arts. ?╟úI had a foot deformity as a child and had to wear corrective shoes until I was 18,?╟Ñ said the versatile entertainer. ?╟úI was very shy and stayed at home studying and practicing music.?╟Ñ A knack for dancing seemed to be innate, however inspite of his handicap, for when his doctor suggested that studying dance and acrobatics for variety to the sometimes whimsical and other times intense scenarios. ?╟úPm always interested in the whole creative process,?╟Ñ says Jackson and his ability for harmonizing all spectrums of entertainment is at- tested to in this stage spectacular of fantasy. Clarence Loos is the long time burlesque comic most recently seen in the Hacienda?╟╓s previous stage production, ?╟úMinsky?╟╓s Burlesque.?╟Ñ He rolls out the rib- ticklers with his rubber faced retorts and comical shenanigans. Breathtaking tumbles and flips are maneuvered miraculously in the midst of slapstick comedy by the Gymma Brothers, masters of humorous acrobat, who carry out a five generations tradition in the art. Adding to the variety are flash backs to the 60?╟╓s and 40?╟╓s and there is even a segment featuring resurfaced hits like ?╟úMony Mony,?╟Ñ ?╟úDancin?╟╓ in the Streets?╟Ñ and ?╟úLand of a Thousand Dances.?╟Ñ * Houts & Morgan might strengthen his feet and legs, he .only needed three months of lessons before performing in Don Arden?╟╓s ?╟úMoulin Rouge?╟Ñ and dan- cing in the movie ?╟úWords of Music.?╟Ñ Jackson still dances today at age 52. ?╟úI don?╟╓t even warm up,?╟Ñ he boasts, ?╟úI just go out on stage and start to dance.?╟Ñ Though dancing and singing are the chief components of the show, its creator interjects comedy ?╟úHITZ?╟Ñ is love stories and com- edies, it?╟╓s futuristic and nostalgic, aU linked together by a music con- ceptualization that is totally now. /Jerry Jackson?╟╓s music and dance production of the decade has finally come to be. It?╟╓s fresh and impacting and Fiesta Theatre audiences can expect to be hit full force with its emotions. Show- times are nightly except Monday, at 8 and 11 p.m.