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Las Vegas City Ordinances, March 31, 1933 to October 25, 1950, lvc000014-429


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    SECTION 5. DUTY OF LICENSEE TO KEEP RECORDS. Every holder of a retail tobacco dealer's license shall keep a book in which there shall be made at the time of the transaction a record in English of all purchases of cigarette papers, cigarettes, tobacco in any form and tobacco products, in which shall be set forth the name and address of the place of business of the person from whop purchased, the date of the transaction, the seller's invoice number, and a description of the article purchased, together with the manufacturer's wholesale list price. The manufacturer's wholesale list price shall be such list price without taking into consideration any discounts allowed the licensee. The said book shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of the Chief of Police or a member of the police force designated by him in writing, and it shall be unlawful for any licensee hereunder to have in possession any said book in which an incorrect entry has been made. SECTION 6. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. All applications for license under the provisions of this ordi­nance shall be made in writing to the Mayor and City Commissioners and filed with the City Clerk on a form pro­vided for that purpose. Every application shall contain the name of the person desiring the license and the place of business sought to be licensed. If the applicant is a partnership of firm, the application shall contain the names and residence addresses of each of its members; if a corporation, the application shall contain the names and add­resses of its principal officers. The application shall also contain such other information as may be required by the City Clerk and Chief of Police. Upon receipt of the application and the license fee for the period for which the license is sought the City Clerk shall transmit to the Chief of Police such information as will enable each officer to make the investigation and inspection required by this ordinance. In connection with the in­vestigation by the Chief of Police, he may require the giving of fingerprints by such persons as he may deem necessary. Upon the completion of report by the Chief of Police, and on receipt of the recommendation of such officer as to the issuance of the license, the application and the recommendation of the Chief of Police relative thereto shall be presented to the Mayor and City Commissioners for allowance or disallowance. SECTION 7. LICENSE FEE. The license fee for a retail tobacco dealer's license shall be Two Dollars Fifty Cents ($2.50) quarterly, payable without demand therefor, in lawful money of the United States, to the City Clerk, on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year; and when application for license is made subsequent to any of the above dates, the license which issues thereon shall be issued for the then current quarterly period unless some other and different quarterly period is particularly mentioned is such application. No license fee for less than a full quarterly period shall be accepted by the City Clerk upon any application. SECTION 8. TRANSFER. The transfer of any license issued hereunder is hereby expressly prohibited, either as to licensee or as to location of business licensed. SECTION 9. REVOCATION OF LICENSE. The City Commissioners shall have the power to revoke any license issued under the provisions of this ordinance for good and sufficient cause. If at any time after the granting of any license, any licensee shall have violated any of the pro­visions of this ordinance or any of the laws of the State or other ordinances of the City in the conduct of the business, conducted under license issued pursuant to this ordinance, the City Commissioners by a majority vote may revoke the license therefor, whether a proceeding has been commenced to invoke the penalty provided in section 14 of this ordinance or not. SECTION 10. POSTING OF LICENSE. A separate license must be issued for each establishment or premises sought to be licensed and the license so issued must be posted in a conspicuous place in each establishment or premises for which such license is issued. SECTION 11. DUTY OF LICENSEE. (a) It shall be unlawful for the holder of any retail tobacco dealer's license to advertise, offer for sale, expose for sale or sell any cigarette papers, cigarettes, cigars, tobacco in any form or any tobacco product at a price which shall be less than two percent (2%) above the manu­facturer's wholesale list price as specified in the book kept pursuant to the provision contained that may be applicable to said items and imposed by the State of Nevada or any political subdivision thereof. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person employed in an establishment holding a retail tobacco dealer's license, upon demand of the Chief of Police to refuse to furnish to said Chief of Police for his inspection samples of all cigarette papers, cigarettes, cigars, tobacco in any form or tobacco product sold or offered for sale in or about said premises, which samples shall be analyzed by or under the direction of said Chief of Police. SECTION 12. UNLAWFUL TO GATHER WASTE TOBACCO. It shall be unlawful for any person to pick or gather up from the public streets, alleys or thoroughfares of the City, or in any public building, restaurant or hotel, and cigar or cigarette butt or stump. or the waste, unused or unburned portion of any cigar, tobacco or cigarette for the purpose or with the intent of bartering or selling the same or disposing of the same for use in any form of manufactured tobacco. SECTION 13. UNLAWFUL TO BUY OR SELL WASTE TOBACCO. It shall be unlawful for any person to buy or receive for the purpose of disposing of the same to be used in any form of manufactured tobacco, any cigar or cigarette butt or stump, or the waste, unused or unburned portion of any cigar, tobacco or cigarette gathered from the streets, alleys or thoroughfares of the City, or in any restaurant, hotel or public building in the City. SECTION 14. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a middemeanor. SECTION 15. EFFECT OF INVALIDITY. If any part, provision or section of this ordinance or the appli­cation thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance or the application of such part, provision or section thereof to any other person or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 16. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon ist publication as in the next section provided, and final passage. SECTION 17. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas shall cause this ordinance to be published once a week for two successive weeks immediately following its first reading and adoption, in the Las Vegas Evening Review Journal, a daily newspaper published in the City of Las Vegas.