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/ Las Tegas, Hevada, Deoember 20, 1937, Mr. H* X. Plumhof: While atten ding a meeting o f the Clark County Farm Bureau at Mesquite la s t F rid ay, Mr* Edi^te&d- M arshall o f Logandale, contacted me about fu rn ish in g water to the CCC Camp at Logandale. This OCC Camp is engaged in flo o d c o n tro l work in th e Meadow T a lle y Wash and Muddy T a lle y , and the work they are doing is b e n e fic ia l to th e R ailroad * The a p p ro p riation fo r th is and oth er CCC Camps has been con sid erab ly cu t, so th at now the people o f the Muddy T a lle y are fu rn ish in g about $2,000 worth o f supplies fo r the com pletion o f flo o d c o n tro l work sta rted before the out in the a p p ro p ria tion , This amount i s h ardly s u ffic ie n t f o r the purpose, but Is a l l they can r a is e . A part o f th is $2,000 is to be used in paying fo r th e water supplied the CCC Camp at Logandale, which is hauled in by the R a ilro a d . I understand th at the R ailroad charges $50.00 per car and th at the Gamp uses about fou r cars per month. R ailroad Company and see i f i t could not donate that water as i t s share o f the co n trib u tio n necessary to keep th is Camp in the T a lle y , and i f i t is p o ssib le to do so, i t would be advantageous to th e R a ilroa d . X would lik e to g et your re a c tio n to th is so that I can communicate i t to Mr. M arshall* Mr. M arshall asked me to take i t up w ith th e Leo A. McNamee LAM/DB M arshall