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Hr* E. E. Bennett* L&s Vegas - July 26, 19*+9 w 2> 5 ( co - Mr. 0, ¥, Bryan ) Confirming telephone conversation with Hr, Eer-wick and Hr, Dotson* Bilten-ore last Friday, Bills* power Company a nJdu lTyel e22p,h onfeo rC noomnp-apnayy Bmaendt a olfs o dduislcyo nIBt,i nuZeeds tseerr&viacye L oanud V etihnea hro toefl tchee alsaewd foipremra otfion Jones, Weiner and Jones, telephoned requesting the water be turned bach on so shrubbery could bo water ed* wIa sa dvoinosee dd hiiscmo nwtei ncuoeudl du nnottil redseulmien qsueernvti bciel lasf thear ds baemee n paid, which are as follows S Mtaorokc hi natnod Aapcrciolu nbti ltlhse Maanyd MonI Xt hweh istcrhe wnagst hp atihder beyo f twhee Interim operators, the Texas-Sev&da Corporation, who wpeeorpel eo*p erWaetiinnegr *t ha e Choontteeln tiaso n a irs estohratt ftohre yc woelroere tdh e Cteomrppoorraartyi oonw nfeorrs paaynmde wnet osfh otuhled Jluoonke btiol lt haen Tde xtahsa-tM cInfr awdea did not resume service he would take It up with the Public Service Commission® Wnaitghetr sCaoymipnagn y tahnatd Waesikneedr t hhae dC otmhmriesastieonne dt oto Icsisutee atnhe order requiring us to turn on the water, Mr. Alla rd said he would not Issue an order until it was proved that the Water Company had violated any of its regula r* tions; and in Mow of the fact that no atop order had been issued by the original owners and our bills were always rendered against Hotel Biltmore he did not feel Justified In issuing suoh an order, especially in view of the faot that the complainants could pay the delinquent charges under protest If they wished and allow the legal aspects to be Ironed out later* We discontinued water service to Hotel Weiner had repeatedly promised to pay the Chairman Allard phoned from Carson City last