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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    18. 40 ANOTHER ANGLE DUKE (continuing; hands horn back to Samson) Wouldst show me your magic? Samson takes the horn and fingers off a swinging four bar passage. DUKE (continuing) I see no magic... except a strange tingling in mine feet. SAMSON I?╟╓ll blow thee another riff. Samson blows again and this time the Duke fights to contain himself as his feet seem to move without his consent. DUKE Enough! Just then the Guard returns with the Magic Box. The Duke takes it from him. DUKE A present for your monarch, King Louie. (hands box to Samson) With my humble compliments. Samson looks at the box suspiciously as does Dancelot. DUKE (continuing) Now be gone. Samson and Dancelot turn and hurry off. 41 CLOSE SHOT - DUKE He is very pleased with himself. DISSOLVE TO: 42 INT. KING LOUIE?╟╓S QUARTERS NIGHT COME IN on Magic Box on table. PULL BACK to include King Louie, Samson and the other knights. (CONTINUED)