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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, June 2006



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    Congregation Ner. Tamid Looking Towards The Future .... Friday Services King David Memorial Chapel Saturday Services Temple Office JUNE 2006 VOL. XX NO. 6 SIVAN/TAMMUZ 5766 B'not Mitzvah Class of ZOO6 Friday, dune 2 Office Closed 9:00 am Yiskor Service 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, June 3 9:00 am Bible Study - Discussion on Book of Ruth 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, June 9 6:45 pm Rosh Chodesh @ King David 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, June lO 10:00 am Adult B'nai Mitzvah Service 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study TtT invite you to celebrate with our families as we Are each called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah Friday, June 16 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, June 17 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, June 23 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, June 24 10:00 am Jason Glyman Bar Mitzvah @ Dragon Ridge CC 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study t t Candle 1 J T 7 Lighting V l Times June 2 7:34 pm June 9 7:38 pm June 16 7:41 pm ^une23 7:43 pm June 30 7:44 pm Saturday, June 10, Z006 at 10:00 am. Ming TDavid Memorial Chapel Z697 E. Eldorado Cane Cas ICegas, JNevada ***************** Walls are being poured and soon you will see them raised!Rabbi?s Reflections Rabbi Sanford Akselrad This month marks yet another time of transition for our Congregation. Soon we will have a new educator on board for our Religious School - Craig Rosen. He will be in charge of the Religious/Hebrew School, adult education and our youth programs. Coming from Santa Barbara with years of experience, I think that our Congregation will find itself lucky to have such a talented person on staff. We will also see transition in our lay leadership as board members complete their tenures. I appreciate all those who have given of their time and energy to insure the vitality of our Congregation during this crucial time. Of particular note is the change in our Presidents. After serving three years as President, one year longer than is typical, Scott Stolberg will be stepping down as President of our Congregation. Scott has had a long history of service to our Congregation. He was our Religious School Vice President, Vice President of Administration, active in numerous other ways as chairman of committees and most significantly the original chair of our New Campus Campaign. Our Congregation has prided itself in having educated, involved and dedicated Temple Presidents and Scott did not disappoint. Each week whether he was in town or on the road he has been in constant contact with the Temple staff insuring that decisions were made and important tasks were on track. I want Scott and his wonderfully supportive family to know how deeply grateful I am for their involvement and the tremendous leadership Scott has given to our Temple community. As you read this column, many of you have been "visited" by me at least twice. It was a "virtual visit", but still a visit! Thanks to the computer expertise of Congregant Steve Lewis I am experimenting with sending short video messages to our membership via your home computer. I call it "Virtual Rabbi". My goal is to share with you different Jewish values, "how to's" and updates in a creative and informative way. If the Temple office does not have your e-mail address, now would be a great time to send it to Roberta Unger at so that you can take advantage of this unique service of our Temple. In the months ahead we are looking for more ways to combine technology and the synagogue. Those of you who have special expertise are welcome to contact me with your ideas and assistance. June 11th marks the start of our Temple trip to Israel. Twenty-four congregants are joining me on what should be a trip of a lifetime. We will visit all of the major highlights of Israel forming bonds and memories that we look forward to sharing with you upon our return. Friday June 30th will be our special trip reunion Shabbat service at which time I will share with the Congregation highlights of our trip. While I am away in June and while I am on vacation during parts of July, our rabbinic intern Cookie Olshein will be handling rabbinic duties and can be reached at the Temple office. Cookie has just completed her third year of rabbinical school and we are thrilled to have her with us not only for the summer, but also as our "student rabbi" in the year to come. Join Us As We Welcome Moses Back From The Mountain.... A Celebration of Shavu'ot Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:00 pm We will be studying, shmoozing, and having a nosh.... cheesecake anyone? Yiskor Service Friday, June 2 ~ 9:00 am Continuing our study of Shavu'ot.... Saturday, June 3 ~ 9:00 am Come Study the Book of Ruth All will be held at the Temple office. 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy Bdlg. 5, Ste. 521 2 WWW.LVNER.TAMID.ORGPhilip?s Message Just a ^ 'p' Philip Goldstein Calling all singers! We are gearing up for our High Holy Day Adult Choir and we need Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses. This is a wonderful time to be a part of the CNT Adult Choir and share in the reverence and beauty of the High Holy Days. If you've ever wanted to be a part of this incredible choir, we need you. Rehearsals are beginning July 18th and continue every Tuesday night from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Temple offices at 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Bldg. 5, Suite 521. You will be supplied with everything. Just bring your beautiful voice and the desire and dedication. As we come in to the summer months I want to recognize some individuals for their hard work and dedication over the past year. First I want to Thank Lillian Kollar for her amazing talents and ^Pcredible musical ability. She is one of the best accompanists I have ever worked with and I greatly appreciate her. Thank you so much Lillian. I want to thank Lois Bergman for her wonderful job of tutoring the B'nai Mitzvah students. You are great. I also want to thank Lori Frankl and Sherri Swezey for conducting the Junior Choir and the Teen Choir. They've never sounded better. Thank you to Myreen Aschenbach for her accompanying the Jr. Choir. And speaking of choirs, our fabulous Adult Choir and choir director John Smith deserve a round of applause for their hard work over this past year (since High Holy Days) you all are the best. Thank you to all. Thank you to Rachel Alterman, Sarah Blank and new song leader Makenzie Coon for their wonderful song leading and teaching in the Religious School, and all year long. I would also like to thank all of the members of the Shabbatones band, who volunteer their talent and energy into this program: Ira Spector, Jay Poster, Glori Rosenberger, Alan Molasky, Ed Birch, tatthew Birch, (and Matthews' sometimes bstitute Tracy Birch; what a talented family!), Brad Torchin and Mike Adler. Without all of their enthusiasm and hard work, there would be no Shabbatones. We have grown together as a band and as friends. This next year brings with it a new beginning as we look forward to our new Temple and the incredible music programming that I have in store. I want to thank you, the congregation, for all your support and kind words of encouragement for the music and programs that I have brought forth so far. Your continued appreciation and support will help make Congregation NerTamid's music and progressive music programs some of the best in Las Vegas... and quite possibly in the nation. The future is big and bright, and together we can make a difference. f------------------------------------------------------------V Attention All Singers! High Holy Days Adult Choir July 18th ~ 7:00 pm Temple Office Everyone is Welcome! ^____________________________________4 J une 2006 3 A dult Learning ADULT SUMMER EDUCATION Lots of fun and interesting things going on this summer to keep your mind sharp! The following is a list of the classes being offered. Details on each class can be found on PAGE 12. June 6 'July 25 'Intro to Judaism 'Beginning Hebrew June 15 ' Jewish Healing: The Jewish Connection Between Mind, Body and Spirit June 22 - Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say: Understanding How We Welcome Shabbat July 6' Postcards to G'd: Writing Our Own Prayers July 13 ' Should Reform Jews Keep Kosher? July 20 - Law and Order: Jews and Justice in America July 27' Is Being ?a Good Jew? Any Different than Being ?a Good Person?? Know someone interested in converting? Who wants to learn to live a Jewish life? Conversion Classes Begin September 11th Contact the temple office for information. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Adult B?nai Mitzvah Class Registration New Classes Begin September 18th Contact the Temple Office for More Information! V_______________________________________/ J une 2006 5 Your Executive Director Come Join Us! IrvDuchowny I am currently involved with the planning of our opening Gala Weekend Events for our new CNT Campus - the Greenspun Campus for Jewish Life, Learning and Spiritual Renewal. Early, you say? Not at all. We all know that the best events are ones that are thought of and planned out early - that way, we have enough time to take all suggestions, digest all of the information and to make this a wonderful, memorable weekend that no one will forget. We're currently working with the Greenspun family (who, as you probably know, have generously donated the entire 8.5 acres that we're building on right now) and the General Contractor to target our Gala Weekend dates. While nothing is definitively set yet, we're looking at February 24th -25th 2007 to have our official opening weekend at our new home. Just a few of the activities being discussed include, but are not limited to: ? A fabulous cocktail hour and dinner on Saturday evening in our Social Hall and on the outside patio, complete with entertainment. ? A solemn procession to walk our Torahs from the King David Chapel to the new Greenspun Campus for Jewish Life, Learning and Spiritual Renewal. This is planned to take place on Sunday morning, to allow all congregants (especially including our Religious School students and families) to participate in this once-in-a- lifetime experience. ? A consecration ceremony, led by Rabbi Akselrad, directly after the Torahs arrive. ? A huge open-house for all, immediately following the consecration (complete with food, tours, maps and souvenirs) This is very exciting and is closer than you might think! "How can I help?" I hear you asking. "How can I participate?" I hear others asking (I have all of these voices in my head, but then, you know me....). We are now starting to compile lists of those who would like to help - there are many opportunities for everyone to participate and to feel part of this wonderful event - unprecedented in the Jewish Community of Las Vegas. Congregation NerTamid needs your help to plan the spiritual, religious, and practical parts of this weekend. I do want to repeat - we need as much help as possible. If you are interested and willing to pitch in, it would certainly be most appreciated. Please remember, this is OUR temple that we're building, this is OUR spiritual and religious and social home that we're opening. Help with planning the cocktail hour, dinner, decorations, entertainment, coordination of the Torah Walk and all that entails, the consecration ceremony or the open house (food coordination, entertainment, ushers, hosts, "direction-giving" tour-guides), publicity, the list is almost endless. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please contact me, Irv Duchowny, Executive Director of Congregation Ner Tamid, at 733-6292, and give me your name and area of interest in which you'd like to be involved. If you're not sure of your area of interest, we promise to find one for you! Please remember, this is OUR NEW HOME that we are building, and we need everyone's help to get this off the ground with the proper dignity and respect. Let me hear from you, and together, we'll open our new Congregation Ner Tamid facility in a way that will make us all be proud. 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORGTemple Board Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Beth Falk, VP Education &t Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual Jay Poster, VP Membership Recruitment Marsha Goldberg, VP Membership Retention CindyJensen, VP Social Action Gregg Solomon, Treasurer ghsolomon@coxnet Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Jordie Primack, T rustee David Shapin, Trustee da\ Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Harry Sax, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Michele Fendell, T rustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Barry Lewisohn, Trustee Daryl Alterwitz, T rustee No Email Maxine Gratz, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President Adam Bromberg, NTTY Co-President twism34821@aoLcom Hilary Scheele, NTTY Co-President hilleo@aoLcom President?s Message Scott Stolberg It seems like just yesterday when I sat down to write my first bulletin article, but it has been three years. When I accepted the nomination to be your president again last June, it was with the understanding that I would serve one more year. It is VERY important that leaders move on and new leaders come along. The truth is I am somewhat relieved and sad all at the same time. However I could not be happier about whom I have left our congregation with. Marla Letizia has been the best partner I could Jp ' V have hoped for, and I know she will feel the same ? . about Harry Sax. She has been with me every step of rm '* f 1 ?\f the way for the last two years. In order to get the ':^3K 1 President?s term back on the same schedule as all of Jp. J the other officers instead of each of them serving the "'"Ntetew customary two years each plans on serving for eighteen months. I have served on the ? rapjjfg board of trustees for 11 years. Some might say I am Meshugana. I say that it has been one of the best experiences of my life. Many times you hear about boards with politics or infighting. In all that time I never saw that happen on our board. Everyone is there for the same reason - to serve and further our congregation, its goals, ideals, and beliefs. I have been on boards before. I am joining the board of my Rotary Club the day after I leave office. My experience at CNT has been so good I am a little nervous. Working for CNT for the last 11 years has made me a better person. It has helped me be a better spouse, father, and employer. It has taught me some patience; I have learned new ways to motivate people, and to build a consensus. There are some people who I feel I need to thank. First, the Rabbi you have been more than a partner through all of this and yours is a friendship I will always treasure; Irv I know I drove you crazy at (most) times. Since I had a full time job you saw to many details that I could not and I am grateful. Philip, Roberta, Karen, Mary and Lynette you each made me look good simply by doing your job so well. To all those who served on the board with me I say thank you. There are too many to remember so I will not even try to name names. Each of you brought a certain passion for what you were doing and each of you were part of my inspiration. To all the past presidents, you set an example that is hard to live up to but I will do my best. You were all there when I called upon you for help, advice, or just an ear to listen. I could not have done this without you and I am sure Marla will be calling and I know you will answer the call. I would like to thank all of you - my friends, my family - over the years you have all given me great encouragement, hope and strength. I have made some of my best friends through my years working for CNT. I appreciate the trust you gave me when you elected me president and I hope I lived up to your expectations. Finally to my wife Sandy and my children Megan and Ben thank you for sharing me with our congregational family. I know my regular job keeps me busy and away from home so when temple business called that meant even more time apart. I know I missed a few things over the years, I hope not too many. It was your love, understanding and respect that kept me going. I love you and look forward to being able to spend more time with you. J une 2006 7 Special Announcements June Birthdays 1st-Mr. Philip Gilman Mrs. Elissa Katz Nathaniel Socolof Ms. Lorelei Wojnicz 2nd-Mr. Louis Bradfield Mr. Scott Dockswell Mr. Mitchell Garshofsky Mr. Ralph Kramer Mrs. Bronna Levenberg Alexis Marshall Mrs. Laura Yaffe 3rd-Dylan Alberts Mr. Blaine Benedict Mrs. Maris Everakes Mr. Ira Sternberg 4th- Kyle Bailey Jamie Edelman Scott Ewan Mr. Richard Granich Mr. Bernard Yuman 5th - Mrs. Barbara Budgar Mrs. Janet Frockt Mrs. Lisa Henry Mrs. Hazel Herman Mrs. Aimee Knox 6th ? Mrs. Nadine Cracraft Dr. Gary Kantor Aaron Moss 7th - Mrs. Coral Reveen Mr. Michael Linger 8th- Mrs. Sharna Blumenfeld Evan Kaner Mrs. Rochelle Silas Mrs. Sandy Stolberg 9th - Dr. Larry Rosen Mrs. Janel Tarnow Mr. Alan Waxier 10th-Mrs. Charlotte Kahn Ms. Ruth Kane Mr. Irwin Kishner Nicole Mayman 11th-Mrs. Patricia Dockswell Mrs. Marsha Goldberg Mrs. Harriet Kushner Jeremy Lellouche Mrs. Janice Rosenthal David Saltman 12th-Dr. Jerald Boyers Mrs. Julie Charles Ms. Getsi Sheahan 13th- Leni Marina Rankow 14th ? Brian Benedict Dr. Barry Fisher Mr. Harold Miller Mr. Henri Rouzaud Andrew Urban Lynsey Yahraus 15th - Mrs. Bonnie Palbaum Mrs. Lori Schwartz Mrs. Eleanore Schwimmer Mr. Douglas Unger Dr. Malcolm Weiss Mrs. Debbie Woodard 16th-Robert Cohen 17th- Mr. Daryl Alterwitz Dani Bromberg Mr. Gary Husney Josilyn Sacks Mrs. Niki Zindler 18th-Samuel Carrillo Madison Levine Sheldon Skoboloff 19th - Charles Christensen Mrs. Renee Diamond Mrs. Juanita Wasserman 20th- Corey Corpodian Mr. William Feldman Rachael McDermott 21st-Mrs. Barbara Busch Caden Fisher Sarah Milano Mrs. Claire Prezant Mrs. Shari Exber Scheele June Anniversaries June l Mr. & Mrs. David Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Drew Levy Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Moss June 2 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Adler June 3 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Litt Mr. & Mrs. Barry' Paul Mr. & Mrs. Gary' Rosenberg June 5 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Heit Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Schwartz June 6 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Steven Reiner June 7 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Beigelman Mr. & Mrs. Philip Berns Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Yuman 22nd-Ms. Ashley Hecht Candace Reveen Megan Roe Mrs. Nicole Siegel 23rd-Dr. Joel Davidson Zoe Mehr Mr. George Moore Mr. Norman Rosen Dr. David Stahl 24th- Mrs. Cathy Goldberg Mr. Tom Letizia 25th - Ms. Judi Herring Mrs. Selma Katz Mrs. Cheryl Miller 26th - Hannah Alterwitz Mrs. Esther Esbin Gabrielle Giancaspro Jake Ober Melyssa Roe Molly Sanders 27 th- Dr. Allen Anes Tomer Blit Jacob Goldberg 28th - Mrs. Rhonda Glyman Sarah Hechter Dr. Steven Kaner Sean Mayman Nikolas Short Jonathan Wikler 29th - Mrs. Marlene Acosta Taylor Fendell Mr. Edmond Frank Jesse Gale Mr. Daniel Greenspun Mrs. Sylvia Hayman Mrs. Thelma Marco Dr. Daniel Schuman Mrs. Leslie Weinberg 30th- Mrs. Lorraine Berman Mr. David Green Mr. Donald Unger TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Mandi and Michael Wilgard on the birth of their first child, Leah Alexis. Leah was born on April 26 and she weighed 7 pounds, 2 ozs. Proud grandparents are Rabbi Simon and Lois Bergman. Leah is their 7th grandchild! Mazel Tov to Rabbinical Intern Cookie Olshein received a Master?s of Arts in Hebrew Letters degree from Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion in May, At graduation, it was announced that she received ?the Cantor William Sharlin Award for Excellence in Liturgy?. A hearty Mazel Tov to Rene Diamond. Her granddaughter Melissa Leib graduated from the University of Wisconsin Medical School on Friday, May wonderful, a doctor in the family! June 8 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gilman June lO Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Steven Kaner June ll Drs. Keith & Michelle Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Mino Vaturi June 12 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Husney June 13 Mr. & Mrs. Al Glickman June 14- Mr. & Mrs. Adam Bold Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bromberg Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Thuna June 15 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bailey Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Budgar June 17 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Giancaspro Mr. & Mrs. Richard Granich Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rosenberger June 18 Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Eisner June 19 Mr. Rick Carter & Mrs. Candace Barr Mr. & Mrs. Q. Knopow Mr. & Mrs. Ben Sprague June 20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Aizley Mr. & Mrs. James Mason Mr. & Mrs. Jack Nitzkin Mr. & Mrs. Walter TUzinski June 21 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ober Mr. & Mrs. Ron Slocum June 22 Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Schultz June 23 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Falk Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Zindler June 24 Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Timpa June 25 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Berman Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bulavsky Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fendell June 26 Mr. & Mrs. David Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilgard June 27 Mr. & Mrs. Ira Spector Mr. & Mrs. Herman Stone Mr. & Mrs. Alan Weinstein Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm Weiss June 29 Rabbi & Mrs. Simon Bergman 8 WWW.LVNERTAMlD.OKG COLDUieiX BANKjfBRQ MEL & DEBBIE HALLERMAN Broker / Sales Associates THE MAIN EVENT Creative Memories That Last Forever n?t(702) 36-PHOTO (367-4686) ? ' Corporate Events Creating Corporate Identity From Business Cards to 4-Coloring Process and Beyond 384-5072 mtvoa vJ rwvteAA. f </S 6 Specializing in Personalized Rosh Hashanah Cards On-Time, Within Budget Greg &? Cindy Goussak (702)458-7070 BUSINESS (702)458-6253 FAX (702)596-6400 MEL CELL (702)596-2520 DEBBIE CELL 10120S. Eastern Ave., #300 Henderson, NV 89052 mdhal I tir ?Your Perfect Partners? Each office is individually Owned and < >pcr sled ADVERTISING DELL GET SECTIGN Hang it on the frig, set it by tke phone, put it in your phonebook. Keep these numbers handy so you can support the many businesses that advertise in our bulletin. Photo Favors By FOR INFORMATION ON ADVERTISING, CONTACT ROBERTA AT 733-6292 June 2006 9 CHEYENNE INSPECTION GROUP HOME AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INSPECTION SERVICE JEFF COLEMAN INSPECTOR. OWNER PHONE: 702-286-3889 CIGINSPECT@AOL.COM ITA CERTIFIED, NV LICENSED, INSURED Booh individual services or One call, will book it all! MC/DJ'S * BANDS VIDCOGRRPHY PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS* MITZVAHS 655-5500 Sandca&tle Videa ?Pmdnctians ^ for special times in life ? Weddings ? Anniversaries ? Reunions Bar and Bat Mitzvahs ? Photos to DVD A Rick or Traci jj (702) 645-6562 L Claudio Dreiman Mortgage Banker 2700 E. Sunset Road, Suile D-J2 LtsVfgu,NY 89120 GaudiW Desert HilbMortyage.foin Direct: 702-378-2183 Office: 702-966-5000 Toll Free: 1-877-774-7788 Apply Online - wwn\ Conventional - FI 1A - VA - Refinance - Bilingual - Spanish Liberty" rrai.ty CLAUDIO DROMAN RLMTOK" CELL: 702 378-2183 orrict 702-735-5052 l:AX: 702-914-2378 Email i i auuki.i- yi iman?i'i ml hi inl y - i 4055 S. SPFNCIR.M. Mi. Ills las, nv S?? 119 WWW.U BERYYRIAI IV.(.DM David D. Weinstein Bar/Bal Mitzvah s Weddings Family and Pets Theater and Stage Affordable Photography For all my clients Please call 566-t> 168 E-mail: TO ADVERTISE IN OUR BULLETIN, CONTACT ROBERTA IN THE OFFICE AT 735-6292 M^bclvjti Tl Custom Invitations Si Announcements foT All Hand Si Computerized Calligraphy Donation to Temple with Every Order By Appointment Only to Serve You Better 702 254-7891 702 257-7891 (fax) 10 WWW.LVNERTAMID.OR.GComing to a Neighborhood Near You...... King David Memorial Chapel Friday Shabbat Services Sun City Anthem Adult Ed Classes Special Programs Flamingo Library Special Programs Temple Office Saturday-Minyan, Torah Study, Talmud Study Committee Meetings Adult Ed Classes Confirmation Choir Rehearsals Gibson Elementary Sunday Religious School Tuesday Satellite R.S. Green Valley Library Tot Shabbat Special Programs Ober Elementary School Thursday Satellite R.S. King David Memorial Chapel ~ 2697 E. Eldorado Lane, Las Vegas Temple Office ~ 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Ste. 521, Henderson Green Valley Library ~ 2797 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Henderson Gibson Elementary ~ 271 Leisure Circle, Henderson Ober Elementary ~ 3035 Desert Marigold Lane, Las Vegas Flamingo Library ~ 1401 E. Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas June 2006?Summer School? Ain?t What It Used To Be! Tuesdays - June 6 - July 25 At The Temple Office $36 per class / $70 for BOTH Want to ?Brush Up? on Your Judaism? Take our Summer ?Intro to Judaism? Course! Are you looking for a ?refresher? course to ?brush up? on your Judaism? Have a friend who is interested in learning about Judaism? Know someone who says they might be interested in conversion? This summer, CNT will be offering a seven-session course covering the ?basics? of Judaism - Jewish holidays, life cycle events, and all of those things that you ?have always wanted to know but were afraid to ask? at the temple office, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Rabbinic Intern Cookie Lea Olshein will be teaching this course. There is a nominal book fee. So, if you want to know more about the how, why, when, and what we do, get your friends together and register early for this class... and bring lots of questions! Is Your Hebrew Rusty? Get the Basics of the Aleph-Bet in our ?Beginning Hebrew Reading?! Judaism becomes more meaningful the more you know. Challenge your brain with a Hebrew reading course! This summer, CNT will be offering its annual ?Beginning Hebrew Reading? class at our temple office from 7:15- 8:15 p.m. This course will focus on decoding and pronouncing the Hebrew alphabet and words. Be sure to register early as this course will fill up fast! **?**?**????****?? ONE-TIME SUMMER CLASSES! Thursdays - June 15 - July 20 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm at Temple Office These One-Time Classes are FREE June 15 - Jewish Healing: The Jewish Connection Between Mind, Body and Spirit Is there more to healing than medicine in the Jewish tradition? In this class, we will discuss multiple approaches to Jewish healing and what it means to be ?whole? and praying for a ?complete healing?. (------------------------------------------------------------------\ RSVP for EACH class you wish to attend by calling the temple office at 733-6292 ____________________________________/ June 22 - Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say: Understanding How We Welcome Shabbat The Kabbalists gave us a beautiful format for welcoming Shabbat each Friday night. In this class, we will explore how the beginning of the Erev Shabbat service was created and is structured and how understanding its meaning can deepen our appreciation of, and practice of, ?doing? Shabbat. No Hebrew skills are required for this class. July 6th - ?Postcards to G-d?: Writing Our Own Prayers Some Jews are uncomfortable ?talking? to G-d - What do I say? What am I supposed to do during ?silent prayer? found in our services? Am I doing it ?wrong?? During this session, we will consider the language of our individual and communal prayers and work toward becoming more comfortable with how we interact with G-d. July 13th - Should Reform Jews Keep Kosher? Can how we eat be considered part of our obligation to do tikkun ohm (repairing the world)? If you have never considered ?keeping Kosher? (and even if you think you are opposed to the idea), please come to this discussion regarding different reasons and ways one might ?keep Kosher? within a modern framework, including ?Traditional? Kashrut, ?Biblical Kashrut,? and Eco- Kashrut. July 20th - Law and Order: Jews and Justice in America Using laymen?s language, your lawyer/rabbinic-student teacher will lead a discussion regarding the connection between Jewish tradition and the creation of the American justice system ... and how American Jews influence (and how we can continue to influence) the American justice system today. July 27th - Is Being ?a Good Jew? Any Different than Being ?a Good Person?? What does it really mean to be ?a good Jew?? What frameworks do we use when making decisions? How can we re-frame our decisions to incorporate Judaism into our lives on a daily basis? This session will examine different perceptions of ?living a Jewish life? and ways that we can make good Jewish decisions in our modern society. 12 WWW.LVNERJAMID.OKG M en?s C lub ~ Sisterhood N ews CNT Men's Club President ~ Fred Toffei, MD, FACE Sisterhood News President ~ Maxine Gratz As you read this, my last bulletin article as Men's Club President, we now have a new board of directors. Many will be the same along with some new members who have decided to help out. I am sure they will continue the success we have had over the past six years since the renaissance of our organization. This rebirth and re-energizing was in no small part lead by our board's selection for the 2006 Leo Wilner Man of the Year award. Michael Milano served as president of the Men's Club from 2000 through 2002. He rose from vice president to the presidency suddenly when our then current president was injured. During his tenure our club increased its membership several fold and for the first time we boasted over one hundred men. We not only preformed the traditional Brotherhood functions, but also became a true social club for male congregants. He organized the monthly breakfasts as well as an evening boat trip on Lake ^leade that was deemed a great success. After ps term as president concluded he still continued to help out arranging a number of speakers at our events. He volunteered to send out birthday cards to our members as well as arrange for memorials when a member suffered a loss. This past year he stepped up from the past-president position to take over as VP of Membership and most recently volunteered the use of his backyard to host a Sunday Breakfast. On behalf of the Men's Club board I want to offer Michael a Mazel Tov as our Leo Wilner Man of the Year. I also want express my appreciation to Dr. Martin Wilner who makes a generous contribution to the Men's Club for this award in the name of his beloved father. As I end my term I want thank one more special person who has added to my ability to serve as president. That person is my wonderful wife Arlene, whose understanding of my need to spend time with the club made the work so much easier. Thank you and I love you so much. As I write this final column as Sisterhood President, many emotions are welling within me. I am so grateful to have led this wonderful group of women during this past year. I had extremely large shoes to fill and whether that was done successfully or not remains the opinion of each person reading this. Our Sisterhood was led by a wonderful board that I do not think I can thank adequately. Each Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian as well as each committee chair and member worked so hard to make this a banner year. From being able to help send 9 children to Jewish Camp who may have not had that opportunity, to meeting our commitment to the Temple as well as to the WRJ, to having fun seeing Menopause the Musical, the Progressive Dinner, Ceramics with "the Rabbi's Wife", dinner at the Bootlegger, continuing our ongoing tradition of our Paid UP Membership event, All Women's Seder, our Chanukah Bazaar and raffle. We helped sponsor the Jewish Film Festival, enjoyed Rabbi's book review, honored those who made donor with our Donor Dinner. Participated monthly with our Rosh Chodesh program and sponsored our little darlings with our Tot Shabbat program. We did all that and packed up our Emerson Avenue kitchen!!! We 're so proud to say we did it with joy. I want to take this opportunity to thank our Rabbi for his great support of our Sisterhood as well as Philip Goldstein, our incredible office staff, our wonderful Sisterhood members and board but most of all thank you to Laura Bailey for helping me lead our Sisterhood this year. It's very easy to sit back and be a Monday morning quarterback when you haven't participated in the game on Sunday, and Laura Bailey is ready and will be a phenomenal Sisterhood President! CNT Sisterhood Gift Shop! Tallits * Weddings Gifts * Jewelry Open Tuesday & Thursday Evenings from 6-8pm. Other days by appointment. Contact Maxine at 373-4262. J une 2006 13 Yahrzeits '