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    F O R M 3 0 -1 ( L a s t S h e e t ) 5 - 53 - 100M W O RK ORDER AU TH O R ITY— Detail of Estimated Expenditures __ L a * v m m r.&tm O o m AWf___________ D E PA R TM E N T L O C A T I O N : L&a Vegma, Nevada, . D I V I S I O N ? J a m i a g y 1 3 --------- 1 9 5 1 k d e s c r i p t i o n O F W O R K : in s ta ll pres®nre reducing valve In 8* Veter stain at l? th Street ami. Charleston Boulevard^ President's No. State Valuation Section N o . Department 35A *»--lo8 a R. a n d E. A CCT. No. •ITEM Q U A N T I T Y U N I T UNIT COST L A B O R M A T E R I A L TOTAL CHARGEABLE TO I N V E S T M E N T A C C O U N T O P E R A T I N G E X P E N S E S .ley. Mal.tlaB.iil.. proper Material - Pressure complete Including v& etc, and cover fo r oo hex - Company tor sousing Ives, f; ncrete Valve t t ln Labor to In s ta ll v&lve and fittin g s and construct concrete box* - Contract Contingencies 1918 1200 312 3*30 Horst fltet portion of the n Nevada Power Company Charleston Boulevard o f Charleston Baulevgh A ir, Bunny®id® and pr served ttoough & eingjl ton Boulevard* s ta n tla lly lower than Company*s rlght~®f~w& the fa c t that the ent|L water main not equipp cause of excessive pr in excessive malntsitei numerous complaint® o The in s ta lla tio n 17th Street and Chari to the en tire area and elim inate complain pressure reducing v&ljr coordinated with aaot; at a la t e r date, in t easterly from 15 th i l l tty o f rig h t-® : Immediate d w h ic aposed e 8 * v bov© ded th e a r e ? and t r e arete w ith b«sure : c e due excess o f a p: a® to n v © rifeed t® frost © a t l 1 aer aim Qtekey s e t in In#® Vegas ly w a y ing easterly of the Southern extendi southerly free; 17th S treet, and southerly es Creitwood, &y*tw®®4# rfc Subdivision* which ely te&at o f area inclu Chari osteon P steer 1 lain lob&ted oh south oribod area Isis 4 westerly >f the 11 provide above and w cw slfoa ere. 'Hi Street el l& r valve w Boulevard i>sh®y iowldte l * 4 tide of lie s at an elilvatioa Southern ft evade is mjw being Charles-ub- Pewer through a singl ffereni# in e|.ev.*tion la Served meaiiii o f co n thii area to Inaks an iv s j.ressur fessu re redo it r o lli ag pres teso rib il «bov eos^sl^d w ith eg 8* the e exists are, is and results i t alls® the elans© o f losae own v* in 8 r s * * w ater from l i h f val - means 11 red? The pressure 'setting o f ©suitrolling ice maintenance Charleston Boulevard w ill be &®h i t rater m, nrd* is planned to In s ta ll, pin whams i t is extended main at pressure costs of this T O T A L 3% 30 Total Estimated Expenditure Estimated By_________________ D a te _____________ . _____ .19 j Approved. . . $____ 3*30 .A p p ro v e d _______________ *When labor or material is chargeable to both Investment and Operating Expenses show the items separately for each account.