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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, May 34, 1937 9315-355 Mx* w, B. Armstrong* Herewith copy o f Walter Bracken* s le tt e r May 31 re la tiv e to the water situation at Lae Vegas. Please arrange to promptly send in Form 30 covering proposed pipe lin e from L ittle Spring to the settlin g basin. As 1 understand i t , survey i s being made, or has been made, by Assistant Engineer McKee fo r earns. There should be no delay in follow ing th is matter up, so that work on the pipe lin e can be started at the e a rlie st possible date. As a matter o f fact, i t w ill not be necessary to await formal approval o f Form 30, but i f any material needed has to be ordered I t should be arranged fox at once. F, H, Knickerbocker co-Mr. B. L. Adamson