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I agree., FREEMAN COMPANY ?╟?pubf/c/st * 2 * .that will ever hurt rraj-s wonderful people* f* I believe we could use ?╜ contract outline between the "Angel* bread Foundatloa* #ad a prospective baker In which we con fill In the actual percent age of profits which the baker derives from the sale of the breads to toe eont rl bated to the * Angel* breed Foundetlon** For Instance, a tentative breakdown on the profits that Snowflake Bakeries would enjoy from the sale of Its bread to Market town is roughly iff ?╟÷ and here Mr* Butoinsky of Snowflake Bakeries would be agreeable to giving up |f, to 56fl of such profits, or a total of about 3^ per loaf of the bread sold* this kind of breakdown, 1 believe, mist be written in each contract with a franchise baker* ?√ß 10* 1 have done some preliminary work in trying to line up bakeries In Philadelphia, St* Louis, Chisago and Los Angels* who are Interested In "Aagelbread* and who are just waiting for ae to get back to them with actual samples of the bread and eontrao* tual Information* John, to aimmarlse this situation ** X believe we have a good Idea for making money for the Dominie an Sisters and their Bose de Lima Hospital* Z want to make sure that the Platers are protected in every possible way, legally, morally and ethically, and with your wonderful help, I am sure that will be taken ear# of* 1 believe any baker who risks capital and promotion to take on "Aagelbread* Is entitled to a fair profit ?╟÷ sad I would like to see the nuns get their fair share for their wonderful work* I am anxiously awaiting your comment and your advice, and just from the way you are regarded by the Sisters, 1 believe It will be ale?½ working with you* Kindest regards, Al freeman 9508 WILSHIRE BLVD. ?╟≤ BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. ?╟≤ BRADSHAW 2-8611