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Sept. 12, 1951 Fileo OO^B Hon. Robert A. Allen, Chairman Public Service Commission of Nevada Carson City, Nevada D e a r Mr. Allen: You ’will recall that In your Opinion and Order in I. AS. Docket No. 127, you modified our proposed rules by adding there to a Buie 8(a) relative to a charge for taxing water mains but excluded therefrom the proposals In our tariff for additional charges for connections In exoess of 3/4*. X understand that Mr. Johnson, the Acting General Manager of the Water Company has discussed this matter with you over the telephone and has advised you that we have had numerous requests for extensions for service lines one inoh and over* X therefore felt It advisable to file an Amendment to the tariff whioh you authorized and am enclosing herewith the a M two copi eosr iogfi ntahle psriogpnoesde bdy Amendment. The Amendment is only to Rule 8(a) but under your rules, relative to the publication of tariffs, I have revised in its e n t i r e c o v e r s Rules 4 to 9 Inclusive, including 8(a)T I believe Mr* Johnson explained the purpose of this amendment to you, namely, that multiple dwellings and large buildings require service lines in excess of 3/4* and this requirement is also made by the Board of Fire Underwriters and the Plumbing Code of the City of Las Vegas. Under the circumstances, I think it essential there be included in our Rules a provision relative to service lines in exoess of 3/4** \