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(g) Delegate must not have entered into a management contract with any individual, corporation or organization and must not have given any written or verbal endorse- ment of any product of any commercial organization, in effect at the time she be- comes a delegate to Miss Universe Beauty Pageant, and which will be binding on her in her capacity as Miss U.S.A., Miss Universe or as one of the first four runners- up in either contest. (h) Delegate must not have entered into any written or verbal agreements or contracts with any individual, corporation or organization for her services to take place after the final judging of the Miss Universe contest which will in any way conflict with the obligations she assumes. Delegate and her parents or guardian must agree prior to the judging to accept the obligations as well as the awards she may win at the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant, and failure to so agree will result in the disqualifi- cation of the delegate. (i) Delegate must agree prior to the judging that in the event she becomes Miss U.S.A., Miss Universe or is one of the first four runners-up in either contest, she will not enter into any agreement for services to be performed in the United States for the period ending August 1, 1962 without the prior written consent of Pageant, and further that she will not appear anywhere in the world during said period ending August 1, 1962 in a swim suit or sportswear other than a ?ǣCatalina?ǥ product with- out the prior written consent of Pageant, and, further, that her failure to abide by the terms of this paragraph will result in her disqualification. 14. Franchisee agrees that it will faithfully follow all rules for ethical conduct of the contest and maintaining the highest standard of judging. 15. Franchisee agrees that all events shall be conducted and all contestants selected in a fair and impartial manner; that reliable and competent persons shall be engaged for judging the events; that fair and objective standards, criteria and procedures in a written formula- tion have been furnished to guide the judges in all their determinations; and that at the request of Pageant, Franchisee will deliver to us a copy of the standards, .criteria and procedures used in judging the events. In the event Franchisee fails to comply with any of the foregoing provisions, Pageant shall have the right to terminate this agreement forthwith. Dated at. the. .day of. , 19. SANDS HOTEL, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA (Franchisee) By: (Executive Title)