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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    fflmmuniimj 2-2-2 next year at this time if i keep painting, I"ll know where i want to go and what i'll want to do. But right now I think tmmlniMahdx maybe i should keep this stuff under wraps. . ?╟≤ ?╟≤ SfriSgHnitijtoithfiakmidiiHtiTp^Sffiiinxmtm maybe the imferfamn-xrfiBmi people aren't ready for it," he says.i aglPfflHinEimhmfiMgiamai nwin vfarnmymt^ymwdiygiitimgi^itivTn^ihwiri IS skelton makes the rratfwd remarks laughingly, but ??xz&KBn??y ^to any critical respons^faom..i^'-&totouamg?Pt4:gg^CT^^-whether the listener is an artist, another entertainer or a random''. the comedian workman at the hotel. L4 boe,S-, rapidly at his painting. sometimes working on three oir more canvases at one time, he paints indoors* outdoors. mJ * (JVherf something starts bothering me about a picture, i workfcajy<aas?? on something else until i e*rr' figure out what's wrong with the first one. sometimes i don"t STfind out whate=wao-bothering me for weeks, sometimes i just don't find out." / in las vegas, skelton works mostly out-o<j>f-doors, wearing ^?╟÷H to the neck a see-through plastic raincoat buttoned up.over bathing trunks. f \ nTVu^ -ei-LspjuL- bil/j#* mnahmaBmmKmmtamifmfmamAx the raincoat is a weight-losing devic and its hiCh elfeiiLiveness -i-a- p_erspiffaH^n-jjvh/r??h fm*mw mikVv the gomedi sn Sgarc~heat. "i know my stuff isn't good now. maybe it never will be, ?√ßBtS- ?·-J'-^jSL sici but at least people will Aknow--what--thev--don' t -lik-e-about it-. tehwyM-lsay ix 'i don't like the mouth, 'or *the ears are too big'^