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    Friday* November 26, 1954* Dear Bill; I am sending the enclosed merer I a! * consisting of three dicta* phone belts * by special delivery with the idea that If you re* cetve them Saturday It may give you aa opportunity to listen through them at leisure over the week end* There Is nothing of an emergent or ”hurry*up” nature Involved# You wit note that the belts are makred v I, #2 and #3 respectively# Please first refer to Belt #3 and start with the protlon marked "listen to this first#” Here Is the explanation* After Just about fl nishtng Belt #1, which Is on the subject of taxes and the Sennett-McNamee correspondence, it occurred to me that a disced on with frm k Hamilton on the matter might be In order# So Belt #2 contains a recording of my conversation with Ham! lion on the tax matter# Also, the second half of the bdfl covers a discussion with Hamilton on the metering sftuati on# Thje^flr stportfon of Belt #2 Is a recording of more conversation with Hamilton * on the power matter which hephoned you about# At this writing I %t not ex^ct ly ore about myretirn plans - but doubt If I vl 11 be available for water district business In IV before about next Whorsday# If I get back In town earlier In the week l will be absorbed with some other corrent matters involving out*of*town people * anc catching up with wbt has accumulated In the office during my absence# That Is the reason I wanted to give some thought and attention to the matters covered on the belts now# So that these things can be In the works until there Is op ortun* ity to go Into them thoroughly* This tax matter Is pretty ”hot#H Ed Bennett € li probably pres* on it pretty hard, and may take advantage of my absence to work on sameof theother members* As Frank Hamilton observed In our tel* ephone conversati o n , what Bennett filed to quote or refer to I n his correspondence with teo McNamee Is the f act that the contract provides for prorating taxes* in my opinion, there is absolutely no Justified# on for Bennett1! statements that the District should ”go to the bat” with the Nevada Tax Commission to the end that the entire year** taxes be cancelled# 1 further feet that we should reject the request If strong and unequlv ocal language# Thomas A* Camjae i I